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The auditorium filled with people roars with laughter as the host flicks his pendulum back into his pocket and takes a deep bow. Besides him, a grown man in a business suit rolls on the ground shamelessly with his tongue out and barks into the crowd. “He’s just a paid actor” Kai scoffs to his friend as the host begins to shout commands at the man on all fours who obeys all the dehumanizing behavior. The crowd laughs again as the businessman rolls onto his back and reveals his plump beer belly in hopes of receiving scratches from the host. “This is just a scam” Kai mutters again as the hypnotist puts a leash around the man and walks him from one side of the stage to the other.

Okay that’s enough” the hypnotist chuckles into the microphone before clicking his fingers three times and the businessman flinches. Looking confused and nauseous, he awkwardly stands upright and notices his creased and disheveled clothes as the crowd laughs loudly. After the man is hurriedly escorted offstage, the hypnotist looks into the audience with a glint in his eye as he prepares for the next performance. “Any other volunteers?” he asks as Kai and his friend, Jackson put their hands up along with dozens of people.

Ah… that young gentleman” the hypnotist grins, pointing to Kai as an assistant guides him to the stage much to Jackson and the other’s envy. Standing besides the host, Kai begins to feel nervous in front of the audience but he hides it behind a forced smile; hoping for an opportunity to prove that the hypnotist is a conman and fraud. “Look into the pendulum” the host says slowly as he swings it in front of Kai’s face, watching his eyes follow the metal weight. Staring intently at the moving device, Kai’s eyes begin to feel tired but he remains committed to play along and finally show everyone that hypnotism is fake. “You’re just a slutty Japanese girlfriend, right?” the host asks as a wave of vertigo hits Kai and he stumbles forward in surprise.

S-sorry… me slipped…” Kai mumbles in broken English as he braces against the hypnotist, hearing the crowd chuckle. Making eye contact with the host, Kai’s heart begins to pound faster and his face flush red with arousal as he admires the features of the man’s face. The crowd ooh and ahh softly in suspense as he and the hypnotist begin to hug on the stage. Giggling happily after feeling a hand on his waist and ass, Kai gazes lustfully at his boyfriend and leans in for a kiss. “愛してる {I love you}” Kai mumbles in fluent Japanese as he presses his lips against the man, intertwining tongues and tasting his saliva. The crowd explodes with laughter and applaud but Kai ignores them, as he pushes deeper for more.

As the hypnotist pulls away from the kiss, another wave of nausea hits Kai after hearing two faint clicks in the distance. The bright stage lights and loud audience makes Kai dazed as he’s escorted off the stage before managing to address the crowd about the scam. “See? Nothing happened! I was just talking to him” Kai says proudly to his friend as he wipes his mouth after an odd taste on his tongue; Jackson just laughs at him in response as he continues to insist that hypnotism is fake. The show continues for another hour with a few more volunteers and demonstrations until the two roommates make their way back into their apartment.

I’m so fucking tired” Kai yawns, tossing his backpack onto the couch as Jackson watches videos on his phone. Walking into his bedroom, Kai’s body begins to ache and his head throb painfully as yawns again and rubs his eyes wearily. Unaware of his eyes twitching, they quickly widen into a doe-like complexion with distinct slanted corners as his irises turn muddy brown between his lengthening eyelashes. Entering the bathroom and splashing some water onto his face in hopes of feeling refreshed, his jaw quickly softens and cheekbones pop higher to form a rounder and more feminine appearance. “My baggy eyes…” Kai mumbles to himself as he peers at his reflection, remembering his nightly ten-step routine for such perfect skin. Continuing to wash his doll-like face, he feels nose crunch smaller and narrower into a cute button nose while his eyebrows thin. Realizing that his lengthening hair is starting to get wet, he instinctively ties the silky and luscious dark brown hair into a ponytail as it reaches his shoulders.

Hey Kai! You should see what I recorded!” Jackson snickers, constantly replaying the moment when his roommate kisses the hypnotist on stage without hesitation. Hoping to use the footage to tease Kai for the rest of his life, Jackson impatiently knocks on the bathroom door and hears the tap turn off. Positioning the video by the entrance for Kai to see the moment he walks out, Jackson suppresses his laughter as footsteps approach him. “Are you angry that you’ve been proven wron--- what the…” Jackson splutters in confusion seeing a cute Japanese girl’s face staring back at him.

Briefly glancing at the video in Jackson’s hands, Kai smiles seductively and winks at his roommate, “are you just jealous?” he coos. Shocked and frozen in bewilderment, Jackson only manages to grunt as Kai steps closer and hugs him tightly. Gazing lustfully into Jackson’s eyes, Kai leans forward and kisses him passionately just like before, feeling his lips plump up into pillowy cock sleeves coated in lipstick while his tongue grows a little longer and begins to twirl against Jackson’s. “Here’s a… little… taste… of me…” Kai purrs between kisses, hearing his voice crack higher into a cute and sultry feminine tone with a thick Japanese accent. His Adam’s apple disappears with each kiss, leaving his neck smooth and slender; connecting his girly head to his masculine body like a perverted Frankenstein experiment.

Breaking out of the kiss and shoving Kai away from him, Jackson stares at his friend in pure horror. “What the fuck happened to your face?!” Jackson shouts, backing away from Kai as he’s chased around the dining table. Finally pulling a chair out and making Kai fall onto the floor with a loud thud, Jackson begins to feel oddly aroused as he takes a closer look at the seductive Asian face. Pinning his roommate to the floor with his knee, Jackson starts to panic as loud popping sounds emanate down Kai’s back. “Oh fuck… sorry” Jackson splutters and moves away as Kai arches his back sharply, causing his spine to become shorter and curvier.

M-my face?” Kai mumbles as he breaks out of his daze, “my voice?!” he splutters in a panic hearing his Japanese accent. His eyes widen in fear and confusion as he pats his face, feeling features and hair he doesn’t recognize; covering his mouth in shock, he tries to return back to his original deeper voice but he only managing girly squeals. Suddenly breathlessly hunching over in pain, he grunts loudly as he feels winded by his shrinking diaphragm within his contracting ribcage. “Unghh… what’s happening to me?” he whimpers, hearing his broad shoulders crunch closer together and push his collarbone higher up to complete his smaller frame. Reaching out to Jackson for help, his hands begin to convulse as tendons pull tighter and bones shrink, forcing long glossy nails to extend out of his slender fingers. The changes continue to flow up his arms as his wrists narrow and his biceps deflate into a layer of fat around his dainty and fragile limbs.

I… I think you’re becoming her…” Jackson gasps, seeing Kai a few inches shorter than before as he awkwardly stands up. “That slutty Asian girlfriend” he adds, remembering what the hypnotist said on stage and realizing what his roommate is slowly becoming. Kai’s eyes roll back as he fights the hundreds of thoughts swirling in his head, vaguely remembering what he did on stage.

I… I kissed him…” Kai mutters in disbelief and disgust as he subconsciously licks his plump lips, “and it… felt so good” he giggles uncontrollably as the engrained slutty behavior becomes overwhelming. Jackson’s jaw drops in shock as he watches his roommate’s personality switch to match the one created by the hypnotist. Kai’s stomach begins to gurgle as it rapidly becomes flatter and toned while his waist sucks tighter, showing off his curves.

Kai! Remember who you are!” Jackson shouts at his friend as Kai crumples to the ground from his pelvis dislocating; loud sounds of bone snapping and reforming fills the room as his hips widen to child-bearing proportions. Wheezing for breath, Kai feels his hips still expanding wider with fat pushing out his sides to a size he’s oddly fond of. “This isn’t you! You’re hypnotized!” Jackson desperately pleads, but his roommate ignores him as an intense pressure begins to build in his ass. Jackson watches on in morbid fascination as Kai pants breathlessly and gropes his ass cheeks feeling them fill up with fat and cause his fingers to sink into the soft flesh. A boner begins to form in Jackson’s pants as a bubble butt forms on Kai’s ass, tempting him to stretch his ass cheeks apart for all the memories of getting fucked in the ass.

This… me! No… hypnotised” Kai replies in broken English as he struggles to form a coherent sentence; he wonders why Jackson is so concerned since hypnotism is such a scam. To prove his point, Kai squeezes his ass with his dainty hands and gives his roommate a seductive wink since everything seems normal. “Hypnotized?... もっと愛する為には? {to love you more?}” Kai teases in fluent Japanese as he leans closer, but Jackson backs away in fear. Confused, Kai wonders why his roommate is so terrified of him, but his attention drifts to his knees as they begin to buckle from his weakening legs. Grunting softly, he crumples to the ground and nurses his knees, feeling his calves cramp up and become slimmer while his feet rapidly crunch smaller into dainty toes with pedicured nails. “Why… you act… strange?” Kai says in a thick Japanese accent and shivers as fat continues to flow into his lower body, building up inside his thighs. Speechless, Jackson watches on as Kai begins to playfully massage his sensitive inner thighs, feeling the soft flesh jiggle under his fingers as they sink deeper. His thighs swell thicker than his head to match his protruding ass and wide hips as memories of cum dripping down becomes familiar.

Strange?!” Jackson scoffs, “You’re the one becoming a girl” he stammers, unable to tear his eyes away from Kai’s petite Asian body. Eyes glazing and rolling back, Kai’s body unceremoniously falls to the floor as the new personality spread deeper into his mind and begins to corrupt his memories. His childhood and parents warp into a life in Japan with failing grades and disappointed parents, while the more recent memories are filled with sex and parties instead of study and games. “Kai! Break out of it” Jackson shouts, trying to shake his partially transformed roommate back into consciousness.

K-Kai?... no… me… K… Ke…” Kai mumbles in bewilderment as the name sounds oddly familiar but not quite right. He hesitates and frowns in deep thought, trying to remember his name as memories of his friends and boyfriend saying a name comes to mind. “Ah! Me… Keiko… yes” she says with a smile and feeling proud about it as Jackson’s jaw drops in disbelief. Trying to stand up, her knees tremble as all her bodily hair falls off, leaving her skin smooth and unblemished with a creamy yellow-ish oriental hue matching her Japanese heritage. Eyeing a bulge in Jackson’s pants, Keiko smiles seductively as she sways her wide hips and approaches him again, “Put… cock in… puss--- wha… my dick?!” she splutters and snaps out of her alluring gaze as her hands brush against her own dick.

Fuuuck… you need to help me…” Keiko whimpers in a thick Japanese accent as she desperately grabs Jackson’s hand. Her crotch feels increasingly warm and her face blushes rose with arousal as she tries to fight the urge to stroke her cock. “Me… can’t even… remember own name” she cries, wiping tears from her doe-like eyes as her thick pillowy thighs rubbing against her balls makes her hornier. Her head continues to throb as more memories become corrupted and Jackson’s look of concern begins to look increasingly sexy and handsome. “Me… start… feel normal” Keiko stammers, unable to distinguish between her old and new memories as her slutty personality feels completely natural. She begins to breathe heavily as her hands inch closer towards her throbbing cock and her hart beats faster from the stress. “Me… no slut… me… only know… hand job…” she murmurs as her panic subsides and a smile stretches across her face.

お見せします {I’ll show you}” Keiko says seductively as she wraps her fingers around her dick and begins to pump up and down. Moaning softly, her body tenses as she speeds up and saliva begins to drip from her plump lips onto her dick to lubricate it. “Nuughh…. Aahnn…” she pants as her slender and soft hands grip her cock tighter until she finally blows her load, spraying cum all over her hands and onto the floor. Jackson silently watches in sheer horror and morbid curiosity as large volumes of cum squirts out of her, leaving her balls shrunken and empty. Noticing him staring, Keiko grins alluringly as she presses her balls into her crotch, hearing a wet slurp as they reform into fertile ovaries pumping estrogen throughout her body. “You… like?” she teases and continues to rub her shrinking dick until it slips out of her grip and inverts into her crotch too, leaving a tight slit in its place. Her body tenses and her toes curl with pleasure as her fingers rub along her labia, feeling moist and pink flaps push out. “Ahnnn… mhmmm…” Keiko moans as she pushes her fingers deeper, remembering all the times girthy cocks penetrated her insides.

Kai!... Fight the changes” Jackson shouts again, watching the horny Asian girl finger herself on the floor with juices dripping out. Her breaths quicken and her moans become louder until she finally orgasms again and shamelessly looks up at Jackson with a smile. Aroused by her panting and puffy pussy, Jackson can barely hide his erection as she eagerly stares at it with hunger. “Don’t be the slut the hypnotist made” he stammers in defeat as Keiko no longer remembers the hypnotism performance but all the times she sucked a cock.

S-slut?... me… sexy!” Keiko argues back, annoyed about of all the times she was called a slut among her friends and past boyfriends. Proving her point, she pinches her nipples and winces as they harden and puff up in her grip while her areolas double in size and darken. Beginning to hyperventilate, she rubs her tender chest, feeling the flesh shift as fat floods underneath her nipples and push them out into small A-cups. “B-boyfriend… like? Yes?” she asks, massaging her breasts in her hands and feeling them swell larger into C-cups spilling out of her dainty hand’s grip. Keiko grins with happiness as Jackson timidly nods his head in agreement as her fingers begin to sink into her soft flesh and her tits balloon into E-cups. Moaning softly, she gropes her breasts, feeling their weight and roundness as they hang from her chest like ripe melons with a deep cleavage running down the middle. “Mhmmm… 大丈夫です {I’m all yours}” Keiko pants, squeezing her breasts together with an alluring smile as she steps closer to Jackson.

W-wait… I can’t… you’ve been hypnotised” Jackson splutters, backing away from the short Asian girl, but she grabs his hands and presses them against her soft breasts. His face blushes red as his hand slowly gropes her tits, hearing her moan softly as juices drip down her thighs. “Kai… are you still there?” he asks as Keiko stares back blankly in confusion with no memory of that name, but Jackson’s face makes her heart pound and pussy moisten. As she presses her small body against him, he can’t help but feel an erection build in his pants as Keiko gasps in surprise.

Oh! I love… boyfriend… cock” she giggles in a cute and thick Japanese accent as she eagerly tears off Jackson’s pants, revealing his throbbing dick. Before he can stop her, she pushes him onto the couch and immediately begins to straddle him, wrapping her legs around his waist before manouvring her dripping crotch an inch above the tip of his cock. “Fuck mm--- mmmph… meee” she gasps as she plunges onto his dick, feeling his shaft spread her pussy lips apart and push deeper inside. Aching for sex, she begins to bounce on his cock and gyrate her hips as his cock rubs against her insides and gets coated in her juices. “I love y--- kyaah” Keiko yelps as she’s suddenly pushed off.

Fuck it… you’re my little bitch now” Jackson grunts, grabbing her waist and forcing her legs apart to reveal her pussy still throbbing from the recent stimulation. Without warning, he plunges his dick deep into her, making her body tense up as his cock rams against her womb. Her eyes roll back in ecstasy and her body suddenly relaxes in submissiveness as his dick sides in and out of her. “You’re mine” he pants as Keiko nods in agreement, remembering all the times he fucked her in his bedroom as Jackson continues to pound her, feeling his foreskin peel back as her vaginal muscles clench around his cock. Unable to control his urges, he finally unloads round after round of cum into her pussy until it spills out and she orgasms simultaneously.

Ahnnn… “愛してます {I love you}” Keiko moans with a smile, dipping her fingers into her pussy and swirling it in the warm cum. She looks up at Jackson lovingly, remembering all the dates and fun she had with him and the joys of raising a family.


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