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Joseph?! What happened to you?” you shout at your friend as he slowly picks himself up from the floor, patting the dust out of his blond hair. Minutes ago, you and your friend separated to individually explore the abandoned house in Japan until you heard him scream bloody murder from the other side of the house. Rushing past the moldy plaster and cracked floorboards, you walk into a courtyard to see him huddled in the corner shamelessly touching himself.

It… just… feels… so… good…” he stutters with his eyes glazed and unfocused as he continues to jerk himself off in front of you. Disgusted, you try to slap his hand away only to see his clothes disintegrate into ashes, leaving him stark naked with a lopsided smile. Without warning, a stream of cum splatters all over your pants as Joseph lets out a timid moan but continues to pleasure himself. Backing away, you hear bones crunch as he slowly becomes a head shorter than you with a smaller frame.

Dude… you’re creeping me out…” you splutter in confusion as his balls and dick slurps into his crotch, leaving pink pussy lips in its place. Blinking your eyes in disbelief, you watch him plunge multiple fingers into his tight pussy with his mouth drooling in ecstasy. “Joseph… stop it!” you shout at him as he pulls his fingers out of his pussy with a wet pop and begin to massage his belly until it becomes completely flat and toned.

H-help me… a ghost… is in me” Joseph gasps, momentarily regaining control as he tries to run for the exit. Stumbling over a pile of debris, he falls flat on his face as his hips audibly crack and explode out into fatty handlebars. Groaning, he reaches out for you as his eyes glaze once more and a sheepish smile stretches across his face. Massaging his ass, Joseph goes on all fours and thrusts his ass towards you, spreading his cheeks apart as they expand with fat. “It’s… all for you…” he pants, giving his peach ass a squeeze as his fingers sinks into the soft flesh.  Sensually rubbing his thighs together, you see them widen and become juicy fleshy pillows by the second, making use of his wide hips and round ass.

Joseph… what the fuck…” you gasp in horror, wanting to leave but remain transfixed on his now feminine lower body supporting his male upper half. You flinch away as he tries to grab you, noticing his hands shrinking into dainty feminine digits with glossy nails as his arms deflate in mass to become delicate limbs. The same changes flow down his legs as his feet crunches down a few sizes while petite toes wiggle back with matching glossy nails.

Joseph?” he replies with two voices interlapped as his eyes roll back in conflict; after a minute, he lets out a sigh and looks at you with a cute smile, sending a chill down your spine. “You mean… Jess?” he giggles creepily as he slowly approaches you with a dripping wet pussy. “I’ll make it easier for you… since you’re so confused…” he grins, rubbing his neck as his Adam’s apple disappears, leaving it smooth and graceful while his blond hair slowly turns jet black and begins to cascade down to his shoulders, turning slightly wavy with cute bangs. Smiling and batting his eyes at you, they immediately begin to widen into a doe-like complexion with a slight slant as his irises turn dark brown, looking somewhat innocent.

Holy shit… give Joseph back his body” you stutter, watching his face turn androgynous as his cheekbones rise and his jaw soften to form a round feminine structure. Letting out a timid sneeze, his nose shrinks into a cute button nose while his lips plump up and widen with pink lipstick. Your jaw drops when you realize that you’re staring at a Japanese girl’s face as Joseph smiles lustfully at you with a finger in his pussy.

His soul left a while ago… it’s my body now…” Jess giggles as her voice cracks and rises into a cute, yet seductive tone with a strong Japanese accent. You stare at her speechless, wondering what to do about your friend, but she breaks your thoughts by jumping at you and wrapping her lips around yours. “M-my last regret before I died… was not having children” she whispers into your ear as she reaches down to your pants and begin stroking your dick. Panicking, you try to push her off, only to feel her iron grip around your body tighten as she feels your dick hardening in her hand.

Let go…” you grunt, suddenly feeling her nipples on her flat chest harden and rub against yours. Looking down, you see her areolas double in size and darken as she begins to moan into your ear. Jess’ breathing quickens as her chest pulsates with activity, sending fat under her nipples and causing them to push out into budding A-cups. Starting to hyperventilate, her breasts swells out into modest B-cups, pressing against your chest as she teases the tip of your cock with her moist pussy lips. “S-stop… I don’t want to fuck my friend…” you stutter, but your dick betrays you as pre-cum begins to drip onto her cleanly shaven crotch, making her giggle with joy.

Hmm… maybe this will change your mind…” Jess mutters as she stares intently into your eyes, digging through your inner thoughts until a smile stretches across her face. Exhaling loudly, her lips begin to expand into soft cock sleeves with glossy lipstick while her skin turns smooth and sensitive with a creamy oriental hue. “これで十分ですか?{Is this enough?}” Jess whispers in fluent Japanese as you remain speechless in shock. Pouting her lips, she digs further into your mind as you feel a cold shiver flow down your body.

Giving you a seductive wink, Jess begins to grope her tits, feeling the soft flesh shift under her hands as more fat starts to flow into them. “Mmmhmm… come on…” she moans, as her breasts balloon out into D-cups, spilling out of her fingers and bouncing in time with her breathing. Pressing her heavy tits together, a deep cleavage forms and droplets of milk begin to squirt out of her puffy nipples. “For my future babies…” she coos, feeling her breasts expand once more into E-cups brimming with milk as she gropes her soft under-boob and smiles lustfully at you.

N-no… stop… nurghhhh” you grunt as she aggressively pushes you against the old brick wall and kisses you with her plump lips. Fighting against her grip, you feel her tongue dig into your mouth as your taste her sweet saliva, slowly sending waves of warmth throughout your body and relaxing your muscles. “W-what did you do…” you splutter in a daze as she effortlessly grabs your dick and guides it to her trembling pussy, sending a sudden urge for you to fuck her senseless with your heightened libido.

Bit of my aphrodisiac saliva… and supernatur---ahhnnnn… mmmmphhh” she screams in ecstasy as you thrust your throbbing dick into her tight pussy. Ramming your balls against her round ass, she moans loudly as you hold onto her hour-glass figure waist, feeling her vaginal muscles clench onto your shaft. Wet slurping sounds echo throughout the courtyard as your dick rubs against her clitoris, making her knees buckle from the pleasure, but you continue mindlessly fucking her raw from her wish. “Yeeesss… fill me up” Jess moans as she feels your dick tense for a split second before shooting rounds of cum into her pussy until some leak out of her puffy pussy lips. Smiling at you, she dips a finger into her pussy and pulls out a string of cum before wrapping her lips around it sensually.

Your look of disgust quickly turns into intense arousal as you find yourself kneeling down before uncontrollably thrusting your lips to her pussy with your tongue lapping up the juices dripping out like a dog. “W-what the fu---mmmhhmm… delicious…” you moan, pushing your tongue through Jess’ slit as you feel a cold breeze flow into your body. With each lick, your face contorts and shifts into another Japanese girl with wide slanted brown eyes and silky light brown hair. “私の番 {My turn…}” you giggle uncontrollably in Japanese as your voice rises into a seductive and feminine tone dripping with lust.

Standing up, you find yourself the same height as Jess as she flashes you a look of confusion, but quickly smiles. “Hitomi… you’re back!” Jess chuckles, as you smile at the name, feeling your past memories and life fade away while memories of fucking businessmen and living a life of luxury fills your mind. Giving Jess a grin, you tuck your long hair behind your ear and close your eyes, feeling your body shift and crack. Eyes fluttering open, you look down to see cute feet and petite hands waving in front of you while your now juicy thighs and round ass jiggle around.

Mhmm… nearly there…” you groan, feeling your hips pop out into child-bearing proportions while collar bone crunches down into a smaller frame. With a sly smile, you cup your balls and push them into your crotch with a wet slurp while your chest begin to tingle. “またお会いできてうれしいです {Good to see you back...}” you giggle, feeling ovaries form while you push your dick into your crotch to create a pulsating pink vulva dripping with juices. Groping your chest, you feel fat flow under your nipples as they darken and balloon out into D-cups, tingling with sensitivity and desire to be sucked on. Squeezing your soft tits, you smile to yourself as you begin to finger yourself in front of Jess still recovering from her multiple orgasms.

Without warning, you grab Jess and push her onto the ground, causing her to yelp out in surprise. “I… just wanted lesbian sex before I died…” you whisper into her ear before nibbling on her earlobe and causing her body to spasm with pleasure. Wrapping your legs around her, you feel her trembling pussy press against your puffy vagina, making you moan loudly as her massive leaking tits press against your hardened nipples too. Too horny to reject your desires, Jess begins to grind her pussy against yours, sending juices spraying down the middle as you suckle on her tits, tasting her sweet and warm milk on your tongue.

Hearing faint footsteps in the distance, you and Jess quickly stop and sit upright, hearing the familiar chatter of explorers and ghost hunters. “I have a few friends needing hosts to possess” you giggle to Jess as she looks at you with a devilish grin.


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