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When is it my turn…” Billy whines, shaking his brother’s arm as he pushes him away in annoyance. After receiving the Switch for Christmas, the two siblings always fought over the console, typically ending up in his older brother’s hands unless their mother intervened.

I’m not finished yet” Alex mumbles in response, still transfixed to his game as Billy begins to sulk at the corner of the room. “Go play with your toys or something” he says, as his fingers tap across the buttons and a mischievous smile form. Too absorbed into the game, Alex fails to hear Billy dash up to him before ripping the small console out of his hands and running into his room.

Hey! Give it back!” Alex shouts, chasing after Billy, but is too late as the door slams in his face.

It’s my turn” Billy yells from the other side of the door as he locks it and eagerly hops onto his bed to begin his game. “Just because you’re older, doesn’t mean you can keep it” Billy shouts back at the door as Alex angrily hammers against the wooden frame. With a victorious grin, Billy clicks onto his favorite game before being bathed in a blinding white light, making him squint.

That’s new---Nuurghhhh” Billy shrieks as his spine suddenly crack and pop, growing longer and larger while his legs and arms do the same from his bones lengthening. Squirming in bed, Billy drops the Switch in surprise as long glossy nails growing out of his slender fingers begin to scratch against the buttons. “What…” he stammers, looking at his hands in horror as they become noticeably bigger and softer while his wrists and arms contract into dainty limbs similar to his mother’s.

Sitting upright in bed, a wave of nausea hits Billy as he struggles to comprehend his new height and larger body. The loud banging on his door does little to calm him as his hips loudly explode out into child-bearing proportions, rivalling his own mother’s as foreign fat continues to push his expanding hips further apart. “Mummy… what’s happeninggggg” Billy wails, clutching his handlebar hips in confusion as his ass begins to vibrate and gurgle as it swells out. Panicking, he gropes his ass, feeling his womanly fingers sink deep into his ballooning ass as it forms into a perfect bubble butt begging to be stretched open. “Ahhhnn… no… I feel weirrrrd” he pants, feeling the changes flow down his legs as his childish thighs begin to widen and grow larger. Clutching his thighs in disbelief, Billy feels his flesh bubble under his hands as fat pours into his juicy and soft thighs, almost making him moan as his sensitive inner thighs rub against each other.

I’m… growing older?!” Billy mumbles in confusion as he watches his mature womanly legs extend out and his small feet pop out into a pair of dainty feminine feet with matching pedicured nails. Stumbling off his bed, Billy struggles to take in his new height as he staggers to the pounding door, hearing his stomach gurgle. Leaning against the wall, Billy heaves and gags, expecting his cornflake breakfast to spill onto his carpet, but a glob of sticky salty fluid drips down from his lips. “Is that… cum?” Billy groans, surprising himself that his innocent mind recognizes it, as the taste becomes oddly familiar. Cradling his stomach, he feels it flatten and become toned as his waist quickly sucks in to form an hour-glass figure.

What the fuck is happening” Billy gasps, covering his mouth in shock from his vulgar language as curse words begin to freely slip out. Beginning to hyperventilate, he feels his chest pulsating and softening as his nipples harden and his areolas double in size and darken. “B-boobies?!” he pants, pinching his puffy nipples as his knees buckle from the sudden intense pleasure. Mouth agape, he strokes his tender chest, feeling his nipples push out from his body as fat builds up underneath, forming budding A-cup breasts. Moaning softly, he cups his developing tits in his feminine hands, feeling the flesh swell out and fill his palms as they balloon out into modest C-cup breasts. “Ohhh shiiiittt…. Nuugghhh” Billy groans, thrusting his ass into the air and groping his tits as they expand out into soft D-cup breasts, jiggling with every small movement as his fingers sink into his flesh. Cupping his round underboob, Billy’s breath quickens as he explores the new weight and deep cleavage on his chest surpassing his own mother’s.

What the actual fuc---aaarghhhh” Billy yelps as his shoulders become round and dainty while his collarbone pops further out. “Heeeelp… I’m a chi--- my voiceeee” Billy shrieks as his voice rises and matures, sounding feminine with a Japanese accent. Covering his mouth in horror, he feels his lips plumping up with pink lipstick as his neck becomes slender. “No… no… I sound Asian…” he gasps, touching his face as his jaw line softens and cheekbones rise, making his face rounder and cuter under his fingers.  Sneezing, he feels his nose bridge rise as his nose shrinks into an appealing button nose while make-up begins to cover his face, adding blush. Fighting back tears, Billy’s eyes quickly widen into a doe-like appearance as it becomes slightly slanted to match his new Japanese heritage; rubbing his eyes, he feels his eyelashes growing longer as his irises darken. Scratching his head, his hair immediately begins to cascade down to his chest, tickling his sensitive nipples while turning jet black and silky smooth to the touch.

Fuck… I… look like an Asian slut…” Billy mutters, expertly tucking his long hair behind his ear as he looks at himself from the bedroom mirror. “Shit… I’m so horny…” he groans, getting turned on by his own appearance as his small dick hardens between his juicy thighs. Foreign thoughts and memories begin to bombard his shifting mind as new explicit vocabulary and skills etch into his brain. Wrapping his hands around his cock almost automatically, Billy shivers as his soft palm starts to stroke his shaft, forming a small pool of pre-cum.

Mummyyyy… my head hur--- mmmmpphhh… put it in meeeeee” Billy wails in anguish as he ejaculates for the first and last time, sending his memories and childish personality out of his cock. Eyes glazing, memories of getting fucked on university campus and posting lewd images of herself before moving into her stepmother’s house fills her mind. “Ahhhnnn… yeesssss… morreeee” she coos as she fondles her balls before pushing them into her body, feeling her organs shift to accommodate her new fertile ovaries. Feeling her dick inverting into her body, she bites her lower lip and stifles a moan as her fingers begin to push into her crotch as a familiar pink slit forms around her fingers. “Oh goddddd… mmmmhh” she moans, remembering girthy cocks spreading her tight pussy lips apart before thrusting deep into her body. Feeling a cold shiver run down her back, she looks down to see her skin tanning into a creamy yellow-ish hue, reflective of her oriental background as her skin becomes hairless and baby soft to the touch.

Billy! Open the door!” Alex yells, but Tina back at the door in confusion, racking her maturing brain for the name that seems oddly familiar. Before managing to focus on the name, Tina’s body spasms uncontrollably as her fingers rub against her twitching clitoris, immediately forcing her warm vaginal wall to clench around her fingers with pleasure. Moaning and drooling, she pushes her fingers further in, feeling her body shiver in response as juices begin to squirt out of her pussy lips. Hearing a notification sound from the Switch on the floor, Tina pulls her fingers out of her dripping wet pussy with a satisfied sigh, seeing a trail of juices connecting her hand and trembling pussy lips together.

Picking up the Switch with her fluid-soaked hands, Tina giggles to herself as she sees her name on the screen before switching on her computer to begin her stream. “Hope y’all like it if I cosplay a little” Tina smiles to the camera as she puts on a little face paint and slips on a bra. Covering her chair with a bunny blanket to soak up her juices still dripping from her pussy, Tina connects her Switch to the computer, ignoring her changing bedroom as furniture rearrange themselves.

Billy! Give me the Switch!” Alex shouts, finally barging through the door as Tina lets out a girly shriek, covering her pussy. “What the… who…” Alex splutters as his jaw drops in surprise as he sees Tina in her chair looking back at him in anger.

Fuck off bro… It’s my Switch, so go play with your toys or something” Tina shouts in annoyance before running up to him and pushing him out of her room and locking the door once again.

Anyways… where was I… oh yeah… Every time I lose, y’all can see a little more” Tina teases as she pushes her breasts together to form a deeper cleavage to the camera.


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