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It’s going to be another easy game” Sam chuckles as he walks through the sliding doors to be blasted by the familiar torrent of sounds and lights. Squinting through the blinding lights, his friend, Alex follows closely behind to redeem some tokens for their upcoming few games. Grinning to himself, Alex looks forward to the games after secretly practicing at home in an attempt to break his losing streak against Sam.

It’s a bit empty in here…” Alex mutters to himself, noticing the lack of players on the arcade machines, but Sam shrugs off the comment as they approach the machines with the glowing words ‘Street Fighter’. Pressing play, the two eagerly select their characters and immediately start the game, resulting in another crushing defeat for Alex. Despite Sam’s laughter and taunts, Alex continues to play the next few games which only adds to his losing streak as he grits his teeth in frustration.

New game-mode?” Sam murmurs, seeing a new icon at the bottom of the screen and clicking it as a notification explaining the new rules appears. “Fully interactive… with penalties for the loser for an hour?” Sam says, reading the text as he closes the notification and begins the game. “It’s just the same thing…” he mutters as he picks Chun-Li per usual and Alex picks Cammy with a sly grin.

Furrowing his brow in concentration, Alex tries his best to avoid Sam’s attacks and pull out a few of his own, only to be easily countered. To his surprise, the first two rounds seem fairly balanced with each winning a round, but the last fight leaves Alex with a fraction of his health remaining as the seconds tick by. Seeing a break in Sam’s concentration from his past overwhelming victories, Alex quickly pulls off a few combos and wins the game much to Sam’s surprise.

Fuck… how did you do that…” Sam mumbles in shock as Alex smiles widely at his first win. The screen flashes the word ‘loser punishment’ as Sam grumbles in frustration, seeing the words repeatedly taunt him on the screen. “That was a fucking fluke… I want a rema--- arrrrrghhhh” he screams in agony and falls to the floor as his body becomes increasingly hotter and sweatier. Grunting, his spine suddenly arches while becoming curvier and shorter, permanently thrusting his ass out as his shoulders crunches inwards to form a smaller frame. “W-what’s happening to me?!” he screams in confusion, seeing his clothes melt from his body.

Fulfilling the punishment” Alex grins, seeing his friend spasm on the floor as his body shrinks and his dick suddenly harden. “I guess you didn’t read the new game-mode update” he adds as Sam awkwardly tries to hide his throbbing boner under his hands. Face flushing red with arousal, Sam shrieks out as he feels pre-cum dribble onto his hands, hearing Alex roaring with laughter. “Enjoy it while it lasts…” Alex chuckles as Sam helplessly looks up at him.

What do you mea--- ooohhmmphhh… fuuuuck…” Sam gasps as his crotch suddenly heats up and his body feels incredibly horny. Accidently brushing against the tip of his cock causes a torrent of cum to spurt out onto the arcade floor as Sam moans uncontrollably. Gasping for breath, he tries to stop himself from ejaculating onto the floor but to no avail as his balls eventually become empty and slurp into his body to form fertile ovaries. “No… this can’t be happening…” Sam groans as his cock slowly deflates and inverts into his body, squirting out a more transparent fluid onto his hands. With shallow breaths, he whimpers as his cock disappears into his crotch, leaving a pair of bright pink pussy lips, dripping wet with juices. “M-my… dick…” he whimpers and moans loudly as he plunges his fingers into his pussy, feeling his nearly formed clitoris and widening vaginal wall clenching onto them.

As the winner, you are fully obedient to me” Alex laughs as he presses a button on the arcade machine and Sam’s mind fogs for a split second. “As my little bitch, how horny are you?” he asks, seeing Sam’s eyes widen in confusion and embarrassment.

Fuck you freak! I’m go… I’m… I’m so horrnnyyy” Sam slurs as he pulls his fingers out of his pussy with a wet slurp, playing with the strings of juices coating his fingers. “I… I didn’t mean to say that…” he splutters in confusion as juices continue to seep out of his pussy and mix with the puddle of cum.

Are you sure? When you should be sucking my dick right now…” Alex grins, pressing two buttons on the arcade machine, causing Sam’s eyes to roll back as the skill of giving perfect blowjobs explode in his mind. Seeing Sam hopelessly fight against his burning urges, Alex pulls his pants down and reveals his growing boner.

You fuckerrrrr” Sam screams as his body involuntarily crawls to Alex and kneels in front of him as his pussy becomes even hotter. “Don’t make me pu---nnnmmppphh… mmmph…” Sam moans as he wraps his lips around Alex’s cock and feels it pressing against the back of his throat. Tears forming around the corner of his eyes, Sam whimpers as his lips plump up into wide kissable lips covered in pink lipstick. Unable to control himself, his tongue begins to wrap around Alex’s cock as his jaw softens and his cheekbones rise to form a rounder and smaller feminine face. “Make… it… stop…” Sam moans between each thrust of Alex’s cock, hearing his voice crack and rise into an alluring and feminine tone with a Chinese accent. Clutching his neck in confusion, he feels it smoothen as his nose shrinks into a cute button nose. Uncontrollably slurping on Alex’s cock, Sam desperately looks up at him for mercy as his eyes widen and become slanted while his irises turn hazel, reflecting his new distinctive Chinese background. Feeling Alex’s cock twitch against the side of Sam’s cheek, a torrent of cum explodes into his mouth, coating it with his salty essence. Gagging, Sam pulls away, feeling strings of cum drip from his plump lips as his tongue hungrily swirls the cum in his mouth before forcing it down his throat. “T-that was disgusting” Sam splutters as his hair cascades down and quickly ties into two iconic buns on his head before turning dark brown and silky smooth.

“You look just like Chun-Li” Alex grins, ignoring the anger on Sam’s feminine face as he wipes the remaining cum off his lips. “Let’s see some moves with that sexy body” he adds, as Sam stares at him in horror, knowing what’s about to happen.

Don’t make me… arrghhhh… shitttt” Sam squeals in a cute voice as his hands suddenly contorts and spasms uncontrollably. Looking down at them, he sees his fingers turning slender with glossy nails while his hands shrink into petite palms. Feeling the changes flow up his arms, his biceps suddenly bulge and become toned with muscle as a pair of iconic spiked bracelets wrap around his wrists. “Fuck… I’m so ripped…” Sam mutters, seeing the muscles flex on his womanly arms as his hips suddenly cracks and bulges outwards into child-bearing proportions, growing wider with more flesh.

Nooo… not down there…” Sam groans, stroking his feminine hands along his broad hips as pressure begins to build in his ass. Whimpering, he runs his hands along his ass, feeling his skin stretch as fat immediately rushes in and pushes it out. Panting for breath, he shivers as his ass slowly balloons out into a round bubble butt tempting others to rip it apart and fill his holes. Looking down to see his thighs buzzing with energy, Sam yelps out loud as they quickly swell with fat and muscle, becoming wider than his own head. “Oh fuuuckkk…” he moans as his thighs jiggle with the new mass and his sensitive inner thighs begin to rub against each other, making his pussy wetter. Feeling the changes flow further down, he shivers as his calves cramp, becoming thicker with muscle while his feet crunch down a few sizes to form petite toes with feminine nail gloss to better suit his new body.

Looking good, sexy” Alex chuckles, seeing Sam stroke his thick thighs as his ass jiggles with each movement. “Time for some final tou---” Alex murmurs but is cut off by Sam’s shout of anger.

You’re going to pay for this” Sam screams as he charges towards Alex with his fists clenched. “I’m going to fuck you up so har---” he continues with his arms raised but Alex quickly presses a few buttons on the arcade machine, making Sam’s eyes glaze and his mind warp. “I… I’m going to let you fuck me so haaarrdd” Sam moans as the thought of Alex ramming his pussy fills his mind. Looking at the screen, Alex realised that he pressed the button for love and set lust to maximum. “N-no… No… I mean… y-you need to… feed me with your cum…” Sam blurts out as memories of his friends and family slowly fade away and become replaced with Alex fucking him raw. “I… I’m not your girl--- little slut…” Sam groans and clutches his head as his past life disappears, leaving an extremely horny Chun-Li looking up at her boyfriend. “Heyyy… ready for a quick fuck in this arcade?” Chun-Li coos into Alex’s ear as she stares at his bulging boner.

Not just yet…” Alex stutters and presses a button on the arcade machine, causing Chun-Li to hunch over in pain. Grasping her stomach, she groans as her belly flattens while a set of abs form on her toned stomach. Hearing her belly grumble she feels her waist suck in to form an hour-glass figure while acquiring a new taste for hot cum for nourishment. “What do think of me?” Alex asks, pressing one last button as Chun-Li begins to drool and finger herself.

I need you… and I love you… I’m your little bitc--- ahhhnnnnn… mmphhh” Chun-Li moans loudly in response as her nipples suddenly hardens and her areolas double in size and darken. Beginning to hyperventilate, she shivers as fat flows under her nipples, pushing them out into budding A-cup breasts. Touching her sensitive and softening chest, she squeals as her tits swell out into C-cup breasts begging to be squeezed. “Ahhnn… bigger…” she pants as she cups her breasts with her small hands, feeling her fingers sink into her soft under-boob flesh as they balloon out into E-cup tits. Lifting her left tit up, she giggles as she feels its weight and warmth in her hands, remembering all the times Alex sucked on her nipples and ran his tongue along her deep cleavage. “Is this enough?” Chun-Li asks, as she presses her tits together, feeling a shiver run down her body as her bodily hair disappear, leaving her skin smooth and sensitive with a creamy Asian hue.

Definitely…” Alex grins as he pushes her to the wall and spreads her thick legs apart, revealing her already dripping wet pussy. Not giving her time to catch her breath, Alex immediately thrusts his throbbing cock deep into her pussy, feeling her pussy lips spread apart to swallow his cock whole. Screaming with ecstasy, Chun-Li begins to move her hips around, feeling Alex’s cock grind against her vaginal walls before using her muscles to clench onto his cock.

Yeeesss…. Fill me upppp” Chun-Li moans as Alex’s shaft rubs against her clitoris and presses against her womb with each thrust. Sensing the familiar jerk of Alex’s cock, Chun-Li squeals loudly as his cock gives in and fills her pussy to the brim with cum. Knees buckling from the pleasure, Chun-Li stumbles forward towards the arcade console allowing her massive heavy tits to press onto a few buttons.

Waiiiitt… noooooo…” Alex screams in horror, seeing the screen flash with a few warning signs before sparking with electricity and absorbing his phone placed nearby. Watching the screen helplessly, Alex sees the arcade machine searching through his phone for an image before stopping on the webpage he had open in the past. “Shit… not Tifa…” he splutters in fear as his voice suddenly rises into a seductive and feminine tone. Watching Alex crumple onto the floor, Chun-Li head throbs as she slowly becomes bisexual with a burning lust for the changing person in front of her.

Oohh… looking sexy…” Chun-Li giggles as long black hair cascades down Alex’s shoulders. Ignoring his screams of pain, she watches his face shift into an identical image of Tifa with foxy crimson eyes and an angled jaw.

You have to… ahhhnnn… reverse it… arrghh…” Alex moans as his bones crunches down to form a smaller frame. Squirming on the floor, Alex feels his ass expand into a round bubble butt and his legs widen with fat into a pair of womanly legs. “Oh… fuccckkk… noooo” he screams, seeing his cock shrink into his body to form a twitching pink pussy moist with juices nestled between his thick thighs. Unable to control his rising arousal, Alex pushes his fingers into his newly formed pussy making him moan with pleasure as his hands and arms deflate into womanly limbs.

I can try pressing a few buttons…” Chun-Li stammers as Alex ignores her, overwhelmed by the new sensations exploding around his body. Pressing a few buttons, Alex’s body immediately shivers and his eyes glaze as his mind becomes rewritten. Breathing deeply, he tries to shake the thoughts away, but finally succumbs to his new lusty personality as Tifa.

This feels so good…” Tifa moans as she rubs her flattening belly and massages her softening chest. Within a few seconds, her breasts balloon out into firm E-cup tits, rivalling Chun-Li’s as she begins to grope her massive breasts. Looking up at Chun-Li from the floor, Tifa’s crotch starts to moisten as she becomes obsessively attracted to her body. “Holy shit… I need you…” Tifa coos as she pulls Chun-Li onto the floor, seeing her spread her flexible wide thighs apart to reveal her dripping wet pussy before rubbing them together.

Fuck me harrrrdder” Chun-Li moans into Tifa’s ear as their tits press against each other and their pussies grind, mixing their juices together. Ignoring the sound of the arcade sliding door opening, the two girls continue to fuck each other in front of the arcade machine as the penalty timer slowly tick lower.


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