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What?” Somi hisses, looking up from her phone to see two boys giggling and whispering to each other on the other side of the room. Rolling her eyes in annoyance, she tries to get comfortable on the leather couch as an unfamiliar smell wafts past her nose. It has been a week since Somi and her mother moved into her new stepfather’s house, and she is still struggling to get used to her new family. Her stepbrother David only made things worse by making racist jokes and taunts at Somi whenever their parents weren’t around.

I guess they’re right… Korean chicks always dress slutty to get fucked and watch dramas all day” David snickers at Somi as she turns red with anger. Chuckling among themselves, David and his friend Liam dart back into David’s bedroom for safety as Somi chases after them.

It’s just a crop top, you dumb fuck” Somi shouts at the closed door, fists clenched with rage. “That’s it… I’ve had enough” she grumbles, muttering ancient words under her breath before clicking her finger and feeling energy zap from her hand. With a satisfied grin, she effortlessly opens the bedroom to see David panicking at Liam’s body frozen in time. “Hey… bro… time for you to experience how Korean girls are really like” Somi spits with anger.

W-what? And how is Liam frozen?” David stammers, looking at Somi in confusion as her eyes glow yellow.

You’ll see... sis” Somi replies with a sly grin.

Sis? What are yo---arrghhhh” David screams in pain as his spine immediately lengthens and becomes curvier, making him the same height as Somi. “It hurts…” David pants, feeling his ass permanently push out while a loud snap fills the room as his hips widen to child-bearing proportions. Reeling with shock, David feels his ass cheeks stretch as fat begins to pour in, making it more pronounced and heavier. Shuddering in fear, he grabs his fattening hips as his thighs start to tremble with additional fat. Groaning, he feels his thighs thicken to match his already wide hips and juicy ass as his soft inner-thighs begin to squeeze his balls.

Burning with arousal, David looks down to see his dick becoming flaccid and shrinking despite feeling extremely horny. “Ahhnnn… no… no…” he pants, cupping his deflating balls as it shrinks into his body, becoming ovaries while cum dribbles out of his dick onto the floor. Desperately grasping for his cock, he accidently slips a finger into his widening pussy slit, causing him to scream in ecstasy. Biting his lip, he pushes more fingers in as his vaginal wall forms and juices begin to drip out of his tight pink pussy. On the verge of orgasming, David’s libido suddenly diminishes as he pulls his soaking wet fingers out of his pussy in confusion. Sexual activities no longer seem important… to graduate university with honors. Graduate? University? David shakes his head to push the foreign thought away as his feet begins to convulse.

Argh… shit…” he groans, looking past his flat crotch to see his feet snap down a few sizes as pedicured nails push out. Stumbling forward, he feels his legs growing longer while his petite feet struggle to find grip on the fluid covered floor. The same sensation begins in his hands as they too start to contort. Eyes wide with fear, he watches his hands shrink while his fingers slim down with long nails. “Fuck…” he mutters, wiping the vaginal fluids from his trembling thighs with his feminine hands as the thought of looking elegant and dignified fills his mind.

Hunching forward and grasping his stomach in pain, loud gurgling sounds fills the room as David begins to feel extremely nauseous. Unable to control his upset stomach, he lets it all out onto the floor as pieces of kimchi appears. “Kimchi? I never had it tod--- arghhh” he groans, feeling his stomach flatten under his fingers, becoming toned while his waist quickly sucks in, showing years of regular fitness at gyms.

Make it stoppp… nughhh” David shivers as his nipples harden and puffs up under his shirt. Starting to hyperventilate, he feels his sensitive nipples chafe against his shirt as fat builds up underneath, pushing it out to form budding A-cup breasts. Stifling a moan, he feels his shoulders snap inwards, giving him a smaller frame as his now B-cup tits becomes more prominent. “Somi… stop…” David pants, cupping his breasts with his small hands as hit balloons out into C-cups, stretching his shirt to its limits as his nipples poke through the thin material. As if on cue, his breasts swell out into firm DD cups, ripping through his shirt as he tentatively gropes his heavy breasts. “Oh god… they’re so big…” he moans, staring at his deep cleavage and soft breasts obscuring the view of his lower body. Memories of wearing modest clothing at university to dissuade eager male students for more time to study alone fills his mind. “I… I need to cover this up” he mutters subconsciously to himself as his nipples perk up from a cold draft.

Hurry up Da-Eun… your class is about to start” Somi giggles, seeing the confusion arise on David’s face. With a look of realization, David lets go of his tits, feeling it jiggle on his chest as he clutches his head in pain.

No… no… I’m not Da-Eun… I’m… I’m…” David stutters as his mind begins to fog. Desperate to recall his name, he looks at his phone only to see Somi and another familiar Korean girl posing on his lock screen. “What? No… I’m… nughh… Da-Eun…” he mutters, feeling the name easily slip from his tongue. New memories begin to assault his brain as Korean vocabulary floods in, making him bilingual. Within a few seconds David’s old life fades away from his glazed eyes, leaving Da-Eun looking around in bewilderment as the rest of her memories piece together.

안녕하세요 언니 {Hey sis}!” Da-Eun chuckles at Somi as her voice rises, sounding cute and feminine with a Korean accent. Memories of growing up with Somi and her single mother and meeting her Caucasian stepfather seeps into her mind. Although quite conservative in nature, she finds herself accepting her new father and showing him her studious Korean lifestyle. Shivering, Da-Eun looks down to see bodily hair float to the ground as her skin becomes smooth and shifts into a creamy yellow-ish Asian tone. Feeling the changes go up her body, she smiles to herself as she feels her cheeks plump up with baby fat while light make-up covers her face, making her look androgynous.

How do I look?” Da-Eun giggles, feeling her face as her cheekbones rise, making her head rounder and feminine. Covering her mouth, she feels her lips plump up, becoming fuller as her neck becomes slender from the lack of an Adam’s Apple. With an urge to sneeze, she feels her nose shrinking while her eyebrows thin. Beginning to tear up, her eyes widen with a foxy slant while her irises turn dark brown into a Korean complexion similar to Somi. Scratching her head, she notices her hair flowing past her fingers to her lower back, turning jet black and silky smooth in contrast to Somi’s bob cut.

잘생겼어 언니 {You look fine, sis} … wear my sweater” Somi replies, handing Da-Eun a green sweater as she happily puts it on. With a devious smile, Somi clicks her finger once more, making Da-Eun eyes glaze for a second as reality rewrites itself and time resumes.

… Your sister is so dumb…” Liam continues but pauses in confusion as he looks up to see two older Korean girls looking at him with a smile. Blinking a few times from the new reality, Liam nervously stutters, “Oh hey Somi… I’m just here for Korean lessons with Da-Eun”. With a smile and a polite bow, Da-Eun points him to her desk covered in textbooks and notes.

I’ll leave you two alone” Somi chuckles, watching Da-Eun’s timid and reserved personality attempt to start a conversation with Liam without sounding too nerdy. Closing the door behind her, Somi walks back to the couch giggling to herself as music begin to play from her earphones. "Now that's what we Korean girls are really like..." she giggles to herself, happy that she has proven her point.


An hour later, Somi looks up to hear faint grunting sound over her music emanating from Da-Eun’s room. Curious, she gets up from the couch and begins to walk towards the odd sound, putting her ear to the door as a loud thump vibrates the wood.

How’s the less---” Somi chuckles, opening the door, but pauses with her mouth agape as she looks down to see Da-Eun on all fours while Liam rams his dick deep into her tight pussy. “Da-Eun… what happened?” Somi stutters, watching her sister’s massive breasts hang free towards the ground and bounce with each thrust. Screaming in ecstasy, Da-Eun wiggles her hips around Liam’s throbbing cock in an attempt to milk him for cum, ignoring her sister standing at the door in disbelief.

Sis… ahnnn… this just feels too good” Da-Eun pants, feeling Liam’s cock push against her vaginal wall once again. Eyes rolling back in pleasure, Da-Eun spreads her juicy thighs further apart as Liam quickens his pace before blowing his load deep into her pussy. “Study… can wait” Da-Eun quivers, reeling from her recent orgasms as excess cum begins to drip from her twitching pussy.


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