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“Thanks for accepting my offer at the Guild Hall” Seamus chuckles nervously as you march behind him with your armor clattering loudly. The warm afternoon sun glinting off your well-polished armor denoting your status in the quaint little town of Vandor. With your usual party on break after a successful mission hunting down the dark elves in the forest, you’ve decided to take up a small escort task to bring in extra cash. The scrawny and shy looking wizard was willing to pay extra for your services, so you took up his offer without a second thought and follow him into the nearby forest. “I’ll just need to gather a few things for my potion” Seamus says, checking his notebook and scanning the tree line nervously before stepping out of the village perimeter.

You shrug your shoulders and continue following him, you’re not much of a talker and you’re only accepting his task for the easy money. Strangers generally avoid confronting you for your bulky and intimidating armor garnering respect; and the same seems to be happening in the forest after not encountering a single animal from an hour of walking. Seamus suddenly stops and rushes towards a pink flower barely visible in the shrubbery with a wide grin, “ah! Here we are! The Nethe--- aarghhh!” he splutters as an invisible shockwave sends him flying back.

You traitor!” a voice booms in the distance as you draw your sword and take a defensive stance with your client besides you with eyes wide in fear. You point your sword towards the sound of rustling bushes until you see a hooded figure with a magical aura stepping onto the path ahead of you. “You really think you can get away and hire a knight?!” the stranger scoffs, with his hands raised and flickers of energy dances off his fingertips. You look at Seamus in confusion but he’s busy murmuring a defensive spell protecting himself; you begin to feel nervous since you’re not very strong with magical defense without your usual party. A bolt of magic shoots towards Seamus and bounces off his barrier but the hooded figure laughs with his finger pointed at you instead, “you forgot to protect him too” he grins as another bolt of energy shoots out.

Wait… wha--- aacckk” you choke as a wave of magic envelops your armor and starts to crack it from the inside. You glance at Seamus with a look of betrayal since he never warned you about rogue wizards except for typical forest beasts, but your body begins to feel incredibly hot and sweaty. “Y-you selfish bitch” you grunt, falling to your knees as you become weaker and the armor feels uncomfortable on you. Your head starts to throb with pain as you throw your helmet away only for your vision to be momentarily obstructed by strands of hair. Grabbing your hair in confusion, you notice that it has already grown past your shoulders, turning golden blonde and silky smooth like the village girls you saw in the morning. “Wha… what’s happening?!” you splutter in horror as your heart beats faster and your chest pulsates.

S-stop it Malicos” Seamus whimpers weakly but another bolt of magic bounces off his barrier and hits you in the arms, making you yelp in surprise. A blistering wave of pain flows up your arms as your gauntlets feel loose before falling to the floor revealing your bare hands. Expecting to see your hands rough with calluses from all the training, your jaw drops in shock to see them much smaller and softer without a single blemish. Upon closer inspection, you notice glossy nails growing from your slender fingers as your wrists become thinner and your well-trained biceps rapidly deflate into a thin layer of womanly fat around your fragile limbs. “Malicos… he has nothing to do with it” Seamus shouts at the stranger as you desperately grab your sword to defend yourself but you’re unable to lift it off the ground with your weak feminine arms.

Maybe it’ll teach you a lesson for betraying me” Malicos chuckles sinisterly as you groan loudly, hearing your broad shoulders crunch together to form a rounder and smaller frame with sharper collarbones. Your chest plate feels uncomfortable as your nipples begin to chafe against the rough fabric underneath, causing tears to run down your face. Blinking away your tears and blurry vision, your eyes widen into a foxy seductive slant with long eyelashes while your irises turn golden to match your hair. “Take down your barrier and I’ll stop it” Malicos taunts, but Seamus keeps up his barrier with pity in his eyes as he looks at you.

Nuurghh… it’s… burningggg” you scream in agony as your chest pulsates rapidly, becoming tender and sensitive. Desperately trying to tear the armor off your chest, you let out a sigh of relief as it finally falls away, allowing you to look inside to see your nipples already perky and hard with dark and wide areolas surrounding them. “Oh fuck… boobs?!” you splutter in horror as waves of soft mammary fat flows under your nipples, pushing them up into A-cups. Pushing your pulsating chest down in hopes of slowing the transformation does nothing as the soft flesh presses against your palms and seeps between your slender fingers. Panting loudly, you feel your breasts surge into C-cups, stretching your shirt to its limits before ripping it down the middle to reveal a deepening cleavage. “Oh my god… it’s getting… heavier” you moan, cupping your tits and feeling the round under boobs in your hands as it slowly swells into E-cups protruding from your chest and heaving up and down with every breath. You look down at your round and soft breasts in horror, shivering from the new sensations and feeling aroused by the hypnotic swaying of your tits and cleavage. “C-change me back!” you shout at Malicos, but he roars with laughter before shooting another bolt of magic squarely at your chest. Whimpering in confusion, you clutch your breasts and feel them balloon into F-cups with fluids sloshing inside; your fears are confirmed as a sticky and sweet fluid begins to seep from your nipples “I… I’m leaking… nectar?!” you splutter, licking some off your finger in horror as your realize what’s happening to you.

Yes…” Malicos chuckles sinisterly as you try to stop yourself from lactating, “you’ll be my little forest dark elf” he grins. Your doe-like golden eyes widen in fear as your ears painfully elongate into distinctive elvish ears protruding out of your long luscious hair. Without warning, your armor feels unbearably heavy and loose, sending you crashing to the leafy floor as your plead for mercy. A white hot piercing pain shoots down your spine as it arches sharply and makes multiple loud bone snapping sounds; you whimper in pain as your back becomes permanently shorter and curvier no longer fitting the armor. Your boots and shin guards fall off as you look down to see your feet crunching a few sizes smaller with pedicured nails not suitable for combat gear while your calves cramp and become slimmer.

Your attention quickly shifts to your hips as they begin to press against the armor but your dainty fingers are too weak to unbuckle the lower clasps. “Nuurghh… t-take it off me!” you beg Malicos as he watches you with morbid curiosity before clicking his fingers and causing the metal to melt away. Letting out a sigh of relief, you shudder as your hips makes use of the freedom and loudly pops outwards into childbearing proportions. “Ahnn… fuck…” you moan, tracing your fingers along the curves of your hips as fat continues to fill it wider. Feeling winded and hearing your stomach gurgle, you clutch your belly, feeling it flatten into a toned core with a thin layer of womanly fat as your waist rapidly sucks in to form an hour-glass figure.

Realizing that you’re becoming the species you’ve been contracted to eliminate, you begin to panic and beg the two magic wielders to stop the transformation but they ignore you. “Please… not those slutty elves” you splutter, hearing your voice crack, sounding sultry and feminine contrary to your deep and manly tone minutes ago. Covering your mouth in horror, your lips plump and pucker up into pillowy cock sleeves only made for pleasure while your Adams apple disappear, leaving your neck long and slender. “No… no! You can’t do this to me!” you shout at Malicos weakly as your breasts hang to the floor and continue to leak.

I just did!” Malicos snickers in response before clicking his fingers again and your mind immediately begins to feel foggier. “Since you’re my elf slave” he continues with a sly grin as you find it increasingly difficult to think and focus on your thoughts. Your mind constantly brings up your master, Malicos as you look up at him submissively with an obedient smile. Nothing in the world seems to matter and all your worries are irrelevant since you dedicate your life to your master. Looking around, you frown in confusion, wondering why you’re naked in the forest with discarded armor on the floor but your ears perk up after hearing your master’s voice. “Eowyn, how big is your ass again?” Malicos asks you as Seamus stares at you in horror seeing your obedient attitude.

Always big enough for you to enjoy, master” you giggle, feeling aroused by Malicos’ voice, grabbing your ass with both hands and playfully groping them. Moaning softly, you feel your ass pulsate with activity but it doesn’t faze you, massaging your tender flesh and feeling all the fat flow in. “Bigger… master” you pant, biting your lower lip as your skin stretches from all the additional mass, swelling into a round bubble butt further protruding out from your curvy spine. Giggling, you spread your ass cheeks apart, remembering all the times Malicos thrusted his dick deep into your ass when he was tired of your other holes. A similar sensation flows through your thighs as they rapidly thicken with fat, becoming wider than your own head and jiggling with every small movement. They continue to expand until your inner-thighs rub against each other and smother your balls in between, making you yelp in surprise and arousal. “M-master, I have a dick like yours?” you ask slightly confused as your dick pokes out from your pillowy thighs completely erect.

Fix that, with your personality back” Malicos laughs as he clicks his fingers and your mind suddenly clears and you remember all the things you said. You blush red in embarrassment from your behavior and cringe at your submissiveness to Malicos, but you have more important things to worry about. Your heavy and thick lower body combined with your massive swaying breasts makes it almost impossible to find your centre balance as you try to stand up only to fall back onto the floor. As your hand accidently brushes against your dick, you shiver with pleasure with an urge to relieve the burning pressure in your crotch.

Oh fuck… no… I don’t want to…” you whimper in a cute angelic voice but the thought of giving yourself a hand job with your feminine fingers becomes overwhelming. Fueled by Malicos’ magic, you hesitantly wrap your hand around your dick and begin to pump up and down rhythmically. Moaning loudly with the smell of pre-cum wafting to your sensitive nose, you finally give in, spraying cum all over the forest floor. “D-don’t look!” you shout at Seamus and Malicos in embarrassment as your body continues to expel all your male sense until a puddle forms below you. Completely empty and shriveled, your balls rapidly shrink and retract into your crotch before reforming into fertile ovaries pumping estrogen throughout your body. “Oh god… no…” you scream in realization, but it’s too late as your dick slips out of your cum coated fingers and inverts into your crotch, making you shiver with pleasure as new nerves form. Drool drips from your open mouth as a slit opens in its place, causing moist pink folds to spread out and invite your fingers closer. Curiously plunging your finger in, you moan in ecstasy as you touch your clitoris which was newly formed from the tip of your dick and exploring further, you feel the warm walls of your vagina. “I… I have a pussy… I’m a girl?” you pant in disbelief, feeling juices squirt from your vagina onto the ground.

You should try it out on Seamus, my dear Eowyn” Malicos grins sinisterly as your eyes widen in fear, realizing what he meant. Your mind starts to fog once more as you desperately clutch your head in pain, hoping to stop the magic. Seamus also backs away in his barrier in horror as you begin to crawl towards him with your wide hips swaying side to side and your breasts bouncing.

Fuuuck no… I’m not your slutty slave girl” you groan, as you try to block out your master’s voice booming in your head. Desperately grasping at your memories for support, you begin to panic as they become corrupted too; your adventuring party are just men with their dicks out and your Guild Hall is a tavern where you spent some of your nights. “No… I… I’m… I… I’m Eowyn… right?” you mutter, trying to remember your name with building confidence as the name feels more natural on your tongue. Glancing at your master, your heart flutters and crotch grows warm as you remember all the nights you spent pleasuring him in his cabin since you’ve been sold to him as a slave years ago after your village was raided by adventurers. A busty elvish body like yours found money pretty easily with the human men but your loyalty remains with your master. “A-as you wish, master” you pant, obeying Malicos’ orders as your hands pierce Seamus’ magical barrier and you pin him to the floor.

I’m so horny, sir…” you moan into Seamus’ ear as he tries to break out of your grip; his scrawny body is no match to your athletic elvish body and curves as you effortlessly tear his pants off. Your nectar drips onto his shirt and your straddle him, feeling his boner form and press against your moist slit. “Fuck me… I need you” you coo, grabbing his dick before impaling yourself onto it, feeling his dick penetrate deep inside you and ram against your womb. Moaning loudly, you instinctively gyrate your hips and bounce on his cock, feeling his foreskin peel back against your right pussy as it pounds your insides. “Ugghh… yes… make me your slut” you moan instinctively, clenching your vaginal muscles along his shaft as your breasts hypnotically bounce in front of him and you hear your master murmur another spell under his breath.

With his magical barrier down and too weak to focus on creating another, Seamus screams in pain as a bolt of energy hits him from Malicos’ shimmering fingers. “Oh fuck… what did you dooooo” he yells in horror as he finally blows his load into you, filling your pussy full of his cum as juices and fluids drip out onto the ground. He panics as his dick continues to pump all the remaining cum into your pussy, leaving his balls empty before retreating into his crotch too. “No… nooooo!” he groans, as his flaccid dick slurps into his body and reforms into a pussy similar to yours. Confused, you back away from him and stand besides your master, watching Seamus squirm on the floor in pain.

I’m sure he’ll learn his lesson” Malicos grins, wrapping his arm around your petite shoulder and groping your breasts with his hand as you smile lovingly at him. Seamus continues to spasm on the ground as his body rapidly becomes smaller until he matches your height; however, contrary to you, his skinny physique begins to bulge with lean muscle. His thighs become thicker with tense muscles while his legs stretch longer into strange proportions. “How are you liking it?” Malicos taunts his rival, watching Seamus’ pale skin slowly turn into multiple shades of green with a thin layer of slime coating it.

W-what the fuck?!” Seamus screams in horror, watching his toes fuse together and elongate into massive webbed feet connected to a pair of powerful legs. Similar changes flow through his arms as his fingers become slender with a slimy sheen while his scrawny arms grow slightly longer with muscles and a thin layer of womanly fat. “I’m… riiiibbit…becoming a frog?!” he splutters, feeling his shoulders cave in and his stomach flatten into an athletic core as his ovaries begin to churn with eggs. Groaning loudly, his hips explode outwards to support his already thick thighs as his ass starts to pulsate. Without time to recover, his ass rapidly swells larger into a peach butt protruding out from behind as he meekly gropes it in confusion.

Riiiibit… not a monstaaaphhhh” Seamus chokes on his tongue as it flops out of his mouth, extending down to his abdomen with a sticky fluid dripping out. Awkwardly retracting his tongue back into his mouth, he feels his lips plump up into slimy cock sleeves holding back his elastic tongue. “Please…. Riiibbbit… reverse this…” he cries, hearing his voice cracking higher into a cute and feminine voice with an odd animalistic accent. Clutching his throat, he feels his neck becoming narrower while his hair also turns green, and flows down to his shoulders looking messy and unkept. “Me… promise… give back…” he stutters in broken English as his educated mind deteriorates in intelligence to become more bestial in nature. Tears begin to form as he desperately tries to form a coherent sentence but his eyes widen and turn yellow like yours but his pupils narrow horizontally.

Give in to your bodily desires” Malicos chuckles as Seamus grunts in pain and clutches his head in an attempt to ignore the new thoughts. With years of wizardry school gone to repel the spell taking over, he begins to drool at the thought of finding his prey and mating with it to reproduce. He tries to shake the memories away and remember his own name but everything he recalls feels so foreign in his head. “Sasha… do you hear that?” Malicos asks as her ears perk up from hearing her name; how did she forget her human name so easily she mutters to herself. Silently listening to the faint sounds of footstep in the distance, she smiles to herself as her pussy moistens in anticipation.

Hah! Got you!” Sasha croaks happily as he launches herself into the distance with her powerful legs and tackles a lone adventurer to the floor. The ill-prepared knight only manages a faint yelp before she tears off his armour and strips him naked on the forest floor. “Me… want you” Sasha pants, spreading the man’s legs apart before shooting her tongue out and wrapping it around his erect cock. Too shocked and weak to fight the frog girl off, the knight groans softly as she envelops his dick in her mouth and slurps loudly, slowly bobbing her head along his cock. “Riiiibbit… give me…” Sasha moans, looking up at the stranger hungrily as her slimy fingers rubs against his legs.

F-fuck… I’m about to…” the knight groans as his dick gives in and unloads round after round of cum into Sasha’s mouth. Without gagging, she swallows it all and licks her lips, feeling the hot fluids flow down her throat and into her belly. “W-what the…” the stranger splutters, seeing her chest pulsate as her body absorbs all the nutrients, sending waves of fat flowing into her darkening and hard nipples. Sasha giggles to herself and massages her tender chest, feeling her budding A-cup breasts fill with mammary fat and swell into C-cups hanging off her chest. Groping herself more, her tits balloon into round D-cups with a deep cleavage swaying side to side.

Sasha… want more” she coos into the knight’s ear, fondling her breasts in his face as his boner becomes painfully hard again. She smiles to herself as she straddles him, squatting over him with her muscular legs as her tight pussy lips teases the tip of the man’s dick. “Sasha… want babies” she pants, consumed by her animalistic behavior to breed and absorb nutrients. Pushing herself down onto his erect cock, she moans loudly as his girthy shaft spreads her pussy lips apart and penetrates deep inside her. Immediately gyrating her hips and bouncing on his dick, she uses her warm vaginal muscles to massage his cock for her sweet reward. Within minutes the knight grunts and fills her pussy with his cum as her body absorbs it all and demands more as it also begins to suck up the man’s life force. Unfazed by the man rapidly aging and turning lifelessly grey, Sasha licks her lips satisfactorily before patting her belly, feeling it bulge from all her eggs being fertilized and expanding for her to release into a nearby pond.

I think we’ve seen enough” Malicos grins as he kisses you on the cheek and notices that you’ve been fingering yourself furiously as you watched Sasha fuck the life out her prey. You want to be as horny as her with your master to pleasure him all night since you owe him your life. With a click of a finger, you find yourself teleporting back into his cabin with him as he takes off his cloak and finishes off his notes at his desk.

M-master… p-please…” you moan, climbing onto his bed and spreading your legs apart as you plunge your fingers into your pussy. Known for your high libido, your elvish body shivers with pleasure as you push your fingers deeper, letting juices squirt out onto the blankets as strings of fluids drip from your slender fingers. “I… want you to use me” you pant, licking your lips and spreading your thighs wider apart for Malicos to see as he stops writing and grins at you. Smiling seductively back, you let out a cute yelp as he shoots a bolt of magic at you, making you face blush with arousal. “Ahnnn… yes…” you moan with your eyes rolling back, feeling your breasts expand into heavy G-cups spraying sticky nectar all over yourself. You love it when your master alters your body to his preferences, remembering time when he made you grow a tail or changed your appearance into a village town girl he wanted to fuck. “Unngh… oh my god…” you pant, feeling your skin becoming smooth and unblemished with the typical dark elf hue; your pussy explodes with heat and extreme sensitivity as the faintest touch almost brings you to an orgasm.

M-make me yours, master” you moan loudly as Malicos lies on the bed with his boner pointing to the ceiling; immediately straddling him and rubbing the back of his shaft against your dripping wet slit. Inhaling sharply, you impale yourself onto his dick, feeling it slide through your vagina and ram against your womb. Orgasming multiple times, your pussy lubricates his cock as you begin to gyrate your hips against his crotch and bounce rhythmically, feeling it slide in and out of you. “Ahhhnn… ooohhh…” you pant between thrusts with drool running down your lips and nectar dripping out of your breasts. Holding hands with him, you lustfully stare into his eyes with a smile, hoping that you can pleasure him for the rest of your life and call him your master.


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