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Are you sure that’s her?” you whisper to Mark as he shakes a photograph of an Asian chick in front of you. Touching the image, your body starts to tingle but you suppress the sensations as you try to focus on the conversation. A month ago, you were struck unconscious by an invisible force and found yourself waking up in bed a day later with a small glowing stone embedded in your right hand. After a few personal experiments, you realized that you could morph into anyone from a photo while retaining their memories and personality on top of your own; so you spent the month trying out new bodies with your friend Mark, exploring sensations never experienced before.

Yeah, that’s her. Luna” Mark replies with contempt as you look at him quizzically. “She’s Jock’s girlfriend. We’ll use her to ruin him” he continues, slightly raising his voice in anger. With a sigh, you usher him into a public bathroom stall and grip the photo firmly as you lock the door behind you. “I hacked into her account and faked a date with him for this afternoon” Mark says, but you ignore him as your body starts to sweat and heat up.

A loud crunch echoes around the bathroom tiles as your broad shoulders cave inwards while your spine shrinks and becomes curvier. Stumbling onto Mark from the imbalance, you feel your hands contort as they grip onto him. Looking down, you see them shrink as dainty fingers with long glossy pink nails form while your wrists and biceps deflate into fragile womanly limbs.

Wanna see her face?” you laugh, hearing your voice rise, sounding alluring and feminine with a strong Japanese accent. Coughing a few times, you feel your neck becoming slender as your lips plump up with bright red lipstick into perfect cock sleeves. “Oh god… such a slut” you gasp as memories of her giving blowjobs and different methods race into your mind.  You feel your cheeks tremble as your cheekbone rises and jaw soften as your face becomes rounder and softer. Sneezing onto Mark, you hear your nose crack as it shrinks to match her cute button nose while your eyebrows thin into perfection. Blinking a few times, you feel your eyes widening into almonds and becoming slanted to match Luna’s Japanese heritage as your irises darken. Giving your hair a sharp tug, it gracefully flows down to your chest, turning dark brown and silky smooth with a faint floral aroma.

Holy shit… she looks so hot up close” Mark mutters, leaning closer towards your face as you reciprocate by locking lips and twirling your tongue with his. After a few seconds, your eyes dart open and you push Mark away in embarrassment.

Fuck… her slutty personality took over just then” you gasp, tasting your sweet saliva on your soft lips.  After recollecting your thoughts for a few minutes, you give Mark a seductive wink with Luna’s face, making his boner form. “Looks like she has massive tits in the photo…” you murmur, feeling your chest tingle with energy. Feeling your nipples harden, you look down to see your areolas doubling in size and darkening as fat begins to push them away from your body. With soft grunts, you see your tits swell out with flesh as they easily push past B-cups. “Fuuuck… they’re huge” you moan in Luna’s voice as you cup your ballooning tits with your small hands, feeling the flesh spill over your fingers as they expand into soft D-cup tits. Massaging your underboob, you moan into Mark’s ear as you struggle to get used to her heavy and extremely sensitive breasts. “Ohh goddd” you gasp, pushing your tits onto Mark’s chest and seeing a deep cleavage form as he starts to grope your breasts.

Wait… wait… stop” you say, stifling a moan as you try to push back Luna’s growing lust at the back of your mind. Taking deep breaths, you stroke your stomach and see it flatten with a thin layer of womanly fat as your waist pulls in. “She’s fucking fit though…” you mutter, slightly impressed at your strong abdominal muscles as memories of going to the gym and thrusting your hips around during sex flows into your mind. Closing your eyes, you start to focus on your lower body, feeling your hips jut out with a loud crack and widen into child-bearing proportions. “Did you bring wide jeans for me?” you mutter to Mark as your ass start to pulsate in response. Grabbing your ass cheeks, you feel them push out with additional flesh as a bubble butt forms under your hands. You yelp out in surprise as your warm sensitive ass cheeks brushes against the cold bathroom stall door, making Mark’s boner harden even more. Feeling your body shiver, you look down to see bodily hair disappearing as your skin becomes smooth and unblemished while taking on a creamy white oriental complexion.

Best part last…” you giggle to Mark as furiously nods in agreement. Looking past your protruding heavy breasts and down at your feet, you see your toes shrinking as pedicured nails extend out. With a faint pop, your feet contract a few sizes to better suit your smaller body as your calves becomes slimmer while your thighs start to bubble up with fat. “Nughhh shit… she’s thick…” you groan, feeling your thighs widen with flesh as your soft inner-thighs start to rub against each other and caress your balls.

Fuck… move!” you shout at Mark and push him away just in time as your dick erupts with cum, splattering all over the toilet bowl. Trying to catch your breath, cute feminine wheezes escape from your plump lips as you hunch over the toilet with cum dribbling down from your shrinking cock. “Nughhh… oohhh… fuuuck!” you squeal, feeling your shriveling balls suck up into your body and transform into fertile ovaries, pumping estrogen throughout your body. Rubbing your dick with Luna’s hand, you watch it invert into your body as your shaft softens and morphs into your vaginal wall while the tip of your cock becomes a trembling clitoris. “Best… fucking… feeling… ever…” you moan, watching your flat crotch open up with a tight pink slit rimmed with juices as Luna’s lust overwhelms you.

Nnmmmphh… fill me…” you coo into Mark’s ear as he obliges and whips out his already throbbing cock slick with pre-cum. Pushing your soft tits onto him, you feel him picking your small body up before ramming his cock deep into your pussy as you wrap your legs around him. “Ahnn… yesss…” you moan, feeling your vaginal muscles clench onto his cock instinctively as draw on Luna’s years of sexual memories, finding the best position. Pushing you against the bathroom door, Mark grunts as he thrusts his cock into you once again before blowing his load into your tight pussy, making you squirm with pleasure.

Oh fuck… it’s almost time” he mutters, quickly pulling his dick out of your aching pussy as cum dribbles down your thighs. Catching your breath, you try to control your burning arousal as Mark tosses you a pair of jeans and a singlet. “Wear this” he shouts, watching you struggle to contain your massive breasts within the singlet and shiver as the panties dig into your raw pussy still moist with cum and juices.

So, I just berate him in front of others?” you ask, checking out your hair and clothes before heading out of the bathroom and into the restaurant. Looking around, you see Jock sitting alone at a table before grinning at you as your erect nipples protrudes from the thin material.

Hey cutie” Jock laughs as you sit at the table opposite him and give him a cute smile. “What’s with the sudden date?” he asks with a sheepish smile.

Recalling Luna’s personality and memories, you give him snide look of disappointment as you feel Mark’s cum seep out into your panties. “I wanna break up” you shout out loud as Jock stares at you in shock.

W-what?” he splutters

Your dick is small, and all you have is your daddy’s money. Fucking pathetic” you continue as other restaurant guests turn their heads and watch you shout at him. Without giving him a chance to comprehend what you told him, you stand up and walk away, feeling your wide hips sway and breasts bounce as people record the encounter. “Even Mark’s dick is bigger than yours” you blurt out, before walking out of the restaurant to where Mark is standing.

“Why the fuck would you mention me” Mark grumbles as he walks you to a nearby alleyway.

I… I don’t know… Luna’s personality just came out” you reply, looking down at the cum stained patch on your jeans. “Shit… we need to wash this” you mutter as you turn to see Mark’s cock out and in his hand. “Ah… Might as well fuck me a second time before I change back…” you giggle, pulling down your jeans to reveal a quivering pussy.


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