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Are you sure about this place?” Jenny, your girlfriend asks, looking up at the rusting gate and crumbling concrete of a rather large two-story house. The crows cawing in the garden does little to soothe your uneasiness of entering a stranger’s property. Checking your phone for the address once again, you give a sigh of discomfort after confirming that you are indeed standing in front of the correct house.

Don’t worry babe, he seems nice online, plus John is with us and this guy is a mutual friend of Simon” you reply, pressing the weathered intercom while giving Jenny and John a reassuring smile. You plan on going to the movies together after buying a PS5 off a guy you met online; already running slightly late, you impatiently press the button once again.

H-hello? Are you here for the PS5?” a timid voice echoes from the speaker. You quickly respond before the gate clicks open with a creepy screech letting your group closer towards the front door. After knocking on the door, it quickly swings open revealing a rather nerdy looking guy with disheveled blond hair. “Come in, I’ll grab the PS5 for you” he stutters, ushing everyone into his house. Walking further in, you realize that the interior looks a lot more modern and maintained than the decrepit exterior. “Ah… wait here, I’ll grab the box” he awkwardly smiles before scuttling into another room. Taking out your wallet for the cash, you hear a faint moaning sound emanating from another room to your left. Curious, you open the door only to see a busty Thai chick bound and gagged on the floor.

What the fuck…” you stammer, unable to believe your eyes as she looks back at you lustfully. Jenny and John stand beside you looking just as confused and shocked before the door swings open and the man stumbles through clutching a box. “Why is there a chick ti---” you shout at the guy.

Shit. You’re not meant to see that” he mumbles while muttering another language under his breath. You and John stride towards the man to apprehend him, but his eyes glows orange before clicking his fingers, forcing the two of you to freeze on the spot.

The fuck did you do?” you scream, trying to move a muscle but to no avail.

Since you three found out… I guess… I’ll have a little fun” he laughs with a sly grin. “Ah… since you asked… That bitch there used to be your friend Simon, but I guess you should call her Talia” he giggles, watching the three of you stare at him with fear. Hearing her name, Talia starts to moan and squirm on the floor, pressing her soft breasts onto the cold tiles.

Bullshit. You can’t just change people…” you stutter but is cut off as the man waves his fingers at Jenny before she screams in terror as her feet automatically walks towards him.

As you can tell… I have a... fetish for Asians” the man replies, pointing at the oriental décor of the house. “And I’m in need of a girlfriend” he continues, giving you a wink before Jenny forcibly steps in front of him with tears in her eyes.

No no… I’m not your girlf---murphhh” Jenny cuts off as the man begins to kiss her. Tearfully looking back at you, you see her eyes slant and turn dark brown as her blonde hair slowly becomes black. With her eyes beginning to glaze, the man starts to grope her breasts until they start to swell out into D-cups, bursting through her dress. “mhhmm… 触れないでください {stop touching}… ahnn” Jenny moans with a Japanese accent as her height drops and her skin develops a yellow-ish hue.

You’re mine… Hina” the man mutters in her ear as she squirms from his touch. Her mind continues to rewrite while you and John stare at the Japanese girl in horror. Looking up at the man with loving eyes, Hina gives him a long kiss, pressing her soft breasts against his chest as he continues to fondle her ass.

You motherfucker… that’s my girlfriend… Jen--- J… my… mistress Hina” you stutter, as your mind begins to cloud, wiping all memories of Jenny as your girlfriend and replacing it with Hina. “Wait… my mistress?” you mutter; confused on why you’re automatically calling her your mistress.

Well… I can’t maintain my house myself… I’ll need maids… a Chinese and Korean to be precise” the man replies with a mischievous grin as he continues to grope Hina’s tits in front of you and John.

You bitch… let me out” you snarl, trying to move a muscle but you remain frozen on the spot. Hina gives you a look of annoyance before whispering something into the guy’s ear.

Hmm… lets fix that language of yours first” he snickers, clicking his finger once more before a frilly choker wraps around your neck, squeezing your throat tight until you start to cough.

What the fu---heck did you do to me, master” you gag, grasping your throat as you hear your voice rise into a seductive feminine tone with a Chinese accent. “Why can’t I stop saying master, master?” you squeal, covering your mouth in fear, feeling the choker squeeze your Adam’s apple into oblivion as your neck slims down. You hear a high-pitched scream behind you, so you turn behind to see a complete feminine Korean head on top of John’s body. “Oh my god… your face” you scream feeling your lips plump up becoming wider with lipstick while your nose scrunches in, becoming petite. Your face begins to contort as your jaw softens and your cheekbones rise, making your head rounder as eyelashes start to grow longer. With your vision starting to blur, your eyes widen and becomes slanted while your irises turn dark brown, looking oriental. Your scalp starts to itch as a headband form on top, making your hair cascade down to your lower back, becoming light brown and silky smooth.

You look perfect” the man smiles, watching you panic as you touch your new face and grab your long hair.

너무 화났어요 주인님 {I’m so horny, master}” John moans, kneeling down as he begins to squeeze his budding breasts. You stare at John in horror while your body begins to tingle as your bones rearrange themselves. Loud popping and bone snapping sounds fill the room as your shoulders crunch inwards while your spine drastically curves, pushing your ass out. Struggling to breathe from all the changes, you start to heat up and sweat as your nipples start to puff up.

No… not my 乳房 {breasts}, master” you moan, feeling your chest starting to pulsate as the fat and muscles rearrange under your skin. “I… ahnnn… feel so… horny, master” you pant with broken English as your nipples harden while your areolae darken and doubles in size while fat continues to pump under your skin. Feeling you skin stretch as your tits slowly push out into B-cups, you scream out in ecstasy as fat bubbles under your nipples, making them jiggle. With heavy breaths, you cup your soft tits in your hands as they swell out into E-cups, spilling through your fingers, making you shiver as your pinch your sensitive nipples. “They’re too big, master” you groan, feeling the weight on your chest as they pull you forward while you try to find your new center of balance.

Ji-Ho begs to differ” your master laughs, as you turn to see John in pure bliss, groping his breasts as the rest of his body continues to change.

Ji-Ho? His… Her… name is… arghhhh” you scream in surprise as your hands suddenly convulses as you cup your large orbs. You stare at your hands in horror as they start to shrink while your fingers become slender with long glossy pedicured nails. The changes race up your arm as your wrist smoothens and your arms spasms until only womanly fat remains, leaving it weak and fragile. Looking at yourself, you realize that the top half of your body is feminine while the lower half begins to grow hot. Feeling your stomach vibrate, you gasp in surprise as it suddenly becomes flat, pushing all the excess fat to your lower body while your waist sucks in, giving you a curvy figure.

I… don’t wanna be… Chinese maid, master” you whimper, pouting your lips, making you look even more seductive. Feeling the fat flow from your stomach down to your hips, you give a strained grunt as your hips audibly pops outwards, accompanied with fat, making it extremely wide and soft. Squeezing your hips, you look behind you to see a Korean girl uncontrollably fingering yourself on the ground as memories of working with her fills your brain. Ji-Ho was always the hornier one between you two as you smile with recollection.

Fighting for sanity, you angrily stare at the man, “Change me ba--- 我等不及要打扫你的卧室了,主人 {I can’t wait to clean your bedroom, master}” you coo, as your mind continues to cloud while your libido skyrockets. Biting your lower lip, your ass begins to bubble and expand outwards with fat from your stomach. Groping your ballooning ass, you feel it becoming rounder in your small hands as it forms into a juggling bubble butt. With the fat continuing to flow down, your thighs starts to pulsate as it widens. “Nghhh… yesssss” you scream, squeezing your soft, thick thighs as it plumps up, crushing your swollen balls in between your inner thighs. “感觉很神奇,楼主 {This feels amazing, master}” you moan, poking your juicy thighs as your feet begins to snap inwards and toenails push out. Your body starts to convulse and grow hot as bodily hair plucks off, leaving your skin silky smooth and sensitive while your skin tone becomes creamier with a yellow-ish Chinese hue.

M-Make me your sexy maid” you squeal with a strong Chinese accent as your dick becomes hard and pre-cum starts to pool in between your wide thighs. Grabbing your throbbing cock, with your small feminine hands, you scream with ecstasy as your soft skin caresses your hard dick. Knees buckling from the pleasure, you finally blow your load all over the floor much to Hina’s displeasure. Mind blanking out and drooling, you continue to stroke your dick until a translucent liquid starts to dribble out of your shrinking cock. “Pardon me, master… ahnnn… I can’t control… mhmmm… myself…” you moan, feeling your dick slip past your fingers as it inverts into your crotch, spreading your flesh apart to form a dripping wet pink slit. Your balls quickly follow suit as it deflates and slips through your pussy lips to form extremely fertile ovaries. Hearing your crotch gurgle as your shaft reforms into your vaginal wall while the tip of your dick becomes a twitching clitoris. Fueled by your burning libido, you plunge your fingers deep into your pussy, feeling the muscles squeeze them while squirting juices all over your hand and thighs.

Are you done, Daiyu?” your master asks, looking down at you on the ground in a complete mess. Hearing your name, you look up at him with embarrassment as you try to hide your twitching pussy and cover your swollen tits. “Wear some clothes” he grins, handing you a one-piece maid lingerie. You humbly accept it, feeling the panties dig deep into your pussy and ass crack while the rather transparent lingerie cups your sensitive nipples, squeezing them together.

Ji-Ho, please clean up the mess” the man says before she hurries into another room to find a mop and bucket. “And… Daiyu, can you make us some tea?” he orders, looking you in the eye, making your pussy moisten in anticipation as you smile back at him.

Yes, master” you coo, walking to the kitchen to boil some water. Humming a tune you learnt from your parents back in China, you hear your master and mistress make out in the living room. Still incredibly horny from the recent orgasms, you find a spatula and begin to insert it deep into your cleavage, imagining your master’s dick between your tits when he would reward you for doing your job well. With tea ready, you carefully bring it into the living room where your master and Hina continue to fuck each other on the couch. With a hint of jealousy, you pour the tea while trying to ignore the moaning and grunting a few feet away.

Master, your tea is ready” you whisper before stepping away.


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