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Walk this way please!” a nun cheerfully calls as she opens the massive oak door to faintly lit catholic church. The faint murmuring between tourists begin to bounce around the limestone walls as the group excitedly enter the hallway. Following along, you pull out your phone to take some photos of the grand interior as a notification pops up on your screen depicting your parents spending time at a museum. Sighing to yourself, you slip your phone back into your pocket as the nun directs the tourist group onto the old and dusty pews before talking about the history of the church.

Barely listening to her, your eyes begin to drift down from the magnificent ceiling beams to nun, noticing her sparkling emerald eyes and innocent face atop her small frame supporting a pair of B-cup breasts. Her accent and cute smile make your boner bulge in your pants as she ends her speech and allows the tourists to wander around and take photos. Slightly entranced by her appearance, you begin to walk up to her to introduce yourself when nobody is looking.

Hi… um…” you stutter, barely able to break out of your social awkwardness as she turns and faces you.

Oh hi! How are you finding St. Wyatts?” she asks, giving you a heart-melting smile as you struggle to find the right words. “Silly me! Just call me Sister Alexi” she giggles as the sounds of camera clicking and talking echoes around the building.

Um… Sister Alexi, is this church still in operation?” you mumble, instantly hating yourself for such a pathetic question. Your face glows red in embarrassment as she gives you a warm smile and a reassuring chuckle.

Yes of course, but only occasionally for special events” she says, darting a glance at a clock on the wall. “Oh no… I’m needed elsewhere! I’ll be back soon” she says quickly before speeding out the side doors, leaving you awkwardly standing alone in the middle of the church. Conscious of not looking too uncomfortable, you wander off to the sides of the church to admire the masonry. After a few minutes, you notice a glint in the shadows so you move closer to investigate, recognizing a silver crossed necklace tightly jammed into a crack in the limestone. Curious, you forcefully pull it out and appreciate the metalwork before slipping the necklace around your neck.

AH FINALLY!” a voice booms in your ear, making you jolt in surprise as you look around for the source. The constant murmuring throughout the church proves to you that you’re the only one who heard the voice. “Hm… this body won’t do…” the voice grumbles as you frantically search for a hidden speaker and pinch yourself awake.

H-hello?... who’s this?” you whisper as your eyes dart around the dimly lit side corridor.

Asmodeus… I was exorcised here last month…” the voice bellows into your ear, “I’ve got a score to settle…” he continues angrily. “Thanks for the body, mortal. I’m goin---” he says.

Woah woah… what? No…” you splutter out in surprise, “You can’t just possess me…”.

Hm… fine…” Asmodeus replies, “If you can refrain yourself from fucking someone in this church, you’ll have your body back” he says, slightly amused. “To make things fair… I’m going to make a few adjustments…” he chuckles as your body begins to heat up.

F-fine…” you grunt, as your spine becomes curvier and shorter, dropping your height while your broad shoulders crunches inwards to push your collarbone further out. Panting for breath and confused, you feel your hips vibrate before snapping out to child-bearing proportions, stretching your pants to its limits. “Ohh… fuck… what’s happening…” you groan, feeling extremely hot and sweaty as you tear your clothes off to reveal your petite frame and widening fatty handlebar hips. Shivering, you stroke your hands along your sides, feeling your curvy spine and hips as your legs crack slightly to drop your height further.

What are you doing to me… nugghh” you pant, feeling the bones and tendons in your hands pulling in as they begin to contort uncontrollably. Staring at your hands in disbelief, you watch them shrink and soften as your fingers become slender. Wincing in surprise, you notice your nails growing longer and becoming coated glossy black polish as a small runic tattoo etches onto the back of your hand evidencing Asmodeus in your body. Realizing that your hands are no longer yours, you panic as you feel the changes flow up your arms, making your wrists thinner and biceps deflate into dainty feminine limbs.

Oh my god… I have chick hands” you splutter, seeing your delicate arms in the dim light, but jump in surprise as you hear faint footsteps growing closer. Embarrassed and confused, you slink back into the shadows conscious of not showing your new arms.

Ah! There you are, I’m back!” a voice cheerily calls out as you quickly realize that it’s Sister Alexi approaching you. “Do you have any qusti…” her question slows as peers into the darkness to see you stark naked with your clothes piled on the cold floor. “Oh my…” she gasps, starting to back away, but her eyes grow even wider as she recognizes the symbol on your hand, “Asmode----” she squeals.

To your surprise, your feminine hand uncontrollably shoots out and grips her face, muffling her scream as you feel a slight buzz emanate from your palm. “Let me shut this bitch up…” Asmodeus grunts in your head as your hand slowly glows red and more energy enters her mind. “Oohh… her mind is so pure… Twisting a few neurons… swapping a few memories… Voilà!” Asmodeus chuckles as Sister Alexi’s eyes glaze and her body crumples to the ground twitching.

Concerned for her life, you kneel besides her and try to shake her awake as Asmodeus’ laughter echoes around your brain. “Sister Alexi… wake up!” you whisper into her ear, hoping to not attract further attention.

Her eyes suddenly flick open and a seductive smile slowly forms across her lips as she looks up at you lustfully. “Hey cutie… I’m so fucking horny right now…” Sister Alexi slurs in a new bewitching voice as she begins to undress in front of you, throwing her soaking wet panties onto the floor. “You picked the best fucking spot in this church” she coos, pushing your back against the stone wall as she leans in for a kiss.

Still struggling to comprehend her new slutty personality, your protests are cut short as her lips lock into yours and her tongue begin to dig into your mouth. “MMmphh… wait… Sist--- mmmrrhg” you grunt between breaths while your lips begin to plump up and drool as her saliva begin to taste sweeter on your tongue. Feeling her puffy nipples pushing against your chest, you don’t notice your cheekbones rising and jaw softening to make your face smaller and rounder. Grabbing her by her sweaty shoulders, you push her away as your nose shrinks and eyebrows thin.

Wait… stop… this isn’t yo---” you gasp and cover your wide lips in horror as you hear your voice rising into an alluring tone and dripping with lust as your lips permanently curl into a sultry pout. “I sound like a fucking chick” you cry as your eyes widen and take on an inviting foxy appearance while your irises turn amber, contrasting Sister Alexi’s emerald eyes. Feeling your scalp tingle, your hair instantly begins to cascade down to your lower back, turning blonde and silky smooth as cute bangs cover your forehead.

Oohh… even better!” Sister Alexi giggles, revealing her new passionate bisexual personality as she leans in for another French kiss and presses her breasts against your chest. You can only grunt in response as your long hair sticks to your sweaty back and your boner rise.

Asmodeus… no… not boobs…” you moan, feeling your nipples perk up and harden as your areolas double in size and sensitivity. Sister Alexi’s playful body rubbing does little to contain the building pressure in your chest as it begins to pulsate with energy. Grunting, you feel your skin stretch as fat starts to accumulate under your nipples, pushing them out against Sister Alexi’s. “Stooop… Sister Alexi… stoppp” you moan on the verge of losing your mind as new sensations bombard your brain from your growing breasts, now budding A-cups.

I’m… only Sister Alexi to others… but to you… I’m your little slut” she giggles as she uses her long tongue to lick your buzzing nipples. Panting, you cup your tits, feeling them swell out with fat as they becoming modest C-cups matching hers. “You look sexier by the second…” she coos, watching you shiver as your breasts balloon out once more, becoming heavier and softer as they become jiggling E-cups.

Holy shit…” you gasp, feeling your hands sink into soft flesh as you grope your underboob. Looking down into your deep cleavage, you notice your heavy tits hang like teardrops and bounce with each breath. “Too fucking big--- urghhh” you groan in pain while hunching and clutching your stomach as your tits hang towards the floor like udders. Hearing your stomach gurgle, you wince as fat drains from your belly, leaving it flat and toned as it moves to your lower body. Not given a chance to rest, your waist suddenly sucks in, forming a clear hour-glass figure against your wide hips and blooming breasts.

W-why are you changing me into a s-slut?” you moan, feeling your ass starting to vibrate with activity. Gritting your teeth, you feel your skin grow as more flesh and fat begin to flood into your ass cheeks, pushing them out. Groping your ass, you feel them spreading apart, taking advantage of your already wide hips as they swell out into a soft bubble butt begging to be stretched apart.

To make the deal fairer” Asmodeus replies with a chuckle, “I’m pretty sure you can’t hold up your side of the deal” he adds as you feel your ass jiggle with each step.

That’s not fucking fair… I’m so fucking horny…” you angrily hiss under your breath, hearing your own sultry voice exit your soft lips. “At least make me norm---ahhnnnn… shiiiitttt” you squeal, feeling your knees buckle as your calves’ contract, becoming smooth while your feet begin to crack. Looking at your shifting feet, you notice them crunching down a few sizes while dainty toes with lengthening black nails wiggle back at you. You shiver as the changes flow up your legs to your thighs, leaving attractive feminine legs in its place similar to Sister Alexi’s. Panting, you feel your skin bubble and ripple as your thighs begin to widen with fat, pushing out on all sides. “Oh… no…” you moan with your eyes closed, squeezing your thighs as they become softer and juicer to the touch while your sensitive inner thighs smother your balls.

Your attention quickly shifts to your crotch as you feel a warm and wet sensation enveloping your throbbing boner. Looking down, you see your dick deep into Sister Alexi’s throat as her plump lips reaches the base of your cock without gagging. “Mhmm… so salty and tasty…” she giggles sliding your cock out of her mouth as her tongue begins to wrap and tease the tip of your cock for more pre-cum. Too weak from the pleasure to push her away, she continues to deep throat your dick a few more times, until your cock gives in and shoots a round of cum into the back of her throat.

Shit… I can’t stop cumming” you groan, watching cum spurt from your throbbing cock into Sister Alexi’s cheerful face and staining the church’s limestone floor. Your breath quickens as your empty balls deflate and shrink into your body, becoming fertile ovaries, pumping estrogen throughout your body. Still playing and sucking on your cock, Sister Alexi giggles as your cum taste different, noticing the change in consistency and color of your fluids dripping from her mouth. “Ohhh fuuuuckk” you moan, feeling your cock recede into your crotch and invert to form new organs. Desperately pawing at your flat crotch, you shudder as a pink slit rimmed with juices split open in the same spot.

A pussy? I can’t be a gir---- nuughhhh…. Ahhhhnnnn… stooppp” you moan in ecstasy as an invisible force plough into your pussy and digs deep into your newly formed vagina. Spasming from the pleasure, you look past your melon sized tits to see your pussy lips spread open by an unseen object allowing you to see deep inside. “W-what did you put in meee” you whimper, feeling your legs tremble from the pleasure as you struggle to stand.

Ah… just my dick… to make things interesting” Asmodeus laughs as you start to hyperventilate from the warm feeling in your crotch. “Better dress up, Sister Jenna” he adds with a snicker as a veil drape over your blonde hair and a dress form over your buxom body. To your dismay, a modified slutty uniform appears, allowing your deep cleavage and dripping wet pussy to clearly show.  Feeling a cold sweat run down your back, all your bodily hair evaporates into dust as your skin becomes creamy white and smooth with no imperfections, except for your tattooed hand now covered by a glove.

Fuck… fuuuckkk” you mutter in a feminine voice as you feel high heels form under your feet as you creep towards the exit. With each step, you feel Asmodeus’ dick rub against your clitoris, sending mouth watering pleasure to your brain. Quietly slipping past a family of tourists, you turn around to see a trail of pussy juice on the floor with Sister Alexi following close behind with her fingers in her pussy and on her tits. Unable to keep your mind off Asmodeus’ cock in your pussy, you see the exit in the distance as your body rocks with another breathtaking orgasm, sending you onto the floor.

Um… are you alright there, sister?” you hear a voice call out, making you look up in fear. An Asian couple, you remember as newlywed and, on a honeymoon looks down at you with concern. “Do you need any hel--- woaah…” the man splutters in surprise as he notices your breasts hanging out of your dress and black stocking lining your smooth legs. You feel Asmodeus’ dick push deeper into your pussy and twist around, causing you to moan with pleasure as juices seep down your legs and onto your dress.

The man’s wife lets out a yelp as Sister Alexi pounces on her and immediately begin to make out with her, tearing all her clothes apart. As the man watches the scene unfold and sees your jiggling breasts and visibly wet crotch, his boner begins to uncontrollably rise. ‘No… don’t… tempt me…” you moan, trying to tear your eyes away from his cock but your body burns hotter with lust and your pussy trembles for more. “I… can’t… fail…” you pant, crawling towards him as he falls onto the ground in shock as he watches his wife beginning to enjoy the thrusting.

Ahnn… no… I… can’t…” you whimper, as you feel your crotch dripping wet with juice as you grind your pussy against his leg. Desperate to keep yourself sane, you look up to see the exit a few steps away, but your body convulses with pure ecstasy as Asmodeus’s veiny cock slides out of your pussy with a wet slurp, finally letting your pussy lips to close. “Mhmm… oh god…” you moan, eyes crossing as your tongue droops out into a perfect ahegao face. Your body instantly feels incomplete as your pussy begs to be filled once again so you stare seductively at the man’s cock.

I… need you…” you whisper into his ear as you mount him, grabbing his cock and guiding it towards your twitching pussy. Bending your knees, you feel his throbbing cock plunge deep into your pussy as your vaginal muscles instinctively clench onto them for cum. “Just {huff}… cum {huff}… in me…” you moan, hungrily bouncing on his cock, as it impales your body and rubs against every part of your pussy. Letting him grope your tits, you shift your hips around as cum finally erupts into your pussy, causing excess cum to drip out and down your leg. “Mhmmm… I’m not fucking done yet…” you giggle as your mind fogs and the tattoo on your hand glows red.

Sister Jenna has matters to attend to… I can take over for now…” Sister Alexi grins as she hops off the man’s wife who’s convulsing on the ground in pure pleasure with her mind on the verge of breaking. Stepping towards the Asian man, Sister Alexi gives you a kiss on the lips as you recognize the taste of pussy juice in her saliva.

I’ll be back soon…” you giggle, watching her straddle the man as you walk further into the church with only one task in your now empty mind. “Where’s the priest? I have a score to settle” you mutter to yourself as your pussy continues to drip with fluids and your tits ache to be groped.


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