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The soft tinkering of broken ceramic pieces in a small duster pan does little to mask the scratches from an expensive fountain pen. Ignoring the strong scent of coffee wafting from the handmade carpet on the ground, Johnathan shakes his head in annoyance as he continues to complete his homework atop a beautifully crafted mahogany desk. With tears welling in her eyes, a girl desperately scrubs at the floor in an attempt to soak up the dark stain, but it remains as an ugly patch in the middle of the grand study.

Hurry up or I’ll tell my father” Johnathan taunts, seeing the maid panic at the corner of his eye. As the eldest son of the Elderheart family, everyone feared his power and influence backed by his father, a General in the King’s army. Deciding not to invest time to be a knight, Johnathan devoted his early life into academic studies, becoming highly educated and manipulative for his age. Taking advantage of the helpless servants, he would sometimes wrongfully accuse them of mistakes and get away with it, further deepening everyone’s fear of him. Despite the hostile environment, servants continue to work under the family because of the generous pay-cheque, opting to be humiliated by the young boy than to till the fields.

Seeing the family’s new maid struggling on the floor, a devious idea hatches in Johnathan’s mind. “You’re useless. My father will kick you out” he chuckles, expecting her to grovel at his feet begging him to keep her employed at all costs. To his surprise, the young maid throws the dirty towels aside in frustration and crosses her arms with a look of anger.

Excuse me? That’s not how you treat others especially when you caused it” the maid snaps back, making Johnathan flinch in surprise. Speechless, his mouth hangs open as the older maid stands up and towers over him from their age gap; his neatly ironed shirt and piercing blue eyes doing very little to assert his dominance over the woman. Before he manages to say anything, the maid grabs the family crest off his collar and tears his shirt open, making him squeal in surprise. “You should try cleaning it instead…” she grumbles as he eyes glow red and her fingertips buzz with magic.

Y-you dare attack m-me?!” Johnathan stutters in surprise as he struggles to regain his composure. Blushing bright red in embarrassment, he tries to rebutton his shirt but the maid’s striking gaze makes him hesitate. “W-why am I so s-shy?” he mutters to himself as his previous bold and brash behavior never resurfaces. Instinctively wanting to apologie to the furious maid, he covers his mouth in shock as he stops himself. Unbeknownst to him, his lips already started to plump up and redden with lipstick accenting his cock-sucking lips.

Starting to grow abnormally hot, Johnathan leaves the top half of his shirt open as beads of sweat begin to roll down his forehead, slowly dampening his hair. “Looks like you need another perspective in life, you self-entitled bitch” the maid snarls, seeing Johnathan flinch from her vulgar language. Desperate to reclaim his missing family crest, he tries to snatch it out of the girl’s hand but she easily pushes him backwards into the wall.

Ow… you whore” Johnathan shouts, but he quickly covers his mouth in surprise at his sudden unrefined vocabulary in his posh accent. Knocking the back of his head against the wall, his head continues to swirl as new commoner words enter his academic mind. Rubbing the side of his head in pain, he doesn’t notice his jaw shifting and clicking into a rounder and softer shape accenting his high cheekbones. “Got something on my face?” Johnathan grunts at the maid as she stares at his androgynous appearance.

Not really…” the maid mischievously smirks in response, seeing Johnathan’s iconic rigid short hair soften and droop lower towards his eyebrows. Without him knowing, the Elderheart family’s jet black hair on Johnathan slowly brightens into a more navel blue color matching his highly expensive jacket while his eyebrows thin becomes neater. Scratching his itching scalp, he pauses for a second after feeling his longer and smoother hair run through his fingers. Pulling some still lengthening strands of hair closer to his eyes, he gasps in shock at the change, barely noticing his slender fingers sifting through his hair. “You look kinda… cute” the maid giggles, watching Johnathan’s hands grow larger with long glossy nails protruding out of his fingers as small scars form on his soft palms after years of cleaning and cooking

W-what did you do to me?!” Johnathan shrieks, seeing his mature feminine hands spasm as his arms grow comically longer relative to his young body. With loud pops and squelches, his wrists and biceps thin into dainty joints with a thin layer of fat only capable of light work. Before the maid manages to reply, Johnathan yelps loudly as his childish shoulders crunch loudly into a rounder and feminine frame accenting his sharp collarbone and slender neck. “M-my body f-feels so hoooot” he groans, swiping some of his long hair out of his eyes as he hunches over in pain.

Johnathan’s body shivers uncontrollably as his nipples roughly rubs against his shirt, making him bite his plump lower lip. “Oooh... it feels… so good…” he moans, oblivious to his stiff and darker nipples pressing against the fabric as areolas double in size. Accidently pinching his nipples and looking down, he gasps in shock to see a pair of budding breasts glistening with sweat under his shirt. “Are those… boobs?!” he shrieks, starting to hyperventilate as his chest continues to pulsate from all the fat gathering under his skin. Eyes rolling back in ecstasy, he feels his skin stretch as his A-cup tits swells into a B-cup protruding out of his chest. Watching the mounds of fat heave up and down with every breath, Johnathan shudders as his breasts start to spill out of his ever-tightening shirt and jiggle with every slight movement. “They’re getting… bigger” he mutters, feeling the weight on his chest as his tits expand into firm and round C-cups identical to his mother’s, begging to be groped and sucked on.

You’re turning out better than I expected” the maid chuckles, seeing Johnathan’s silky blue hair flow down to his shoulders and form cute bangs on his forehead. Noticing him blush in embarrassment, the maid watches his expression change from shyness into arousal as his knees buckle from all the added stimulation, forcing him onto the carpeted floor. Sensing Johnathan’s heightened submissiveness, the maid teases him by poking his soft breasts and whispering, “You will call me Alyssa, not ‘servant’ from now on” into his ear. Caught off guard, Johnathan tries to snap back with a snarky remark but he stays silent and blushes profusely.

To Johnathan’s horror, his exquisitely tailored trousers start to rip open as his thighs begin to bulge against the fabric. Groaning from the tightening pants against his skin, he yelps loudly as his legs suddenly surge outwards, growing in length protruding out of his childish clothing. “I don’t want to be… a girl” he pants, but his body ignores his pleas, pumping more fat into his softening thighs until they start to jiggle. Tracing his hands along his thick thighs, Johnathan shudders as his fingers rub against sections of revealed skin in his pants, admiring the sensitivity and softness of his skin. Similarly to his trousers, Johnathan’s leather shoes start to feel tighter as his feet pops larger to support his larger lower body. Sensing his long pedicured nails pushing against his shoes, he tries to untie his shoelaces but his larger and feminine hands fumble with the thin pieces of string.

H-help me Alyssa” Johnathan squeals, but she looks at him with a wide smirk, relishing in his panic and regrets. With his pants already ripped to shreds, Johnathan looks down to see his plump hairless thighs glistening with sweat as his entire body start to tingle. “I’m the heir of the Elde--- aaccckkk” he gasps in pain as his back suddenly arches sharply, forcing his spine to become curvier and longer. With his enlarged diaphragm and larger body, the study room seems smaller to Johnathan as his face becomes more defined and mature. “I… I’m becoming older?!” he mumbles in disbelief as his height matches his mother’s and all his childish clothing look ridiculously small on his shifting body.

Your father definitely preferred older maids” Alyssa chuckles in response, watching Johnathan’s body age and grow into a healthy twenty-eight-year-old. Racing to match his new age, his breasts start to pulsate with activity as more fat flows into his C-cup tits. Cupping them in his small palms, he squeals as the soft flesh spills past his dainty fingers and swells into DD-cup tits hanging on his chest like large teardrops. In denial, he tries to push his milky breasts back in which only resulted in him moaning loudly from all the stimulation on his puffy nipples.

Spurred on by the sudden age progression, Johnathan’s pubescent dick suddenly grows in length and girth; uncomfortably pressed against his tight pants and pillowy thighs. Unfamiliar with the added sensations, his eyes roll back in ecstasy as his hands accidently swipes against his throbbing cock, forcing pre-cum to dribble out into his underwear.

Your father?” Alyssa laughs loudly, watching Johnathan’s torn navy-blue clothing darken and restitch itself around his larger body. “You mean… the poor farmer who sent his only daughter to work as a maid?” Alyssa giggles, relishing in the confusion in Johnathan’s eyes as new memories enter his malleable mind. Barely able to keep the pleasurable sensations in his nipples at bay, he shudders as his spine curves further to accommodate his ballooning breasts filling up into milky E-cups. Disgusted at his mature and feminine body, Johnathan can’t help but feel secretly proud of his round tits.

N-no… I’m not a fucking maid…” Johnathan wails, hearing his posh accent waver as it slowly adopts a countryside accent. Covering his moist lips in horror, he coughs and repeats his sentence but his new rural accent deepens in his mind. Simultaneously, his ripped shirt blooms into a frilly maid’s uniform with a clear cleavage window boasting his massive breasts. While his pants continue to reform and roll up his legs to complete the uniform, a frilly white headband appears on his head and tucks his blue hair back.

Are you sure? Jessica…” Alyssa chuckles, pointing at Johnathan’s clothes as a nearly ironed black and white maid’s dress wraps around his body. “You’re already dressed so nicely” she taunts, noticing a white ribbon tie itself around his slim waist as he gasps for breath. Finally noticing his new clothing, Johnathan yelps in surprise as he notices his rock-hard cock poking out from the dress as it tickles the tip of his dick.

I’m not Jessica… I’m… I’m… owwww my head…” Johnathan groans as the headband tightens, making his mind numb. Trying to remember his name, the image of a scruffy old farmer and a wooden shack constantly pops up. His childhood flashes across his eyes, but it contains a young girl constantly aging until her late twenties constantly admired by the village boys. “I’m… a boy” he says meekly with his eyebrows bunched into a frown as he struggles to remember his own appearance.

The sudden jolt of pain in Johnathan’s hips causes him to wince as he falls forward in surprise, feeing his milky breasts jiggle and threaten to break free of its tight confinement. Gritting his pearly white teeth, a loud bone snapping sound echoes around the study as his hips finally gives way, exploding outwards into child-bearing proportions to match his thick thighs and mature body. “Oohh… god…” Johnathan groans looking back to see his wide hips sway left and right as fat starts to fill the sides into a plump fuck handle for future use. Straining against his hips, the dress slides further up his body to reveal his trembling ass and twitching boner.

Not a slut’s ass…” Johnathan wails, but his body ignores him as fat floods into his small pubescent ass, immediately stretching out his skin to make more space. Groping his expanding ass cheeks, he feels his fingers sinking deeper into the soft flesh as they form into a round bubble butt begging to be spread apart. Moving his heavy lower body, Johnathan shivers as his ass and thighs jiggle simultaneously with every movement while pre-cum continues to drip out of his cock.

Blushing red with arousal, Johnathan breaths quicken as he timidly touches his dick once more, making his body shudder with ecstasy. “Oohh… it feels so… good” he moans, running his hands along his long shaft as the sensation of a soft womanly hand stroking his cock sends his mind into overdrive. Out of instinct, his hands start to expertly rub the tip of his dick, immediately sending a wave of cum spurting out onto the carpeted floor. “Oh no…” Johnathan groans, looking at the mess but his mind drifts back to his throbbing cock as his slender fingers continue to squeeze his cock for more cum. Biting his lower lip, he whimpers as his empty and shriveled up balls slurp into his crotch, reforming into a pair of ovaries desperate to be fertilized. “Oooh… mpphh… yeesss” he pants, as his hands pumps faster around his shrinking dick, squirting out a clearer fluid onto his thighs and floor. Within a few seconds, his girthy cock fully inverts into his crotch, turning into a tight vagina with a twitching clitoris while a puffy slit spreads open. “I… I have… oooohhh… mmmmmmhhmm…” Johnathan quivers as he slides a finger into his pink pussy, feeling the warm juices coating it as it pushes deeper. Greedy for more, he inserts another finger until his toes start to curl with pleasure as his vaginal muscles instinctively squeeze onto them.

That’s not very ladylike, Jessica” Alyssa barks, snapping Johnathan out of his orgasmic daze as he quickly pulls his fingers out of his dripping wet pussy. Slightly ashamed of his actions, he timidly apologies to the looming figure above him as he tucks his uniform over his round ass and trembling vagina. “You should know you can’t behave like that as an Elderheart maid” Alyssa shouts with her arms crossed.

Hearing the family name, Johnathan’s mind wanders as it feels extremely familiar, but he can’t seem to remember why. “I… I’m Jessica?” he says quizzically as a tear flow down his cheek. Looking around, he sees the family crest on the floor and his eyes widen in remembrance. “Oh yes… I was looking for this to return to our master” Jessica says, picking up the small gemstone as her breasts jiggle from crouching down. Seeing a puddle of cum on the floor, she tilts her head in confusion as the desire to clean up the mess becomes overwhelming.

There’s no need to relieve yourself here…” Alyssa giggles, clicking her finger and sending Jessica into a daze as she hears the doors to the mansion open in the distance. The loud clangs of armor echoes down the corridor as the General enters his bedroom on the other side of the manor, making Jessica blush with arousal. “I believe it’s your turn tonight…” Alyssa slurs, seeing Jessica’s eyes flick open with lust as her irises turn violet, forever ending the family’s icy-blue color.

Ooh… my turn already?” Jessica grins, licking her long tongue along her plump lips as she readjusts her maid’s uniform. Standing up and stretching her long legs, she smiles at her heavy breasts pressing against the thin material as her round ass bulges against her dress. Blinking the tears out of her eyes, the memories of giving multiple blowjobs to her master makes her mouth salivate as years of sexual experiences floods into her mind, making her behave sultrier and more mature. “I’ll clean this up first… as entrée…” Jessica giggles, leaning towards the ground with her tear-drop breasts pressing against the floor as the smell of cum wafts into her nose.

Knocking on the large oak door, the firm grunt from Jessica’s master echoes from inside, allowing her to enter with her mop and bucket. “Just cleaning, master” Jessica says timidly as the doors slam closed behind her. Standing at the entrance, she sees the General completely naked on the bed with a raging hard boner stiffly pointed upwards, causing her heart to beat faster and butterflies to flutter in her stomach. “Some quick cleaning first” she coos, narrowing her sexy foxy eyes as she walks closer towards the bed with her wide hips swaying left and right. Crawling from the feet of the bed, she inches closer towards the throbbing cock until the tip of her lip touches the pulled-back dick. Batting her eyelashes, she keeps eye contact with her master as she wraps her tongue around his cock and slides her open mouth over his cock, feeling the shaft press against her cheek. “Ooomphhh… mmpphhh…” she moans, bobbing her head up and down as the taste of his cock becomes intoxicating; losing all gag reflexes, she pushes her head lower until the tip of his cock presses against her throat, making him groan.

After a few more seconds, she pulls away from his dick, seeing a string of pre-cum and her saliva bridge between her plump lips and the tip of his cock. “And… some redecorating…” Jessica giggles, crawling closer towards the man’s chest as he grabs her shoulders with an iron grip and effortlessly tears the uniform off her body. Gasping in surprise, Jessica falls forward and presses her E-cup into his face as he suckles on her puffy nipple. Letting out a small yelp, she feels his strong hands grab her round ass cheeks and spread them apart as he moves her body closer towards his dick. “I’m all yours…” Jessica whispers into his ear as he holds her by her thin waist and pushes her into his awaiting lubricated dick. Eyes rolling back in ecstasy, she moans loudly as her tight pussy lips spread apart to accommodate his girthy cock, feeling his shaft rub against her clitoris and slide against her vaginal wall. Tongue lolling out, she grinds her wide hips along his body, feeling every part of his dick as she continues to bounce on his crotch. Using her vaginal muscles to clench against his veiny cock, she hears him grunt as a stream of hot cum explodes inside, filling her pussy to the brim. “Oooh… yes…” she pants, recovering from her orgasms as he slides his dick out of her pussy, allowing dollops of cum to drip out of her open pussy as her breasts heave up and down with every breath.

Do you require another cleaning service, master?” Jessica coos, ogling the General’s cock as her mouth waters.


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