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Patient notes

Name: Jessica Ng

Doctor in charge: Dr. James McGrady

DOB & Sex: N/A (Female)

3:32pm - 3 November 2022

Patient admitted into hospital in a sex craved state begging bystanders to “fill her pussy up” and “fuck her till her pussy breaks”. She was found in a shared apartment beside a syringe on the coffee table by another woman claiming a missing person report on her boyfriend. I suspect some sort of overdose on an illicit drug yet to be identified, prompting such behavior from the patient. She was administered sedatives upon arrival in an attempt to reduce her wild reactions, resulting in her falling in and out of consciousness shortly after.

In a dazed state and chained to the bedside rails for safety, the patient was able to respond to questions prompted by my medical team. She struggled to remember her name; sometimes mentioning a male’s name, but finally settled on “Jessica Ng”. Unfortunately, we were unable to find her in the national database soon after, so we’ll have to ask her more questions around her questionable background.

Following a short interview with the woman who found Jessica, she claimed to not recognize the patient at all despite finding her wearing her boyfriend’s clothes in her apartment. The police concluded that foul play may’ve contributed to this case due to a broken lock on the front door, however, the patient struggled to recall her memories.

9:52pm – 3 November 2022

A quick check-up before the end of my shift; the patient remained in a trance like state from the sedatives. She occasionally mumbled Chinese words under her breath as drool dripped from the side of her open mouth. Hopefully we can get more information out of her tomorrow when I return. All vital signs were normal, however, her heartrate seemed to quicken when a male doctor or myself stood near her.

8:55am – 4 November 2022

Called to her ward due to her erratic and sexual behavior from the sedatives wearing out; she was writhing in bed and dry humping the pillow in front of the horrified nurses. Restraining her back into her bed proved to be difficult as she pushed the nurses away and screamed out Chinese profanities at my staff. When we finally tied her down, Jessica spat into one of the nurses’ eyes, making her squeal before rushing off to clean her face.

This violent behavior is unacceptable in the hospital, especially to my staff. Demanding an apology from her, Jessica only grinned at me before thrusting her crotch at me begging me to “fuck her raw”. As the nurse returned back into the room, she seemed a little flustered as she constantly glanced at me and the other male doctors before blushing red in embarrassment. Uncooperative and responsive to our questions, I decided to come back another time when things settled down.

2:13pm – 4 November 2022

Holy shit. On the way to lunch I saw the nurse from before fucking two other doctors in a spare storage room. She always seemed so innocent and reserved at work, so this was quite surprising to see; if I see this happen again I’ll have to report it to HR. Halfway through my meal, I saw the two doctors walk into the cafeteria looking anxious and uncomfortable as they readjusted their ties and took their coats off their obviously sweating body. This unprofessional behavior needs to be stopped; I’ll talk to them later.

Returning back to Jessica’s bed to check up on her, I see the nurse hunched over her, allowing Jessica to grope her breasts and slide her hand into her skirt. Horrified, I pulled the nurse away, hearing her shriek out in surprise as I promptly inject another dose of sedatives into Jessica’s bloodstream. Instead of thanking me, the nurse swore at me as I looked down to see her disheveled uniform revealing her pink panties and cleavage. Stunned, I took a step back to see her brunette hair shifting into a platinum blonde color while her breasts seemed a lot bigger than I remembered.

Without warning, she lunged at me, pressing her plump lips against mine and sticking her tongue deep into my mouth. Thankfully another nurse pulled her grip off me and pushed her onto the floor; from memory, I believe they were best friends at work. They continued to fight on the cold tiled floor as her best friend continuously shouted at her to get a grip; but not for long as the now tanned blonde nurse planted her lips onto her friend, making her silently squirm against her grip. The muffled screams and groaning only lasted for a few seconds as the second nurse smiles seductively before returning the kiss.

2:31pm – 4 November 2022

What. The. Fuck. I’ve locked the three women in the room and now quietly peeping through a small window to watch the lesbian orgy unfold. Am I dreaming? Am I high? My two most respectable nurses are now humping each other and groping their breasts; their bodies and faces shifting into chicks I don’t recognize. Shit… am I getting aroused from this? My heart is beating faster and I’m starting to grow hotter; impossible, I’m a professional and trained doctor.

Hearing a distant scream, I look down the corridor to see a surgeon with long flowing pink hair and an erect dick swaying left and right as he chases a nurse into a room. His bouncing C-cup tits below his still masculine face causes me to panic and hide in a different room. I’ve locked the door and closed the shutters; I guess I’ll continue documenting everything into this patient note pad.

3:46pm – 4 November 2022

As expected, chaos ensures soon after; alarms start to blare and red lights flash down the hallways. A building-wide broadcast echoes in all the rooms, advising everyone to isolate and lock their doors to prevent a fluid-based virus from spreading. Despite being obliged to treat patients as a doctor, I decide to stay isolated as my body continues to feel weird with cold-like symptoms and aching joints.

Fuck. The nurse kissed me before. Am I infected? Touching my lip, it feels increasingly soft and plump. Pouting them feels surprisingly natural as I start to taste lipstick from my tongue running across them while trying to stop myself from drooling. Holly, my lovely wife and my two kids, I hope to see you later when the crisis has ended, or you’ll read all about it from the notes I’m leaving behind.

4:51pm – 4 November 2022

I’m definitely infected. I’m sweating so much despite taking all my clothes off; my dick is now painfully erect, but I’m fighting the urge to touch myself. For some reason my phone as no reception to call you, but I saw my reflection on the screen; my lips are so pink and my jaw much softer and rounder. I feel my cheeks tingling as my nose pops and shrinks into a cute button nose while my cheekbones rise to make my face rounder and petite. I think I’m becoming a woman. I know it’ll sound weird and I’m definitely not high, but I think Jessica brought a virus into the hospital.

Oh my god. I don’t need glasses anymore! After feeling my eyes water and rubbing the tears away, I now have perfect vision! Well… my eyes are now wider with an Asian slant and my blue irises have darkened into brown. I’m starting to look like an Asian chick! Unable to fight the urge to scratch my scalp, long hair starts to flow down to my lower back, turning jet black with some of my blond hair remaining at the tips. Long hair is so heavy and smooth… it’s so hard to keep it out of my face.

5:03pm – 4 November 2022

Sorry, I got a bit distracted. I can’t even enter my phone to send a picture of my new appearance to my tablet for you to see since it no longer recognizes my fingerprint. Oh shit… I didn’t know there was an unconscious teenager in my room; he just woke up. Write back soon.

5:22pm – 4 November 2022

Help! My entire body’s changing. The kid screamed and pushed me away after seeing a Japanese chick’s head on top of my naked male body. I don’t blame him, but as I fell onto the floor, my limbs and back started to contort and spasm uncontrollably. He watched in horror as my spine popped and arched into a shorter and curvier back while my legs crunched inwards, dropping my height to match his.

When I tried to tell him to calm down, my voice cracked multiple times, pulling my vocal chords tighter as I sounded more seductive and feminine with a developing Japanese accent. I can’t believe my accent changed as well as every word I say sounds more lustful and inviting. Still woozy from his medications and sudden horror show, the teen fell back into unconsciousness as I resumed my log of all these changes.

There has to be a scientific explanation to this, natural viruses don’t affect bodies as drastic as this. People won’t believe me if I said my petite body used to be a well-built man a few hours ago, but I can feel my collarbone actively splintering as it crunches down to better suit my feminine physique. Holly, my neck is now smooth and slender like yours and it feels so sensitive; is this why you loved me kissing you along your neck?

5:54pm – 4 November 2022

Sorry, it’s getting harder to type on this tablet from my long glossy nails and slender fingers; I’m still trying to get used to them, since everything feels a bit heavier in my smaller hands. My wrists and biceps are so thin now, almost like I’ve never been to the gym for the past few years. I hope I can still perform surgeries with these hands.

Oh no… I think our wedding ring slipped off my finger. What does it look like again?

I feel really nauseous and my stomach really hurts. I’ll resume writing when I get better.

6:15pm – 4 November 2022

I just puked all over the floor; I hope the cleaners won’t mind… if they’re not horny bimbos already. Excuse my vulgar language, there are weird and sexual thoughts constantly lingering on my mind but I’ve been trying to ignore them. Don’t worry babe, I promise I won’t be one of them.

Where was I? Oh yes, my stomach is now really flat and toned like those model girls. I have an hour-glass figure too since my waist also sucked in from my lack of fat. My core feels really strong like it could do a lot of things in the bedroom. Fuck… ignore that.

Oh shit. My hips dislocated for a split second before popped outwards into child-bearing proportions. They’re so wide… and still expanding with fat! It’s funny to see my stiff dick standing in the middle of my broad hips… maybe I should give it a little touch.

6:52pm – 4 November 2022

Oh gaditwas amsngng. Sorry, the tablet screen is covered in my juices and my hands are still quivering so it’s hard to type properly. Holly, please don’t hate me, but I touched myself for thirty minutes straight.

The moment I touched the tip of my cock with my slender feminine hands, streams of cum exploded out of it, splattering all over my body and onto the floor. It was so intense that it wouldn’t stop coming out, almost as if my body needed to expel everything out. Even when my balls were empty and shriveled up, fluids continued to spray out, but it was becoming more transparent and less viscous by the second. The sensation of my balls slurping into my crotch and reshaping into ovaries was orgasmic as new hormones flooded my body. Babe, being a girl is so much better…

7:21pm – 4 November 2022

Sorry, I started to finger myself a bit more after the thought of my new pussy. It’s getting harder to suppress these sexual urges; my body feels so hot… what are our kid’s names again? Please help me… I don’t know how much longer I can last and stay sane to record my thoughts.

The sensation of my dick shrinking and inverting into my body was both pleasurable and numbingly painful; it felt like you giving me a blowjob but my crotch started to split open and swallow my tiny cock whole. The rim of my pussy was so puffy and moist my finger almost effortlessly glided inside; my vagina is so much tighter and wetter than yours when I fucked you last month.

I didn’t mean to write that, but oh my god… my pussy is so sensitive. I managed to fit a few fingers inside, feeling the warm vaginal walls clench and coat them with juices. This is so addictive… how do you not touch yourself every day? Shit… the rest of my body is still changing; I need to document all my findings.

7:33pm – 4 November 2022

My ass is growing bigger than expected and the nurses across the hallway are moaning so loudly. Despite my petite stature, my lower body feels so much heavier from all the fat flooding into my ass cheeks. My skin is starting to itch as it becomes stretched to accommodate my jiggling bubble butt. Combined with my wide hips, my round ass can barely fit in a hospital chair without some of it hanging off the side. I’ll have to buy new jeans… panties and make-up.

Fuck. The changes are moving down my legs. My thighs are starting to plump with fat as it quickly fills up the empty space between my legs. My inner thighs are so soft and sensitive now… even the slightest touch from my hands makes me moan. How can I control myself now that my thighs are constantly rubbing against each other as I walk… I almost gagged from the sounds of my feet crunching into a smaller size suitable for a small Asian chick; my petite toes and glossy nails wiggle back at me as I struggle to stand up.

7:49pm – 4 November 2022

I thought I had a fever after sweating so much and feeling a tingling sensation throughout my body, but I looked down to see all my bodily hair plucked and flowing off my skin onto the floor. Not long after, patches of creamy yellow-ish skin start to form throughout my body and spread larger until my entire body feels so smooth and sensitive. I’m definitely Asian after looking at my reflection and it’s getting harder to remember all the English medical words. Please… I don’t want to lose my medical profession and become a Japanese slut.

It's past my usual dinner time and my stomach is starting to grumble; there’s no food in the room and the hospital is still in lockdown. Did my cum ever smelt so good?

8:01pm – 4 November 2022

I’m ashamed to say this, but cum tastes so good! Scooping and licking some off the floor, the saltiness and slight sweetness on my tongue is so good. Maybe the unconscious patient in my room can offer a bit more… I’m starving.

Whoever’s reading this… don’t judge me, I’m merely reporting my changes. I think I have a family, but my memory’s a bit hazy; I can barely remember my name… Doctor… something. My pussy is still moist with a trail of juices running down my leg. I hear gun shots in the distance, but I’m sure they’ll be fine, there are doctors nearby unlike myself. I don’t even remember how to do basic stitching, so I’m definitely not a doctor.

8:23pm – 4 November 2022

As I was leaning down to lick up some cum, I think my chest rubbed against some and now I have a slight rash with a pulsating sensation. Oh my god. My nipples are so puffy and hard it feels so good to pinch then between my fingers. I think I’m growing boobs! They’re so wide and slightly perky from the little fat building up underneath.

Holy shit. It feels even better when I press my palms against them and massage them; I can feel them swelling up with fat under my fingers. My tits are probably B-cups now, but they’re not slowing down. The warm and milky sensation on my hands feels so nice as they fill into soft DD-cup tits spilling out of my grasp. My tits are so round and heavy they slightly sag into a tear-drop shape on my chest, but a tight bra will do the trick. Thank god for my arched back to hold up my massive breasts as they bounce with every breath. My cleavage is so deep a dick can easily fit inside, although getting ploughed in my ass isn’t a bad option too.

My hands can barely hold my tits as I look for better clothes to wear. Only managing to find a spare nurse’s uniform, I struggle to put it on since my massive breasts refuses to be contained within the thin material. Keeping the top open with my cleavage showing, I don’t even bother trying to fit into the pants.

Fuck. I’m starving. The cum on the floor wasn’t enough.

8:55pm – 4 November 2022 [Speech to text & video recording]

Heeeyy… you’re finally up” an Asian girl giggles, looking up to see the patient staring at her in confusion. Tearing the hospital blankets off the terrified guy, she pulls down her uniform to reveal her puffy nipples and moist pussy.

W-what? W-who are you?” the boy splutters, feeling slightly dazed as bulge starts to form on his crotch, tenting up his hospital gown. Red with embarrassment, he tries to hide his boner, but the girl grabs his arms and forces them behind his head as she presses her DD-cup tits against his chest.

I’m… I’m… nurse Hina” the Japanese girl slurs, giving him a wink as she straddles his crotch, feeling his shaft press against the lips of her tight vagina. “I need an injection too” she says with a seductive smile as she raises her hips before pressing down into the patient’s cock, feeling his dick impale her deep inside. “It… It’s my first time… be gentle” Hina pants into his ear as she starts to grind her hips against his, feeling his dick slide in and out of her wet pussy. Moaning loudly, she clenches her vaginal muscles along his girthy cock as she leans in for a long kiss.

Mmmphhh stop… mmmhh” the patient groans, trying to break away from her kiss, but her sweet tasting saliva becomes almost intoxicating. Putting up a fight for the first few seconds, the guy wraps his hands along her waist with one hand and gropes her tits with the other, making her moan even louder. “I’m gonna fuck you so hard” he grunts, starting to thrust his dick deeper into her pussy, not noticing his voice cracking and sounding more feminine.

I’m cumming…” Hina pants, as they simultaneously orgasm, coating her pussy with cum as her juices seep onto the bedsheets. Looking down at the patient, Hina giggles as she watches his blond hair slowly darken into a silky brunette color. Hopping off his body, she feels his stiff dick slide out of her pussy but continue squirting cum onto himself as he continues to change.

I’m still a bit hungry…” Hina mutters to herself as the camera captures her unlocking the door and stepping into the hallway while sounds of bone snapping from the patient fills the audio.


I’m sorry, that’s all we recovered from your husband” the police chief mutters, taking the tablet out of a woman’s hands as tears flow down her cheeks. Her two children stand by her side, staring at a Japanese girl fingering herself in a caged box in the distance as doctors in hazmat suits approach her. “Luckily the virus didn’t spread too far…” the chief continues, trying to ignore all the moaning and panting from the infected girls in the background.

W-who did this?” the teary wife stutters as she struggles to comprehend reality.

We believe it’s a new drug from Dr. Tanaka…” the chief replies, looking at his notes and the results from the laboratory. “It has the ability to spread now…” he mutters in disbelief.


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