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I repeat… the Japanese department has been infiltrated. All agents in Vietnam to remain vigil---” the static cuts short as a heavy boot crushes it into a million pieces. Light snickering echoes around the damp concrete walls as a man in dressed in a suit struggle against the ropes tied around wrists. Feeling a sharp kick to his abdomen, he looks up to see Binh the drug gang boss grinning like a maniac.

Shame your colleague in Japan cracked… and told us the names of every agent in our country” Binh taunts, seeing the defeat in the agent’s eyes. Noticing a photo drop to the ground, the agent shuffles closer to see a Japanese girl with orange hair covered in cum smiling to the camera. “Stan… well technically Akari… said you’re an agent… Dylan” the boss snarls, making Dylan’s blood run cold as he quickly pieces the puzzle together.

The brothels… and kidnappings….” Dylan gasps, finally realizing the true operations of the global drug cartel. Mind going into overdrive, he desperately thinks of a way to avoid certain execution from the gang members. “Wait! Let me live and I’ll be your double agent” he shouts, catching Binh’s attention.

We weren’t going to kill you… but that’s a good idea” the boss mumbles deep in thought as he strokes his stubble. Dylan’s sigh of relief soon turns to panic as he notices Binh holding a syringe with a toothy smile. “Too bad I promised my boys a bit of fun” he chuckles as the needle enters Dylan’s arm and disperses its contents throughout his body.

What the fuck did you do?!” Dylan screams as his body heats up and begins to spasm on the floor. Seeing him rolling on the floor in pain, the gang members quickly untie his restraints and tear off his expensive suit, leaving him naked and sweating on the ground. Loud popping sounds flow through his body as his spine shrinks and his shoulders crunch inwards, making him a foot shorter than before.

Just making you into one of the agent’s wife” Binh replies nonchalantly as Dylan’s eyes widen in fear. Reaching out to grab the boss, his hands shrink into slim digits with glossy nails while his biceps deflate into thin womanly limbs. Kicking Dylan’s dainty flailing arms away, Binh roars with laughter as Dylan’s nipples begin to harden against the cold concrete floor.

I didn’t agree to tha--- ohhhh mphhh…” Dylan pants, feeling his chest vibrate as fat begins to accumulate under his nipples growing darker and wider. Starting to hyperventilate, he presses his feminine hands against his A-cup tits, feeling them becoming softer and pushing out into B-cups. Letting out a whimper, he feels his breasts swell out into C-cup spilling out of his fingers as they jiggle on his chest with a tempting cleavage.

Boobs?!” Dylan grunts, groping his soft under boob as new sensations explode in his brain, making his body twitch. Gang members with perverted grins begin to take pictures of Dylan on the floor as he turns red with embarrassment and attempts to cover his puffy nipples. Hearing his stomach grumble, he lets out a gasp as his belly suddenly flattens, pushing fat to his lower body while his waist sucks in.

Oh god… it hurts” Dylan screams as his hips finally crack and expand into child-bearing proportions filling with fat on the sides. Shivering, he feels more fat flow into his ass as it begins to vibrate with activity, slowly becoming rounder and heavier. Rubbing his hands along his ass, Dylan feels his fingers sink into his soft bubble butt as the onlooking gang members laugh with glee.

Don’t you fucking dare touch me… I’ll ki---aahhnnnn… mmpphhh” Dylan shouts at the closest member but lets out a moan as his dick suddenly becomes rock hard, dripping with pre-cum. “What the…” he mutters in confusion, feeling horny as the crowd around him begins to pull out their dicks without hesitation. Accidently brushing his slender fingers against his cock, Dylan’s body violently jerks as cum sprays out, covering his body and splattering onto the ground. Seeing the mess he made, Dylan’s balls turn numb and begin to shrivel up as it becomes empty, slurping into his body to form fertile ovaries. “Noooo…” he whimpers, feeling his shrinking cock slip from his fingers as it inverts into his crotch. Loud cheering from the gang members drowns out Dylan’s moan as his flat crotch splits open to form dripping wet pussy lips with a trembling clitoris and deep vaginal wall.

Fuck off” Dylan shouts, desperately trying to hide his moist pink vulva from the horny gangsters beginning to rub their dicks. Still sweating from the sudden arousal, Dylan hesitantly runs a finger along his trembling pussy lips before thrusting more fingers into his warm folds. Mouth agape, he continues to finger himself, pushing further in as the desire to find a girthy cock to fill his pussy becomes almost overwhelming.

Make it stopppp” Dylan groans, finally finding the willpower to pull his hand slick with juices out of his pussy with a wet slurp as his thighs begin to ripple with activity. Groaning, he clutches them, only to feel them expand with soft flesh to support his bubble butt and wide hips. Flinching from the icy cold concrete floor touching his sensitive inner thighs, Dylan lets out a shriek as his juicy thighs jiggle with fat in synchronization with his ass and breasts. The changes flow down his legs as his feet crunch down a few sizes until petite toes with glossy nails wiggle back. Covered in cum and fluids, Dylan feels his body tingle as his skin becomes smoother and softer with a creamy oriental hue.

Finally finding some strength in his feminine body, Dylan jumps up and attempts to escape only to feel a large rough hand shoot out and grab his bouncing left tit, sending him into a world of pleasure. “Oohhhmmphhhh… let go… aahhnnnn” Dylan moans, feeling the hand squeeze his soft breast as his voice rises into a seductive and feminine tone layered with a strong Vietnamese accent. Recognizing the voice, Dylan clutches his throat in shock, as he turns to see Binh with a wide grin and his hand on breast.

No… not Hyunh…” Dylan whimpers in her voice as Binh pulls him closer and presses their lips together. Grunting in disgust, Dylan tries to recoil but his lips quickly plump up into Hyunh’s recognizable cock sucking lips. Feeling saliva drip from his lip, Dylan finds himself returning the kiss with his tongue digging into Binh’s mouth as his heart beats faster.

You might be the sergeant’s wife… but you’re my property here” Binh breathes into Dylan’s ear as his jaw softens and his cheekbones rise into a rounder face. Too shocked to respond, Dylan feels unknown hands grab his hips as his ass cheeks spread apart before feeling a girthy cock slide into his tight asshole.

Mmmphh… I’m not…” Dylan moans as Binh’s cock slides into his dripping wet pussy simultaneously, making his knees buckle. Panting between kisses, Dylan feels his nose shrink into a cute, angled nose as his hair cascades down to his lower back, turning jet black and silky smooth. Blinking back tears, his eyes widen into almonds with distinctive slants as his irises turn dark brown to reflect his new Asian heritage. “Ahhnn… just… fuck me harder” Dylan coos as his eyes glaze and his mind rewires with new memories. Hearing the Vietnamese girl moan, Binh and the gang member begin to thrust harder into both her holes until cum begin to drip out. Feeling her body filling with hot cum, Hyunh soon forgets her old name as she collapses to the ground with fluids gurgling out of her and a satisfied smile stretched across her face.

After a few minutes the glaze in Hyunh’s eyes and the fog in her mind dissipates, leaving her looking around in confusion. “Y-you made me fuck you” she screams in anger at Binh, still feeling her ass throb with pleasure as she tries to cover her pussy and tits. “I’ll tell the department that I’m… D…D… Hyunh…” she splutters in horror, unable to remember her old name as memories of spending time with her husband and seeing him work fills her mind. “I… don’t remember…” Hyunh cries, as the gang members laugh hysterically at their success.

As agreed, you’ll spy on the sergeant and report back to us. If you don’t, your hormones will kick in and force you into a hungry nymphomaniac like before” Binh grins as Hyunh’s heart sinks, realizing the betrayal to the department. “Don’t forget this” he adds, tossing Hyunh a white Ao Dai as Vietnamese vocabulary floods into her mind. Hesitantly putting on the tight traditional dress, she feels her hard sensitive nipples rub against the fabric as her cum coated pussy becomes covered.

Walking out of the abandoned warehouse, Hyunh ignores the playful wolf whistles from the gang members behind her as she sees the original Hyunh happily getting fucked by four members in a nearby room. Letting out a sigh of regret, she continues walking and catches a bus back to her house.

Bạn đây rồ {There you are!}” Hyunh giggles in perfect Vietnamese, seeing the familiar face of her husband walking towards her.


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