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Are you sure this is the way?” Luke asks for the fifth time as he wipes the sweat off his brow, feeling the summer heat beating down on the back of his neck. Shifting his heavy backpack, Luke begins to slightly regret his decision of coming into Japan for a holiday during summer with his friend Jason. Although the first week had been fun, the constant heat and sweat slowly got to Luke, making him irritable and tired throughout the day.

Jeez… chill…” Jason grumbles as he checks his phone one last time before walking into a narrow side street. “Here we go!” he says happily while pointing at a small store tucked behind a boutique fashion store. Looking at the modest establishment, Luke can’t help but feel a little disappointed from all the hype Jason gave ten minutes ago.

Best boba in Japan, eh?” Luke mutters with skepticism under his breath as he peers into the empty store with only a few decorations and a smiling staff member. Too sweaty and annoyed to look for another place, Luke tentatively follows Jason into the air-conditioned room, instantly feeling a lot better than before. “I’m thirsty as fuck…” Luke mumbles as he looks up at the menu board on the wall, “I think I’ll get the classi---”.

Hey, I’ll cover you since I made you walk all the way here” Jason interrupts, taking out his wallet with a smile. Thankful, Luke takes a seat nearby and pulls out his phone as Jason begins to make their orders. “He can have the… special order… and I’ll just get the matcha with pearls” Jason says slowly before paying and getting a receipt.

Shouldn’t there be more people if this place is so famous?” Luke asks as Jason takes a seat opposite him and places his phone on the table. In the background, Luke can hear the staff prepare the drinks from the shuffle of the ice and the splatter of the tapioca pearls hitting the bottom of the cup.

Usually couples come, but I guess it’s too hot today” Jason replies nonchalantly as he leans back in his chair, enjoying the chilly breeze of the air conditioner. “I just hope I can find a Japanese chick here…” he jokes as the staff walks by their table and hands them their drinks.

Special order? This looks like normal milk tea” Luke says with a raised eyebrow before plunging his straw into the container and taking a sip. “Holy shit…” he coughs in amazement, “It’s so good…!” he continues, savoring the sweet aftertaste and soft pearls along his tongue. Wrapping his lips around the thick straw, it slowly plumps up into moist kissable lips covered in red lipstick. Oblivious to the changes, he continues to suck on the straw, filling his mouth with tea and pearls as his jaw softens and cheekbones rise to form a rounder and smaller face. “Oh sorry…” Luke mumbles as some milk tea dribbles out of his unaccustomed full lips; looking down to clean the mess, his nose cracks and shrinks into a cute button nose.

What? Got something on my face?” Luke asks seeing Jason’s lopsided grin as he slowly sips on his drink. Vision blurring, Luke rubs his eyes for a second as they widen into almonds with a distinct Japanese slant highlighted by eyeliner and mascara. Jason watches on with fascination as Luke’s irises darken into a murky hazel tone and his eyebrows become plucked and thinned. “Dude… stop staring at m--- what the fuck?!” Luke splutters as his vision becomes obstructed by long cascading hair turning light brown and silky smooth. “Long hair?!” he murmurs in confusion as his voice cracks and rises into a cute yet alluring feminine voice with a strong Japanese accent.

What the fuck? Why do I sound like a girl?!” Luke shouts, clutching his hair in bewilderment as Jason laughs ominously. “The fuck was in that drink?!” Luke continues to scream in a cute tone as his neck becomes slender and his throat begins to dry.

Oh, just a simple recipe to create my dream girl” Jason replies coolly as he watches Luke hastily drink the last sip of milk tea and attempt to run out of the store. “Woah. Not so fast bitch. Aren’t you forgetting something?” Jason chuckles as the staff brings out another cup of the special order and Luke’s eyes becomes glued to it. “Don’t fight it. You’re already addicted” Jason taunts, stroking Luke’s already drooling plump lips as he tries to fight the overwhelming thirst in his throat.

I… I need that drink…” Luke croaks hoarsely as he sits back down in defeat while the staff cheerfully hands him the new cup. Desperately grabbing the cup from the table, Luke takes a long sip of the special concoction, feeling the cup growing bigger and heavier in his hand. “Am I fucking high?” Luke splutters, watching his hands contort and vibrate as they become smaller and softer while his fingers slim with long glossy nails. Shuddering, he feels the change flow up his arm, contracting his wrists and biceps into thin feminine limbs incapable of heavy lifting. “I’m not gonna be your fucking girlfriend” Luke grunts as his broad shoulders crunch inwards into a dainty frame with a high collarbone and his spine shortens and curves to pronounce his chest and ass more.

Coughing and spluttering out a tapioca pearl onto the table, Luke lets out a girly yelp as his nipples suddenly hardens and become twice as sensitive. “P-please… stop it…” Luke begs, realizing that he’s on his last sip of the drink. Shuddering, he feels his areolae growing and darkening as the milk tea in his body begin to rush under his nipples, becoming fat and pushing his nipples further away from his body. “Oh… god… not again…” Luke groans, feeling his throat dry up with thirst once again as his perky nipples begin to chafe against his shirt, becoming budding A-cup breasts.

Taking another cup off the staff, Jason taunts Luke by waving it in front of his cute feminine face. “You can have this one… if you can drink it without your hands later” Jason chuckles, placing it on the table.

Y-yeah f-fine… whatever” Luke shouts desperately without a care as he snatches the cup off the table and immediately swallows a mouthful of tea and pearls, quenching his thirst. Regret instantly hits him as his chest begins to pulsate with energy as the liquid flows into his swelling tits, ballooning them out into C-cups with perky nipples showing through his shirt. “Boobs?!” he pants in confusion as his skin continues to stretch to make space for his now soft and jiggling E-cup tits bursting through his shirt. Shrieking out in fear and embarrassment, Luke tries to cover his massive milky tits by cupping his heavy under-boob to no avail as his feminine fingers sink into his soft flesh.

It’s gonna keep growing until you can drink it off your tits” Jason laughs, watching Luke grope his breasts in confusion, feeling them expand a little as he places the icy cold drink between his fleshy orbs. Moaning with pleasure, Luke feels the condensation drip from the cup and roll into his deep cleavage as the cup remains comfortably clamped between his breasts. “Now suck on it like a slut…” Jason grins, watching Luke’s eyes glaze for a second as his tongue seductively wraps around the hard straw before enveloping it with his ample lips and giving Jason an alluring smile.

A-anything for you honey” Luke coos in a cute voice and a pout as he swallows another mouthful of tea with a gulp. “W-what did you do?!” Luke pants, shaking the fog out of his mind as his stomach begins to churn. Clutching his stomach in pain, Luke begins to gag and burp as excess air pushes out of his stomach and fat dissipate throughout his body, leaving his belly flat and toned with a reasonably thin waist.

Looking hot, Megumi” Jason grins, staring at Luke’s bouncing tits as he struggles for breath.

Megumi?! No… I’m… I’m… Lu--- happy you said that” Luke splutters feeling himself uncontrollably blush with affection as he struggles to recall his name. Memories of the trip and his family slowly fades in his mind as a life of attending Japanese schooling and university floods into his mind. “You… not… my boyfriend” Luke mutters, furrowing his contoured brows as the man opposite him begins to seem oddly familiar… almost personal. “Megumi… English… bad…” Megumi groans, feeling her mind warp her old name out of existence as English becomes her second language while Japanese becomes oddly proficient.

Hmm… I’m in no rush for your mind to break…” Jason chuckles watching Megumi squirm in her seat as her hips suddenly explodes outwards to child-bearing proportions, making her moan as she nurses her now swollen handlebar hips filling out with fat.

C-change… back… 何てことだ {Oh my god}” Megumi squeals as her ass suddenly vibrates with activity and begins to inflate with additional flesh. Stifling a moan, she gropes her enlarging ass cheek feeling it swell out into a soft peach ass as it jiggles on the seat, almost spilling off the side. “So… tight” she groans, desperately unbuckling her pants to free her juicy and stretchable ass cheeks. Eyeing the drink once more, she takes another gulp of the sweet essence, feeling her body tingle as bodily hair evaporates away, leaving her skin creamy soft and unblemished with a light yellow-ish East-Asian tone.

Sipping the drink a little too fast, Megumi chokes on a tapioca pearl, sending some tea splattering onto her thighs. “すみません {Excuse me…}” she mutters almost instinctively as she femininely pats her legs dry, feeling her skin bubble with additional fat. Panting, she shivers as her thighs quickly widen with fat and her juicy inner thighs begin to crush her balls, forcing her legs apart to give herself space. Feeling the changes flow down her legs, Megumi flinches as her calves cramp and shrink into toned flesh while her feet crunch down a few sizes to better suit her new body. “This… wrong…” she mutters in broken English as she watches her toes contort and become petite with matching nails as her fingernails.

Look at you… already so horny for me” Jason jokes, seeing Megumi turn red with embarrassment as she tries to hide her bulging boner. Accidently brushing against her throbbing cock, Megumi yelps in surprise as pre-cum spurts onto her hand. “Go on… enjoy it while it lasts… before your addiction for boba shifts to cum” Jason taunts, watching Megumi’s eyes widen in fear as she begins to salivate at the smell of her own cum.

私を作らないで {Don’t make me…}” Megumi cries as her small palms begin to hesitatingly stroke her hard cock, desperate to relieve the growing thirst in her. Mouth agape and moaning, she continues to rub her throbbing shaft like an experienced slut as cum uncontrollably explodes out of her cock. “Ahnn… why no stop…” she pants like a bitch in heat as cum continues to spill out of her now empty and deflating balls. Fondling her shrinking balls, she feels them slurp into her body and morph into a pair of extremely fertile ovaries pumping estrogen throughout her body. Desperate to retain the last traces of her old body, Megumi hopelessly paws at her shrinking and now flaccid cock before it inverts into her crotch. “Megumi… no girl…” she mutters to herself as she looks past her jiggling E-cup tits to see a tight pink slit rimmed with juices run down her crotch and tremble with anticipation. An audible gurgling sound emanates from her crotch as the tip of her cock morphs into a swollen clitoris while her shaft softens and widens into a twitchy vaginal wall dripping with juices.

You’ll be mine soon enough” Jason grins ominously as Megumi struggles to recover from the recent orgasms. “Your pussy is connected to this cup” Jason continues amusingly as he takes Megumi’s empty cup from the table.

N-no… 待つ {wait!}” Megumi shrieks as Jason begins to rub the straw against the tight opening, sending her libido into overdrive and her eyes rolling back. Spasming on her chair in pure ecstasy, Megumi struggles to remain sane as she feels an invisible force plunge into her pussy, spreading her tight lips apart like a blooming flower. Panting, she tries to snatch the cup from Jason, but he only plunges the straw deeper into the cup, forcing the invisible girthy cock further into her pussy as her vaginal muscles instinctively clench onto it. “J-Jason… {huff} stop… {huff} pleassseeeee” Megumi moans loudly as Jason begins to slide the straw in and out of the tight lid, sending juices squirting onto the seat as Megumi’s mind clouds once more.  Memories of meeting Jason online and spending time in his hotel room begins to invade Megumi’s thoughts as the image of an elderly local Japanese couple becomes oddly familiar in her mind.

Nearly there…” Jason grins, watching Megumi’s eyes glaze and her body rocking with orgasms. Pulling the straw out of the cup, a wet slurping sound followed by a gush of juices explode from Megumi’s pussy as her stretched lips can finally close.

M-Megumi… not… girlfr--- aahhhnnnn…mmmpphhh” Megumi moans and her body shivers uncontrollably as Jason suddenly plunges his finger into tight lid. Hyperventilating, she feels another invisible but warm object penetrate her pussy as memories of getting fucked by her lover becomes engrained in her mind. Panting loudly, she feels the girthy sensation twist around in her pussy as Jason twirls his finger around the lid with a grin. Megumi’s stare of defiance and fear slowly shifts into a look of lust and recognition as more memories of Jason flows into her crumbling mind. “Megumi… ha---愛している {Loves you}” she coos, giving Jason a seductive smile as he slips his finger out of the cup with a soft pop and juices flow off the chair. “oops… made mess…” Megumi giggles with a strong accent, wiping the fluids off her legs as memories of giving her boyfriend hand-jobs under the table or letting him finger her sensitive pussy secretly like a slut floods her mind.

Let’s go! We have other places to visit, honey” Jason grins, standing up from his seat, giving the staff member a wink as Megumi quickly finds her skirt and hastily pulls it around her waist, ignoring the stains splattered on the sides. With a loving smile, she stands up and follows her boyfriend out of the store, feeling her heavy breasts bounce with each step as her wide hips sway side to side.


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