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Taking off your muddy helmet and ruffling your matted hair, the cheery tavern music and aroma flows through your aching body. Your heavy sword thumps to the ground, turning a few heads as fellow patrons notice dried blood and grime spattered across your face and armor. With a sigh, you take a seat on a creaky wooden stool as your partner waves over the waitress.

Good evening adventurers, what can I ge---” the waitress happily asks as she walks closer to your table but is cut off.

Urgh… go back to whichever forest you came from, elf” your partner grumbles loudly, as the waitress gasps in surprise and turns red with embarrassment. You don’t blame him for his rather discriminatory behavior considering that both his parents were slaughtered by rebel elves a decade ago.

Come on Calix… it’s not her fault” you hiss under your breath as you start to feel awkward by being associated with his brash behavior. The elven waitress’ long ears droop in humiliation as she slowly backs away with her wooden tray tucked under her arms. Looking around, you see the other patrons pause and stare, but don’t dare to oppose Calix’s insults as your blood-soaked sword lies ominously against your table.

Elves are just fucking whores desper---” Calix grunts, slamming his fist onto the table as the owner of the tavern walks up and interrupts him.

I’m sorry adventurers… drinks are on the house… and hopefully I can change your mind on my fine establishment…” the rather voluptuous owner purrs into Calix’s ear as she pulls up her skirt to reveal her already soaked panties. Without hesitation, Calix takes up her offer with a sly gin and walks up with her to the upper rooms as you stare with your mouth agape in confusion. With a sigh, you decide to leave Calix alone to his own entertainment for the night as you give the elven waitress a look of sympathy.

Keen to rest your weary back and take your armor off after a long day of hunting, you start to make your way up the stairs and into your rented room. Walking past a locked door, you suddenly hear sounds of scuffling and loud groans of pain emanating from the room. Unable to ignore your duty as a paladin to save citizens, you abruptly charge through the door and into the dimly lit room. “What the… Calix?” you splutter in surprise as you see him kneeling naked on the ground and the owner grinning behind him.

Run!” Calix croaks, but it’s too late as vines shoot out from the wooden walls and wrap around your limbs, keeping you frozen in place as your sword clatters to the ground. Despite your efforts to tear off your bindings, the vines drag you onto the cold floor as your beloved armor begins to melt and disappear, leaving you stark naked.

Perfect! Got you both racist bastards” the owner snarls as you look at her in confusion and fear. Struggling against the vines, you notice her chanting a few elvish spells as Calix bolts upright with his eyes glazed in a trance.

Wait… there’s a misunderstanding…” you shout but begin to panic as Calix stumbles in front of you. “What the fuck?!” you splutter in horror as you see a cleanly shaven pussy nestled between Calix’s thick thighs as he begins to lower himself onto you. Too shocked for words, you shudder as his now feminine hands wrap around your cock and sensually stroke it until it becomes painfully erect. “Calix… what happened to you?” you gasp as he begins to rub the tip of your cock along his puffy slit, letting his vaginal juices drip onto your dick and mix with your pre-cum seeping out.

I… I can’t control… nughhhhh… myself” Calix moans as he lowers his body and impales himself onto your throbbing cock, feeling your girthy dick spread his tight pussy lips apart. Tears running down his cheeks, a seductive smile soon forces itself on his face with each thrust of your cock rubbing against his clitoris. “I… don’t want to… be an elf…” he pants between each bounce on your crotch as his round ass ripples against your body and his A-cup tits begin to swell out. Grunting, you try to contain yourself as you watch his ballooning tits surge out and bounce in front of your face. Moaning and groping his own tits, you see Calix’s face warp as it becomes smaller and feminine with distinctive elvish elongated ears. “P-please… don’t cum in meeee” he groans as long black hair begins to flow down his head and cover his widening eyes and fuller lips.

Fuuuck… I can’t holdddd…” you gasp as you feel his warm and wet vaginal muscles clench around your dick and massage it for your essence. Letting out an exhausted sigh, your cock finally gives in and shoots dollops of cum deep into Calix’s pussy, making him scream in ecstasy as his voice cracks and becomes higher and feminine. Grabbing your shoulders and pinning you onto the ground, a sultry grin stretches across Calix’s lips as his eyes glaze one final time, completely altering his memories and personality. “C-Calix? Are you alr---mmmphhhh” you whisper in horror, but is cut off as he presses his massive left tit over your mouth.

Calix? Hmmm… sounds like someone who fucked me raw three moons ago…” the elf purrs as she recalls her memories, slightly squirming from your cock still deep in her aching pussy. “Shame that you already forgotten my name as Anna…” she giggles as you stare back in confusion with her nipple pressed against your lips. To your surprise, you feel your lips moistening as fluids begin to seep out of her nipple and into your mouth. Spluttering in horror, you try to pull away, but your lips begin to uncontrollably suck on her tits, feeling your body flush with heat as the familiar taste of nectar covers your tongue.

W-what the fuck?!” you shout, finally pulling away from Anna as she playfully squeezes her tits, watching sweet milk dribble from her breasts and splatter onto the timber floor. Unbeknownst to you, your throbbing cock has been continuously spurting out cum out of your shrinking balls, leaving a trail of cum between you and Anna. “Why can I stop?!” you pant in confusion as a puddle of cum forms under you and the owner grins back at you with glowing eyes. Shivering, you cup your shriveled balls only to feel them slurp into your body and shift into fertile ovaries pumping estrogen throughout your body. “No… no… I didn’t insu----nnuughhh… annhhh” you moan in realization of the changes as your knees give way and your dick begins to shrink. Panting furiously, you try to hold onto whatever left, but find yourself hopelessly pawing at your flat crotch as your cock inverts into your body, sending chills up your spine. You whimper as a tight slit forms and pink pussy lips rimmed with juices blossom outwards, tempting your fingers to explore further.

You’ll love it, sister” Anna coos from the other side of the room as you turn to see her hungrily inserting the hilt of your sword into her dripping wet pussy. Your eyes drifts to her body, noticing her skin darkening, denoting her race as a dark elf, known for their high magic affiliate and insanely high libido.

P-please don’t make me an elf… I… mmnpph… I’m a Pala… slutttt” you groan as your fingers uncontrollably plunges into your pussy, spreading your lips apart while your other hand covers your mouth in horror of what you just said. Squirming on the floor, you fingers pushes further in, rubbing against your newly developed clitoris as your vaginal muscles instinctively clenches onto them and coats them with warm juices. “Fuuccckk… nooooo” you moan loudly as your hips audibly pop outwards into child-bearing proportions, widening with additional fat on the sides as your ass begins to tremble.

Groaning in pain, you pull your fingers out of your pussy with a wet slurp and roll onto your stomach as your ass continues to pulsate with activity. Thrusting your ass into the air, you give a sigh of relief as your skin quickly stretches to accommodate the massive influx of fat as your ass balloons out into a perfectly round bubble butt begging to be stretched apart. ‘Oh my god… this can’t be happening…” you whimper as you squeeze your ass, feeling your fingers sink into your soft flesh as memories of getting rammed from behind and seeing cum drip out of your filled asshole invades your mind.

Without warning, your bones start to pop and crack throughout your body, slowly shortening your legs and arms to suit a smaller frame while your spine sharply arches as it becomes smaller and curvier. “You got to be shitting me…” you gasp in horror as your muscular legs begin to soften and widen with additional fat. Moaning, your now sensitive inner thighs begin to rub against each other as juices from your still dripping pussy lubricates them. Looking past your juicy thighs thick enough to smother rows of cock in between, you notice your calves cramping and shrinking into womanly legs. Yelping in pain, you hear your feet crunch down a few sizes as your toes become dainty with polished nails to match your new body.

Change me fucking back!” you scream, quickly jumping up with your feminine legs and charging at the tavern owner as she nonchalantly sits on a creaky wooden chair. To your surprise, you find yourself hitting an invisible barrier an arms-length away face first before crumpling onto the floor in pain.

Change you back into what?” the owner taunts with glowing eyes as faint charms begin to float into the air, denoting her as an experienced spell-caster.

Into… into… a Pal… uhhh… Pa… elf slut…” you stammer, horrified that you easily blurted out your worst nightmare as the witch grins back. Racking your brains, you furiously try to recall your prestigious class but your mind repeatedly reminds you of getting fucked multiple times a night and spending time in alleyways and forests.

A slutty elf, huh?” the witch sneers as you look at her with dread, still unable to recollect your past occupation despite Anna energetically jamming your sword into her pussy. “Maybe this will jog your memory…” she chuckles as she pulls out a wand and points it at her crotch. Your jaw drops in surprise as you watch her skirt rip into shreds, revealing her pink pussy lips which quickly stretch apart as a long girthy cock begins to protrude out of her gaping vagina. To your own disgust and horror, you find yourself salivating at the sight of her throbbing cock as a pair of balls form underneath.

N-no… I’m not… ooohh… it’s so big… and long…” you coo in response as your body automatically crawls towards the witch and your hands begin to touch her dick. Unable to fight your burning urges you feel your heart flutter as you wrap your hands around her cock, suddenly flinching as they begin to contort and spasm. Groaning, you look down to see your hands shrinking into soft feminine palms while your fingers slenderize with glossy pink nails. “Ahnn… no…” you cry as your wrists slim and bulging biceps from years of quests begin to soften and shrink into a pair of womanly arms only capable of pleasing others. You shudder as your broad manly shoulders loudly crunch inwards into round alluring shoulders, pushing your collarbone further out.

Quit the foreplay, I’ll give you want you want” the witch chuckles as your fingers stop stroking the tip of her cock and your mouth becomes bone dry. Desperate to quench your thirst and burning urges, you eagerly open your mouth wide before the witch grabs your head and thrusts your lips to the base of her dick.

Mmpphhh… ohhhmmmph…” you moan, feeling the witch’s girthy cock slide to the back of your throat almost making you gag as your face begins to turn numb. To your surprise, you feel your lips plump up and widen with lipstick until they become puffy cock sleeves, sealing in your sweet saliva as you wrap your tongue around her shaft. Moaning with your mouth full, your jaw softens while your cheekbones rise to form a rounder and smaller androgynous face. Nose flaring for air, you feel it shrink into a cute button nose while your ears begin to become pointier and elongate into distinctive elvish ears. On the verge of gagging, tears begin to roll down your cheeks as your eyes widen into sultry foxy appearance with long eyelashes while your irises brighten into a typical elvish turquoise color. Submissively looking up at the witch with her dick deep into your throat, you feel your scalp itch as hair begins to cascade down to your juicy ass, turning blond and silky smooth with a cute braid on your right. “Mmmphh… my… my faceee” you squeal in anguish as you skillfully tuck your hair behind your ear as you hear your voice crack and rise into a seductive and feminine tone, dripping with lust and a slight elvish posh accent.

Clutching your neck in surprise, you feel your Adams apple dissolve away, leaving your throat graceful and slender as a tight black choker wraps around it. “I don’t thi---mmphh… acckkk…” you splutter as the witch unexpectedly blows her load into your throat, coating it with her salty cum. Instinctively, you twirl your tongue around her cum, savouring the taste before happily swallowing it and sliding your plump lips off her saliva slick cock. “T-that was… disg… delicioussss” you purr as you hear your stomach gurgle from the new nutrients. Clutching your toned stomach, you feel it soften and flatten into a feminine core with a cute belly button and a thin layer of fat. Gasping for air, your waist quickly follows suit and sucks in to form an hour-glass figure deeply envied by other tavern girls.

Feeling a shiver run down your body, you look down to see all your bodily hair plucking off and falling to the floor, leaving your skin smooth and sensitive with a creamy hue devoid of any battle scars. “S-stop thissss… it feels… sooo gooood” you moan, as your body heats up and begins to sweat, feeling extremely aroused. Desperate for relief, you start to rub your moist clit against the nearby bedframe, lubricating it with your juices as your chest begins to pulsate with energy. “Nnuughh… boobs…” you pant as you pinch your nipples, feeling them harden and perk up to the touch while your areolas darken and doubles in size. Mindlessly humping the bedframe, you press against your chest to feel it softening as fat pours under your nipples and pushes them out. “Ooh… mpphhh” you moan, as your breasts swell out into perky B-cup and memories of growing up in the forest overwrites the fading images of your human family. “M-my head… it hurttts” you groan, cupping your ballooning tits as they expand into round and soft D-cups. Running your small feminine hands along your puffy nipples and sensitive under boobs, you let out a seductive moan as your face flushes red with lust from the memories of smothering cocks in your cleavage before getting your face covered in cum. Starting to hyperventilate, you grope your breasts, feeling the softness and immense weight as your fingers sink into your flesh from you pressing your tits together to form a deep sweaty cleavage. “Oh my… so big…” you murmur to yourself as your breasts expand one more time into jiggling EE-cups and an odd sloshing sensation emanates from your nipples as trickles of sweet nectar seep out.

Ah… perfect” the tavern owner chuckles as you and Anna continue to grope yourselves on the bedroom floor. “The folks here love mindless bimbos…” the witch mutters as she clicks her fingers and a bright orange mist begins to envelop both you and Anna.

W-what’s happening… Ooohh my… like… I’m… so hornyyyy…” Anna slurs as her eyes roll back in pure bliss and her intelligence drops like a rock. Looking at you with a seductive pout, you see Anna’s eyes glaze as her mind becomes rewritten once more, leaving her as an eternal mindless dark elf bimbo. Blinking back into consciousness, she smiles to herself as she immediately recommences to finger herself with your hilt and moans loudly.

Seeing Anna’s mind crack, you begin to panic as the spell covers your buxom body. “No… wait I don’t want to be a bimbo…” you scream in horror, but the metallic pendant bestowed by crown prince around your neck begins to glow red. To your relief, the orange mist dissipates and you retain your intelligence as the pendant cracks and a blue sapphire form in its place.

Damn your charm…” the witch mutters with frustration as you look at her in shock. “No matter… then you shall forever be my slave” she continues as she clicks her fingers once more and your womanly body glows purple with a visible bondage crotch tattoo for a few seconds before disappearing.

Slave?! I’m no--- forever your slave, mistress” you whisper, clutching your mouth in fear for what you just blurted. “M-mistress… damnnit… mistress…” you repeat, trying to avoid saying the word as you begin to feel strangely submissive and fearful of the woman looming over you.

You can’t disobey me, slut” the witch snarls as your mouth immediately clenches shut and your ears perk up to listen to her commands. “I might consider freeing you… if you display good behavior” she adds as your eyes light up with hope.

Yes mistress” you hear yourself automatically say as you rigidly stand up and feel your heavy breasts bounce with each breath.

Good… I can hear some rowdy patrons coming up… why don’t you and Anna… teach them a lesson?” the tavern owner chuckles as your long elvish ears pick up sounds of footsteps approaching the room. Seeing Anna bolt up with renewed arousal, you recognize the voices as a human wizard and an orc.

Y-yes mistress” you slur as your body immediately begins to heat up and your libido goes into overdrive from the witch’s order. “Oh god…” you mutter as you look down to see juices already seeping out of your pussy and your nipples hardening in anticipation. Without warning, Anna jumps out and tackles the frail wizard, tearing his clothes off as she hungrily searches for his cock. You do the same to the orc by grabbing his muscular wrists and pulling him into the room before falling onto the disheveled bed and giving him an alluring wink and smile.

P-please… fuck me… d-don’t hold back…” you coo as you spread open your moist pussy for the already aroused orc to see. Without looking back at his comrade, the orc immediately grabs your delicate wrists with one hand and drops his pants with the other, revealing his massive girthy cock. “I… I’m all yours…” you whisper as he teases your pussy by rubbing the tip of his cock along your slit, letting his pre-cum mix with your juices seeping out. With a grunt, he thrusts, forward, pushing his cock deep into your tight vagina, spreading your lips and walls apart to its limits as the base of his cock slams against your pussy. Giving a girly yelp, you feel your vaginal muscles instinctively clench onto his veiny cock as he continues to thrust against your small elvish body. “H-harder…” you moan, feeling your tits sway with each explosive thrust as you hear Anna scream out in ecstasy from the wizard blowing his load into her.

Moaning loudly from the orc rubbing his shaft against your clitoris, you wrap your legs around his muscular body as he finally cums into your pussy, immediately filling it up to the brim with excess dripping out. Spasming from all the orgasms, you attempt to catch your breath as the orc begins to grope your tits, causing some sweet milk to seep out and soak his hands. “Mmmphh… want a taste?” you giggle, as he leans closer for more.


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