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There’s a package for you!” your roommate shouts from the front door as you groggily step out of bed. Patting your hair down, you shuffle across the cold floor to the open door to see a small package in Alex’s hands. “Looks like it’s… uh… from your grandma” he mummers, squinting his eyes at the small writing. Giving him a nod of appreciation, you trundle back to your room while Alex’s girlfriend cheerily waves at you from the small living room.

Back in the privacy of your room, you smile to yourself as you grab a scissor and carefully cut open the packaging tape. Despite the average snacks and stationary your grandma has been sending over the past few months, you cherish her care. Flipping open the last box lid, a loud bang fills your room, causing you to flinch.

What the fu---” you shout but is cut off as a cloud of pink powder explodes into your face and covers every inch of your room. Spluttering and wiping the dust from your eyes, you look around to see your entire body and room coated in pink. Before you can comprehend the situation, the door suddenly bursts open revealing Alex and his girlfriend, Jenna.

April Fools!” they giggle, as you stare at them speechless. Looking back at the box, you see it empty with a small note on the side depicting a clown.

I… I… don’t feel so good…” you groan, rushing into the bathroom and locking the door behind you. “What the fuck was in that powder?” you shout, feeling your stomach churn as your body starts to sweat. Leaning over the toilet, the nausea hits you hard, causing you to gag while your body begins to feel incredibly horny. “Is it… an aphrodisiac?” you mutter, seeing your dick harden in your pants as you subconsciously stroke it with your hand.

It’s just pink flour” Alex shouts from the other side, but your body proves him wrong as you fall to the ground with your back arched. Grunting in pain, you hear soft popping sounds emanating from your back as your spine becomes curvier and shorter while your broad shoulders loudly snap inwards to form a smaller frame. “You alright in there?” Alex asks hesitantly, but your jaw suddenly locks, preventing you from answering him.

Mpphh… mmhhmm” you groan, feeling your face tingle as your it shrinks and your skin tighten. Sensing your cheeks trembling, you touch it to feel your cheekbone rise while your jawline softens, making your face rounder and feminine. Feeling saliva drip from your mouth, you lick your lips, only to feel it plump up and widen into a permanent pout inviting kisses. Confused, you look at the mirror to see your nose shrinking while your eyebrows thin, causing you to grunt in surprise. Leaning closer towards the mirror in denial, your vision blurs as your eyes widen into a doe-like appearance with an Asian slant while your irises turn dark brown, completing your oriental look. “Mphh… I look like a chi---” you gasp, hearing your voice rise into a cute feminine voice dripping with lust and a strong Japanese accent. Clutching your slenderizing throat, your hair quickly cascades down to your dainty shoulders, turning light brown and silky smooth while adorable bangs cover your forehead.

Open the door man… you don’t sound so good” Alex shouts as the door handle rattles, but the lock stays firm. Desperate to escape your nightmare, you grab the handle but freeze as your hands suddenly contort and shake. Whimpering to yourself, you watch your hands shrink and become soft while your fingers slenderize with glossy nails. Stifling a shriek, you feel the changes go up your arms as your wrists thin and your biceps deflate into fragile womanly arms. Bewildered, you wave your new hands in front of you as its light weight and softness starts to feel normal.

You… need to come in” you stutter with a feminine Japanese accent as Alex and Jenna look at each other in confusion. Before you can use your hands to unlock the door, your chest starts to tingle, causing your hands to grasp it in surprise. “Oohh… nuughhh…” you moan, feeling your nipples harden under your fingers as your areolas double in size and darken. Slumping against the door, you slide to the floor as you feel your nipples puff up and push against your hands from the fat building up underneath. Beginning to hyperventilate, your budding A-cup breasts swells out into modest C-cup tits as fat continues to pour in and your skin stretch. “Oh… god…” you mutter as you cup your tits, feeling them pulsate once more and balloon out into soft E-cup breasts. Feeling the soft flesh seep between your thin fingers, you try to push them up only to grunt from the weight. “They’re so big…” you moan as you start to grope your tits, noticing them hang down like teardrops as a deep cleavage forms.

Alex starts to frantically slam against the door, but you are too engrossed with exploring your new heavy tits. Sliding your finger into your sweaty cleavage causes your head to throb as new memories of rubbing girthy dicks between your tits form. “Mhmmmm… yessss” you moan, squeezing your soft breasts as your stomach starts to contract and shake. With a small burp, your belly flattens into a toned stomach with a cute belly button while your sides suck in, making your tits more prominent.

Yelping in surprise, your hips suddenly pops outwards to child-bearing proportions, causing your legs to splay out. Curious, you run your fingers down from your soft underboob to your thickening hips expanding further out with fat. “T-this isn’t righhhhtt---mughhhhh” you pant, feeling your ass starting to pulsate with energy. Groping your ass cheeks, you feel them balloon out and stretch, making your skin more sensitive as it jiggles in sync with your tits. As your ass surges out into a firm bubble butt, memories of hands spreading your soft cheeks apart before jamming their dick into your ass causes your mouth to water.

Open the fucking door!” Alex shouts desperately but you ignore him as your attention moves to your thighs. Looking past the fleshy melons on your chest, you see your thighs spasming and convulsing as muscle turn to fat. With shallow breaths, you grab your thighs only to feel it expanding under your hands as it becomes thicker and softer to the point your balls start to be smothered between your inner thighs. Giving a feminine shriek, you see your feet contort and crunch a few sizes down until it becomes petite to match your new body size while glossy nails extend out. Desperate the relieve the pressure on your crotch, you spread your now flexible legs apart into an almost split as your dick starts to throb.

I… I can’t open... the door… I’m… so horny…” you moan, starting to wrap your small soft fingers around your dick and stoke it repeatedly, giving yourself the best hand-job in your life. Struggling to stop yourself from screaming out in ecstasy, you feel pre-cum dribble out onto your hand, making you stroke it even faster. “Mmhhnnnn… I’m… cumminggggg” you pant, as your cock unloads cum all over your hands and splashes onto your tits, causing you to recoil in disgust. Your body betrays you as a seductive smile stretches across your face before sliding your cum coated finger into your mouth and savoring the taste. “Oohh… god… mhmmmm” you mutter, tasting the saltiness on your tongue as your mind continues to fog with new memories. Desperate for more cum, your hands unconsciously start to pump your dick for more, only to feel it shrink and disappear as another clear substance starts to leak out. Rubbing your crotch, you shiver in surprise as your fingers slip between a pair of newly formed pussy lips dripping with juices. “Nughhh… yeees” you squeal, pushing your fingers further in as your vaginal wall forms and your new clitoris pulsates with energy. Eyes rolling back with pleasure, you cup your balls and push them into your crotch, causing your crotch to gurgle as fertile ovaries form and pump estrogen throughout your body. Your old life continues to fade away as memories of attending clubs and functions to get fucked in numerous positions explode in your head. Smiling to yourself, you watch your bodily hair disappear as your skin becomes smoother and lightens into a yellow-ish oriental hue. Looking at yourself in the mirror, you see a busty Japanese chick dripping wet in juices smiling to herself as a name echo in your head. “Yua?” you mutter, suddenly remembering why you’re in the bathroom naked.

Your thoughts are suddenly interrupted as the door swings open with a loud bang as Alex and Jenna barges in. “What the… who are you?” Alex splutters, looking at your massive breasts hanging down as his boner builds.

Don’t you remember?” you coo, walking towards him but Jenna stands in your way and pushes you back. Anger and jealousy flashes across your eyes since Alex’s cock should only be for yourself. “Wait your turn. Bitch” you snarl, dashing in front of Jenna and kissing her in the lips.

Who the fuc---- mppphhh” Jenna’s protests falls silent as you plant your soft lips over hers. After a few seconds, you pull back to see a string of saliva bridging your lips as a patch of pink powder melts into her mouth. Before she can react, Jenna falls to the ground and begins to convulse as bones start to snap and pop.

What did you do to my girlf---” Alex shouts, but you kiss him too, quickly pulling his pants down to reveal his throbbing cock. Pushing him onto the ground, you mount his crotch and grab his dick in your hands before guiding it to your trembling pussy. With a gasp, you push down hard, impaling yourself onto his hard cock as you feel it plunge deep into your pussy and spread your vaginal wall apart. “I… urgh… can’t stop” Alex groans, starting to thrust his hips into your jiggling ass as your vaginal muscles’ clenches onto his cock, tempting him for his hot cum.

You look to your right to see Jenna on the floor gasping for breath as she gropes her ballooning tits bursting through her bra. Her height drops a little as her hips push out further and her ass bubbles out, causing her panties to dig deep into her pussy. Shivering, she squirms from her heightened sensitivity and libido as juices seep onto her panties and her bra finally snaps, causing her D cup tits to hang free. Moaning and clutching her head, her face changes by becoming rounder and her hair turning jet black and reaching her ass. Looking at you, her eyes glazes over as it becomes slanted into an Asian complexion and her irises darken, making her look Japanese. “Oh my god… my head… so… hornyyyyy” she moans, starting to rub her aching pussy as a heavy Japanese accent exits her lips. “When… my turn?” she giggles, eyeing you bouncing on Alex’s cock as he blows his load deep into your pussy, causing you to squeal with pleasure.

Go touch yourself Mei. I’m not done with him yet” you giggle as you press your soft tits into Alex’s face and feeling his warm tongue lick your cleavage.


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