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Feeling the cool midnight breeze along your back, you and Jack casually walk towards the nearest train station after watching a movie at another friend’s place. “Jeez… it’s so cold” you mutter, zipping your jacket closer to your neck as you check your phone for the next train. Walking past a dark alley, you see a silhouette of a woman stumbling towards you as you quicken your pace to avoid her.

Mhmm… you wanna fuck?” the woman giggles as she playfully runs into Jack’s arms as he grunts in surprise. Your eyes shift lower to see her breasts hanging free while fresh cum drips down her thighs as she tries to seduce Jack. “I… need you” she coos in Jack’s ear as he tries to push her away from him.

Fuck off… slut” Jack grumbles, shoving her back towards the alley as he pats himself clean condescendingly. Jack’s righteous and loyal personality to his girlfriend was probably the worst customer for the woman to target on the streets as you ogle her swaying tits. “Come on man… let’s leave” Jack mutters, pulling you away as the woman desperately reaches for you.

Slut?! You’ll see what that really means” she snarls at you and Jack before strutting further back into the alley, muttering under her breath. Realizing that the train is arriving soon, the two of you start to jog towards the station as a strong gust of wind blows across your face. Reaching the platform, you and Jack dash through the closing train doors to find yourselves in a relatively empty carriage with a man absorbed in his music on the far end.

We almost didn’t make it because of her” Jack mutters as he flops onto an empty seat. Wiping the sweat off your brow, you find a seat nearby as a wave of nausea flows through your head. Confused, you grab a nearby handrail to steady yourself while you see Jack doing the same.  “What the fuck was that…” Jack says as he clutches his head in pain.

Feeling your body heat up and sweat, you start to take your jacket off and throw it aside. “Fuck… it’s still so hot…” you groan, tearing your shirt and pants off. You hesitate for a second as the thought of public indecency crosses your mind, but you shake it off, reminding yourself that it is completely… normal. Looking at Jack, you see him already completely nude and calmly staring out the window as if it is within his character. “S-something’s not right…” you stutter, trying to pinpoint the problem but your mind starts to feel hazy.

Really? I don’t think so” Jack grunts as his legs and spine crack and shrink, dropping his height. Shifting in his seat, his shoulders crunch inwards while his arms visibly shorten, making you stare at him in alarm. “But… I think you’re looking cuter” he chuckles as your shoulders also snap in, pushing your collarbone out while your spine becomes curvier and shorter. You start to panic as your height drops to match Jack and your face starts to tingle.

Holy shit… your face!” you shout at Jack, seeing his cheekbone suddenly rise and jaw soften. His blond hair starts to lengthen and cascade down to his lower back as it becomes silky smooth. Twirling his long hair between his fingers, Jack’s nose suddenly shrinks into a cute button nose while his lips plump up with lipstick. “Y-you’re becoming a chick” you stutter, feeling your skull crack as it becomes smaller and rounder. Your face starts to tremble as it becomes softer to suit your now wide and pouting lips. “I’m becoming one too…” you scream, feeling your hair flow down to your shoulders, turning jet black and smooth. Your vision starts to blur as your eyes widen with a slight slant and your irises turn brown into an Asian complexion. “How do I stop this…” you gasp, hearing your voice rise into a seductive and feminine tone with a Japanese accent. Clutching your neck in surprise, you feel it becoming slender as your Adam’s apple disappears.

Ignoring your cries for help, Jack’s eyes glaze over as they turn crimson with a foxy slant. Blinking his eyes as his mind becomes rewritten, he stares at your feminine face with a look of recognition. “Oh my gawd… Hey Jess!” Jack giggles as his voice becomes higher with a valley girl accent. You look at him in horror as he starts to pinch his hardening nipples without hesitation while your own chest begins to pulsate with energy. Shivering from a cold breeze blowing across your puffy nipples, you notice your areolae doubling in size and turning pinker as your chest begins to swell. You turn to see Jack squeezing and playing with his D-cup breasts as fat begins to build under your nipples, pushing them out to form budding tits. You stifle a moan as you try to push your ballooning breasts back in, only to feel your soft flesh spill between your fingers.  Lurching forward from the new weight, you feel your heavy tits inflate into sensitive E-cups as you squeeze your tits together to stop them from jiggling.

I always envied your bigger tits, Jess” Jack giggles, sticking his feminizing finger into your cleavage, causing you to squeal in surprise. Your brain goes into overdrive from all the new sensations as you unconsciously fondle your soft under-boob, feeling it’s weight and softness.

W-what? I’m not Jess…” you gasp, trying to catch your breath as Jack pulls out his completely feminine hand from your deep cleavage. Grabbing his hips, loud popping sounds fill the carriage as his lower body quickly reforms. You give Jack a look of disgust as he begins to stroke his hardening dick opposite you, squeezing his shaft with his small feminine hands. “Dude… stop that” you mutter, watching pre-cum drip into the seat before suddenly blowing his load all over you. You flinch in surprise as you feel warm cum splatter all over your round tits and body while the distinct smell of cum wafts into your nose.

What the fuck, Jack…” you scream wiping his cum off your body as you find yourself salivating from the scent. Your stomach begins to gurgle and contract, becoming flatter and toned as your waist quickly sucks in, giving you an hour-glass figure. Desperate to satisfy your sudden hunger you sheepishly slip your cum coated finger into your mouth as your tongue wraps around it and your mind explodes with pleasure.

Jack? That’s a guy’s name you dummy… I’m Jacqueline remember?” Jacqueline giggles as her ass and highs begin to grow thicker. Moaning under her breath, Jacqueline begins to massage her ass with one hand while she wipes her other cum coated hand along the bottom of the seat. “Plus… I’m pretty sure a Jack wouldn’t have a pussy like mine” she grins, spreading her new pussy lips apart as juices begin to drip out of her tight slit. You gasp in disbelief to see a slutty blonde showing off her pussy where a conservative and responsible Jack used to sit.

Pulling your finger out from your plump lips, your heart drops to see glossy nails extending out of your slimming finger. “No… no…” you gasp, watching your hands contort as your other fingers become manicured while your palm shrinks and softens. You see the changes race up your arms as your wrists thins while your biceps deflate, leaving fragile womanly arms in its place. Groping your tits, they seem twice as big in your smaller hands as your body begins to tingle. You whimper as bodily hair disappear, leaving smooth and sensitive skin while your skin tone becomes creamier with a yellow-ish Asian hue.

Your attention shifts to your hips as they suddenly crack outwards to child-bearing proportions; widening with fat as your hour-glass figure becomes a lot more prominent. “Fucck… I don’t wanna be a slut like you” you groan, hearing your sultry Japanese accent exit your lips in contrast to your pleas.

You’re… like, already one, Jess” Jacqueline coos into your ear as she wraps her hands around your pulsating ass. You flinch as Jacqueline begins to squeeze your ass, feeling it bubble up with fat and stretch out your skin. “Your ass doesn’t lie” she giggles, spreading your round ass cheeks apart as they expand into a soft peach butt. Your mind begins to cloud as memories of getting groped by men and getting your ass filled with girthy dicks seep in. You clutch your head in agony, trying to push the thoughts away as your thighs begin to cramp from the shifting flesh.

S-stop it… Jacqueline” you squeal, watching your thighs thickening with fat and muscle as you bite your lower lip. You notice a juicy thigh-gap form as your balls become sandwiched between your soft inner-thighs, causing you to shriek out in surprise. Feeling the changes flow down your legs, you see your calves shrinking while your feet snap inwards by a few sizes with nails extending out.

Your attention jumps back to your crotch as Jacqueline begins to skillfully stroke your hardening boner with a look of lust in her eyes. “Oh goddd” you moan as Jacqueline tucks her blonde hair behind her ear and leans down towards your throbbing dick. Unable to push her away, you feel her warm lips wrap around your dick as her tongue begins to tease the tip of your cock. Eyes rolling back with pleasure, you hear her slurping your dick as she plunges it deep into her throat without gagging. “I-I’m cumming…” you whimper, blowing your load into her mouth and onto her face as she pulls back with glee. Seductively licking her lips, she starts to cup your swollen balls between her fingers as your cock continues to uncontrollably ejaculate. You hear a wet pop as she pushes your balls into your body, causing your abdomen to shift to accommodate your new ovaries.

I’m not a chick” you moan, watching your cum turn transparent as your dick begins to shrink into your body. You start to shiver as your cock starts to invert into your crotch, forcing your shaft to soften into a moist vaginal wall while the tip of your cock swells into a clitoris. "Ahnnn… no…” you squeal, as pink pussy lips rimmed with juices form on your flat crotch. Your mind continues to fog as memories of getting fucked behind closed doors explode in your head. “Noooo…” you pant, feeling your tight pussy loosen from years of experience as memories of your parents and friends slowly fade into hunky men. “I’m still… J-Jess…” you stutter, feeling the name naturally roll off your tongue as you struggle to recall your past name. Furrowing your brows in an attempt to remember your past, your find yourself losing the ability to speak fluent English as your IQ slowly drops. Looking down to see juices dripping from your pussy, a smile forms on your face as your new life pieces itself together in your head. “Mphhhh… Jess… very horny” you moan, looking up to see a man with headphones on the other side of the carriage oblivious to your hungry desires. “I show you… how to make money… and have fun” you giggle into Jaqueline’s ear as she excitedly follows you to the man.

Swaying your wide hips as you walk towards the seated man, you quickly wrap your arms around his shoulders and push your tits onto him, causing him to gasp in surprise. Sitting on his lap, you feel your twitching pussy leak juices onto his jeans as he tries to comprehend the situation. “So wet…” you moan, plunging your finger into your pussy and pulling it out to form a string of fluids as Jacqueline begins to push the man’s head into her cleavage. “I give you Japanese… experience” you grin, feeling his bulge rise as you tear his pants off to reveal a throbbing cock.

You’re such a nymphomaniac” Jacqueline chuckles, but you ignore her as you impale yourself onto the man’s dick, feeling your vaginal muscles wrap around his shaft. Bouncing on his cock as the train begins to speed up and rattle, you hear the man grunt as you squeeze him for more, feeling your tits jiggle with your movement. Not long after, you feel his dick jolt in you before your pussy quicky fills up from the man’s cum as you give him a sultry wink. Your innocent eyes barely contain your lust for pleasure as you hop off his cock, causing excess cum to flow down your thighs. Without hesitation, Jacqueline begins to kneel in front of the man, eyeing his glistening dick covered in cum as you smile encouraging at her.

楽しむ{Enjoy}” you giggle, as you feel his cum swirl inside you.


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