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To change things up to clear up a backlog of stories, I've decided to try a new approach using shorter stories / captions. I currently have 8 open stories I'm working on which takes up a considerable amount of time to draft, write & publish.

To alleviate some of the time constraints, I plan to transpose some ideas into smaller captions for you to enjoy! Keep in mind that I will still write majority of my stories in the typical longer format, however, you may see occasional captions from now on.

I feel bad making you guys wait for stories when I'm busy with work & health problem, so hopefully these shorter stories can fill in the gaps as I continue writing the main stories.

Since this is the first caption, please let me know what you think of this short story approach. Do you mind waiting without captions or like some smaller content here and there?

~ Wombat

F-fuccck” you moan, as you cup your soft C-cups in your petite hands, and you shiver from the pleasurable warm sensations shooting into your overwhelmed mind. The lively chatter from the commentators and cheers from the crowd only makes you more nervous as you try to tuck your round underboob within your overly tight sports bra. “This isn’t what I meant by being popular on the track” you hiss under your breath at the genie hovering nearby only visible to you. Your cheeks blush red in embarrassment as a cool breeze tickles your extremely sensitive nipples, making your knees buckle and your newly formed pussy to moisten.

Oh gosh! You’re right!” the genie replies apologetically as he clicks his fingers and the golden bracelets around his arm jingles. You feel a little shyer as you notice more people watching you, especially boys ogling your hard nipples protruding from your bra and the faint outline of your pussy lips. Gasping in shock, your breasts feel heavier as they suddenly swell into D-cups threatening to burst out of your bra, making you shudder with arousal. “Now… you’re even more popular” the genie says proudly, crossing his arms with satisfaction as he watches your petite body change.

Wha… no… not like this” you splutter, looking down to see your thick athletic thighs ripple with activity as they become longer, causing your smooth creamy-white skin to become a little more tanned with a yellow-ish oriental hue. You begin to hyperventilate as your toned and flat stomach heaves in and out, supplying your body with more oxygen to perform better while your shoulders crunches closer together, making your tits look even bigger. Brushing the long hair out of your eyes, you realize that it has already turned silky black with a strong floral scent you vaguely remember buying recently. “S-stop it” you moan, biting your lip and feeling it plump up with red lipstick as a layer of make-up cakes your face.

This… no… my 願い [wish]” you whimper in broken English, covering your mouth in shock after hearing your already feminine voice crack higher into a cute and alluring tone with a thickening Japanese accent. People begin to cheer as the camera turns to you and zooms closer towards your face as it continues to contort and warp. Your nose crunches smaller into a button nose while your cheeks become fuller, making your face look rounder and doll-like. Rubbing the tears out of your narrow foxy eyes, they immediately widen into an almond complexion with slanted corners while your irises turn muddy brown to match your Asian heritage. Glancing up at the stadium screen, your jaw drops in shock as you see a busty Japanese girl in red activewear with breasts almost spilling out on the athletic track.

Emi! Emi!” the crowd chants louder and you blush from all the attention, only hesitating when you realize that they’re cheering for you. You furrow your brows in confusion as your brain goes into overdrive trying to remember your own name, but the chanting begins to ring in your ears. Starting to panic, you look around wildly for the genie to reverse the changes, but your head throbs harder and the shouting feels familiar. Shaking your head, you try to ignore the new thoughts and memories flooding in as years of training and strict dieting becomes engrained in you.

Glancing at the crowd, you catch a glimpse of your Japanese name plastered on a banner and you wave happily at them, remembering your proud parents in Japan watching your race live on their TV screen. Seeing your boyfriend blowing you a kiss in the distance, your nipples perk up and pussy moisten as you wonder how many times he’ll fuck you in his bed if you come first like the previous races. Taking a deep breath and clearing your mind, you step towards the starting line, feeling your heavy breasts hang to the ground like udders and your slim muscles tense as you prepare for another race. “私は、勝ちます [I’ll win]” you mutter to yourself confidently in fluent Japanese as the other athletes prepare themselves.



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