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Stopping to tip sand out of his shoes, Jiro squints into the distance to look for a store of any sort selling refreshments under the blistering Australian sun. Sighing to himself, he sees nothing but endless golden sand and crashing white waves almost identical to postcards sold at airports. He personally loves beaches, but the scorching afternoon sun and lack of water in such a picturesque location dampened his mood. On the other hand, his girlfriend, Yuma is clearly having the best moment of her life as she takes multiple photos on her phone and twirls around in her modest white sundress. Their trip to Australia has been rather uneventful but delightful as they tried to experience the unique culture and English language rarely seen back home in Japan.

ゆっくり悠真 {Slow down Yuma}” Jiro grunts as he shifts the heavy backpack to his other shoulder. Giggling, Yuma ignores him as she prances around him, flashing a cute smile that always melted his heart. Her long black hair and petite body greatly compliments her rather shy and studious personality scoring good grades in university. Similarly introverted and conservative, Jiro finds the two week long trip to Australia a great way to simultaneously impress his girlfriend and take a break from university.

近くに人がいる {There are people nearby!}” Yuma shouts at Jiro as she races ahead and climbs on top of a small bolder to see two figures sitting on the nearby shore chatting. Quickly waddling towards her to keep sand out of his shoes, Jiro peers over the rock to see one of them happily waving at him and beckoning him to come closer. Awkwardly walking towards them, the couple grow increasingly nervous as they prepare to be bombarded with incoherent English.

Hey mate, how ya goin’?” one of them grins before reaching out for a firm handshake which Jiro meekly returns.  Yuma anxiously hides behind Jiro as he struggles to come up with a broken English response he learnt on the flight. “I’m Mike… and that’s Jake” the man continues with an Australian accent as he points to the topless man with a row of glistening abs. Reaching into his bag, Mike pulls out two cans of local beer still ice cold to the touch and offers them to the couple, “you two look like y’all need a drink” he chuckles.

N-no. I’m fine. Thank you” Jiro replies respectfully in broken English, but Mike remains insistent on giving him a drink. Noticing his rather dry lips, Jiro hesitantly accepts the cans of beer and hands one to Yuma before taking a big gulp from his. “それはうまいです {It tastes good}” Jiro mutters to Yuma in surprise as she takes a mouthful from her can and coughs loudly from the strong malt aftertaste. Laughing at her reaction, the two Australians playfully claps Jiro across his back and starts to spray the rest of their beer all over Yuma, making her squeal in surprise.

Aiiiii… やめろ {stop it!}…” Yuma shrieks, trying to shield herself from getting drenched and get Jiro to protect her, but Jiro finds his muscles completely unresponsive as he silently gawks at her. Turning red in embarrassment, Yuma notices her small breasts becoming visible under her wet clothes as her heart rate quickens. “N-noo… fucking stop it!” Yuma squeals in an Australian accent without realizing as she tries to hide her nipples beginning to ache. Trying to push Mike away, she feels her breasts expand and sag with fat as her A-cups quickly balloons into D-cups straining against her summer dress. Jiro’s jaw drops in shock as he watches Yuma’s Asian appearance slowly shift into a more Caucasian complexion; her nose bridge becoming higher while her irises turn sky blue.

What the fuck Mike…” Yuma shouts in perfect English as she brushes her now dirty blonde hair out of her eyes before seeing Mike smirk at her. Stumbling forward into his arms, her ass quickly inflates into a peach butt as she becomes slightly taller than before. “You know I hate getting wet before getting fucked by you” she moans into his ear as she rips her clothes off to reveal her busty blonde physique with a loose moist vagina completely unrecognizable to Jiro.

どうしたの {What happened}… Yuma?” Jiro splutters in horror, watching the Australian girl push Mike onto the sand before straddling him.

Who the fuck is Yuma? I’m Christine… mmmphhhh” Christine moans loudly as she impales herself onto Mike’s rock-hard cock, feeling his shaft slide into her pussy. Ignoring the Japanese man staring at her, she continues to sway her hips and press her soft ass against the base of Mike’s cock as a tear rolls down Jiro’s cheek.

Y-Yuma…” Jiro groans, reaching for blonde a few feet away as the image of Yuma’s timid and reserved Japanese face in his mind slowly fades away. Rubbing the tears out of his eyes, Jiro hesitates for a few seconds as he ties to remember why he was crying moments ago, not noticing his slanted mono-lid eyes widen and reshape into a seductive foxy appearance while his brown irises lighten in color. “私はあなたを知っていますか {Do I know you}?” Jiro mumbles with a frown, oblivious to his eyebrows thickening as the blonde getting fucked seem oddly familiar. Scratching his head in thought, his jet-black hair quickly cascades down to his lower back, turning light brown and silky smooth. Flinching in surprise, he tugs on his hair, not noticing his cheekbones rising and jaw softening into a more feminine and smaller face combined with a cute button nose.

何が起こっていますか {What’s happening}?” Jiro splutters, hearing his voice crack and rise into a seductive and womanly voice oozing with lust and a wavering Japanese accent. Clutching his throat in surprise, he lets out a few coughs, leaving his neck smooth and dainty as his accent slowly takes on a more Australian tone. “私の {My}… voice…” Jiro gasps hearing himself speak in perfect English as the Japanese vocabulary fades away; covering his mouth in shock, he doesn’t notice his lips plumping up into perfect cocksleeves covered in lipstick.

Looking sexy as fuck” Jake grins, seeing a Caucasian supermodel’s face atop Jiro’s lanky Asian body. Hearing Jake’s voice, Jiro’s heart starts to flutter uncontrollably as the voice seems strangely comforting and familiar. Suddenly feeling extremely hot, Jiro hastily tears his clothes off, leaving him stark naked on the sand as his entire body starts to tingle. Gritting his pearly white teeth, he looks down to see his oriental skin tone darken into a more sun tanned and smooth skin devoid of any blemishes.

What have you fucking done to me?!” Jiro hisses in confusion as his broad shoulders loudly crunches inwards into a smaller and petite frame with a defined collarbone. Starting to hyperventilate from his smaller diaphragm, Jiro lets out a girly shriek after noticing his biceps deflating into fragile womanly limbs with a thin layer of fat. Without given a chance to catch his breath, his hands begin to convulse as they crack smaller into soft palms and slender fingers lined with long manicured nails. “I… I don’t wanna be a slut… like… like… Christine” he groans, finally remembering the blonde’s name as a strange sensation starts to build in his lower body.

Don’t worry Jessica… you’ll be my little bitch” Jake chuckles, running his finger along Jiro’s hips, making him gasp in surprise. Feeling Jake’s rough manly hands on his smooth skin, Jiro’s hips quickly crack outwards into child-bearing proportions as fat continues to push his handlebar hips further apart. Biting his lower lip to suppress a moan, Jiro hears his stomach gurgle as all his belly fat drains down to his hips, making them wider than his own shoulders.

I’m not fucking Jessica… Ahhnnnn…” Jiro grunts through his gritted teeth as his hips fill out and the fat begins to wrap around to his ass, making his sensitive sun-tanned skin stretch apart. Jiro lets out a feminine yelp as Jake spanks his ass, encouraging the fat to flow faster into lower body. “Oh my god… noooo” Jiro wails, looking behind to see his ass cheeks inflating into a round bubble butt utilizing his already wide hips. Hesitantly stroking his ass, Jiro moans softly as memories of grinding his juicy ass against boys at the bar and getting them stretched apart in bed fills his mind.

G-get these thoughts outtt” Jiro screams, clutching his head in pain as his spine finally gives way and crunches down into a curvier and shorter form. Wheezing for breath, Jiro finds his body permanently thrusting out his chest and plump ass from his new stature. “I’m Jes--- Jiro… from Austa--- Japan…” Jiro repeats frantically as he tries to keep his shifting mind intact. Preoccupied with his racing thoughts, Jiro doesn’t notice his thighs inflating with fat to support his heavy ass until his pillowy inner thighs begin to press against his balls. Gasping in realization, Jiro spreads his thick thighs apart to give them space only to see his dick fully erect from all the stimulation.

Face blushing red in embarrassment, Jiro tries to hide his throbbing boner behind his small feminine hands but shivers as they brush against the tip of his cock. “H-how am I… so horny…” he mutters to himself, looking down to see his calves becoming toned while his feet crunch down a few sizes into petite toes lined with pedicured nails. Memories of going into beauty salons to get his nails done with Christine fills his mind as the blonde still getting fucked in front of him becomes more familiar.

At least my tits are bigger…” Jiro blurts out uncontrollably, making him cover his mouth in horror as he becomes slightly envious of Christine screaming out in ecstasy besides him. As if on cue, Jiro’s nipples harden in the cool breeze while his areolas continue to expand and pinken with twice the sensitivity. “Nughhh… not… tiddies…” Jiro groans, looking down to see his chest pulsating as the flesh quickly softens to the touch devoid of any muscle. With quivering breaths, he places his hands against his nipples only to feel them press into his palms as fat surges underneath and pushes them outwards. Cupping his budding breasts, Jiro whimpers as they quickly swell out into firm C-cups barely contained within his hands. Looking down at the deepening cleavage on his chest, Jiro can’t help but feel a hint of disappointment at his meagre tits compared to Christine’s. Without warning, his breasts begin to pulsate once again, making him squeal in surprise, “aaahhhnnn… it’s getting bigger… and heavier…” Jiro exclaims with a slight smirk as his fingers rub against his enlarging underboob. Lifting his ballooning tits in his hands, he feels their weight as they swell out into milky E-cups with puffy nipples begging to be groped. “I… I can’t even see my legs with these…” he mutters, realizing that he’s permanently thrusting out his chest from his arched back as his round tits slightly sag like teardrops from their weight and continue to jiggle from the slightest movement. Giving them a slight squeeze, Jiro shivers from the explosion of sensations as his boner becomes painfully stiff from all the sensations.

Oh god… I… don’t wanna be J-Jessica… I’m Ji… J… huh?” Jiro groans, feeling his round tits sway side to side as he clutches his head in anguish. Muttering out names, Jiro tries to remind himself of his old name but abruptly stops after noticing pre-cum dribbling of his dick onto the sand. Desperate to release the building pressure around his crotch, he lightly touches his cock only to moan loudly as a torrent of cum sprays out of his dick. “Arrghh… it doesn’t stop” Jiro moans as cum continues to uncontrollably squirt out until his balls become empty and shriveled. Sensing the refractory period kicking in, he notices his dick becoming flaccid for a few seconds before quickly hardening once again.

W-what? Am I becoming gay?” Jiro splutters in confusion as he looks up at Jake to see him naked with his dick swaying underneath. Turning away in disgust, Jiro can’t help but ogle at the size of Jiro’s cock from the corner of his eye as his libido increases exponentially. Without realizing, clear and non-viscous fluids begin to seep out of his shrinking cock as it remains painfully stiff before inverting into his crotch.

Of course not; with that body of yours, Jessica” Jake chuckles, as he watches Jiro’s cock disappear into his body while a pair of moist pussy lips spread open on his crotch. Jiro’s jaw drops open in horror as he looks down to see juices dripping out of his cleanly shaven pussy. Overwhelmed with his thoughts, Jiro doesn’t notice his already shriveled balls slip into his crotch before reforming into fertile ovaries pumping estrogen throughout his body, leaving his crotch completely flat. “You seem a little confused… I can help with that” Jake laughs before pushing Jiro onto the sand and spreading this thick thighs apart to reveal a glistening wet pussy under the hot afternoon sun.

N-no… wai--- ooohhh…” Jiro whimpers as he feels the tip of Jack’s throbbing cock rub along his twitching slit. Trying to wiggle out of Jack’s iron grip, Jiro’s heart start to beat faster as Jack’s dick continue to tease his pussy, making him shiver in anticipation. “Don’t put it in m--- mmmphhhh… oohhh…” Jiro moans loudly with his eyes rolling back in ecstasy as Jack thrusts his dick into Jiro’s vagina and spreads his tight pussy lips apart. Toes curling in pleasure, Jiro feels his crotch shift as his vagina deepens to fit Jack’s enormous cock, before feeling it ram against his newly formed womb. “Ahhnn… oh my god…” Jiro pants as his mind fogs with new memories of attending high school and dropping out of university to be with her boyfriend in Australia. All memories of her studious past becomes replaced with house parties and fuck sessions with her friend Christine. Using her vaginal muscles to clench onto Jack’s cock causes pre-cum to dribble into her already wet pussy, sending another wave of memories into Jessica’s melting brain.

Yesss… fuck me harderrrr” Jessica moans loudly before glaze in her eyes disappear, leaving her momentarily confused as she looks around. Feeling her E-cup tits bounce with each thrust, a smile forms on her lips as memories of arranging a double date with Christine and her boyfriend to a nearby secluded beach forms in her mind. Letting out a cute gasp, Jessica giggles as Jake begins to grope her tits, letting his fingers sink into her soft flesh as he starts to pound her faster. “Mmmm… keep goingggg” she pants, moving her hips around to feel Jack’s veiny cock rub against her hypersensitive clitoris, making her body spasm and juice to spray out of her pussy. Unable to hold back, Jake’s cock finally gives in and unloads dollops of cum into her pussy, making Jessica giggle as some leaks out of her pussy lips.

Try another hole” Jessica grins, as she spots a torn white summer dress nearby and tosses it away to give herself more space. Ignoring the gags and wet slurps of Christine giving her boyfriend a blowjob, Jessica rolls onto her stomach and spreads her plump ass cheeks apart in front of Jake with another stiff boner ready for round two.


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