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“Thanks for driving me to the venue man” Jake says, grabbing his ticket from the seat behind. Looking out the window, he sees couples hand in hand walking up the grand staircase to the company event. With a sigh, he opens the door and waves Patrick goodbye before walking towards the hallway alone.

Shaking his head in pity, Patrick watches Jake walk up the stairs before driving off back home. Since Jake’s recent break-up, he hasn’t been the best mentally, and the company ball made things worse since the spare ticket reserved for Jake’s now ex-girlfriend is non-refundable. After driving for a few minutes, Patrick looks to the passenger seat and realizes that Jake left his wallet on the seat; as a good friend, he decides to turn back and quickly return it back to Jake. Finding a place to park, Patrick hops out of the car and hurries to the hallway in search of his friend. He finally finds Jake sitting alone on the couch outside the main room with his phone in one hand and a tiara in the other.

“Hey! You left your wallet in my car… and what’s with the tiara?” Patrick asks while handing the wallet back to Jake who smiles back with gratitude.

“Thanks man. Ah, my workmate gave me this; said something about finding the ideal partner” Jake replies with a slight glint in his eye. “Since you’re here, there’s some free food in the room to the side” Jake says, pointing to a nearby closed door. Following Jake, Patrick enters the room only to find it completely empty and lifeless.
“What? Wrong room?” Patrick chuckles, turning around to leave. Simultaneously, Jake quickly places the tiara on Patrick’s head causing him to flinch before attempting to pry it from his head. “The fuck man… why can’t I get it off…” Patrick stammers, realizing that the tiara seems to be glued to his head.

“Sorry… I… I just wanted to bring a partner to this event. But don’t worry; it’ll last for only a week” Jake says to Patrick in an attempt to reassure him, but Patrick continues to frantically pull the tiara off but to no avail.

“Get this shit off meee” Patrick shouts but pauses as he feels his hair grow longer and silkier until it tickles his neck. Grabbing his lengthening hair, he screams in horror as his hair becomes jet black and perfect bangs appear over his thinning eyebrows. “The fuck is happening?!” Patrick screams at Jake as his nose shrinks and his jaw softens, making his face rounder and cuter. His eyes start to water as they widen, becoming doe-like while his irises darken, turning dark brown with a Japanese complexion. Looking at his reflection from his phone, Patrick shouts in fear as he watches his skull shift, becoming smaller while a cute Japanese face stares back.

“This is a chick’s face…” Patrick stammers, feeling his lips plump up and grow wider while his neck slims, raising his voice up an octave, sounding seductive and feminine.

“I just need you to be my ideal girlfriend for the night. Don’t try anything stupid, I have full control of you after all” Jake grins, watching Patrick’s innocent Japanese face blink back with confusion. Panic fills Patrick as he recalls Jake describing his ideal girlfriend weeks ago and laughing at his improbability of finding a girl like that. “You know me and my fondness of short Japanese chicks” Jake chuckles, watching Patrick stumble as his spine crunches in and legs shrink, dropping him a head below Jake.

“No… please… I don’t wanna be her” Patrick whimpers, hearing a strong Japanese accent to his limiting English vocabulary. His shoulders snap inwards giving him a smaller frame to fit his height as his collarbone becomes more pronounced. The changes start to move down his arm as his biceps shrinks, leaving thin dainty arms in its place while his hands start to convulse as it becomes smaller with slender fingers. “Stop itttt” Patrick squeals as long polished nails push out of his feminine hands while his feet begin to cramp as it also starts to change. Looking down, he sees cute pedicured toes wiggle in the air before glittery high-heels mold around his small feet.

Terrified, Patrick tries to run out of the room in his heels, but the moment he touches the door handle he freezes. “Stop. You can’t run from me. You love me after-all” Jake commands, grabbing Patrick’s small shoulders and pulling him back into the room.

“Love? I don’t… don’t… do… I do love you” Patrick slurs in a seductive voice, covering his mouth in horror. “Why can’t I say I hat--- love you” he pants, as he looks up at Jake with tears in his eyes while his body automatically returns back in front of Jake.
“The tiara allows me to command you” Jake grins, stroking Patrick’s silky hair as he shivers in fear.

Patrick’s breathing starts to quicken as his chest begins to grow hot. “Fuck… fuck… her tits are massive for such a small body” Patrick groans as he remembers Jake’s preferences. As if on cue, his nipples harden and perk up on his chest as his areolae becomes pinker. With each breath, his nipples push out from the accumulating fat underneath, slowly stretching his skin. Ballooning out to D-cups, Patrick feels his chest lurch forward from the weight as his soft orbs bounce with his laboured breaths. “Fuck… so sensitive” Patrick moans, biting his lower lip as he cups his breasts and stokes his puffy nipples.

“Perfect!” Jake smirks, ogling Patricks jiggling tits and deep cleavage as Patrick’s stomach begins to gurgle. Gagging, Patrick doubles over in pain as his last meal spews all over the floor, much to Jake’s surprise. With Patrick’s stomach purged, it becomes flat with a thin layer of fat as his waist pulls in, giving him an hourglass figure.

“Ah shit…” Patrick groans as his hips loudly crack outwards, becoming wider and thicker. “Why does she have to be so… nughhh… curvy” Patrick moans as his ass starts to pulsate with fat. With more room from his wide hips, Patrick’s ass continues to push out into a peach butt, jiggling with every movement. Panting, he traces his curves with his long nails, feeling the softness of his new body as he squeezes his round ass. The changes move down to his thighs as they begin to bubble with fat and muscle, causing Patrick’s knees to buckle from the new sensations. Grabbing his thighs, he feels the flesh push his hands away as they grow thicker and softer until a thigh gap forms under his burning crotch.

“Fuck… no… not my dick” Patrick screams at Jake as his cock shoots up from his creamy thighs, becoming rock hard. The more Patrick looks at Jake, the hotter his crotch burns as though Jake turns him on. Does Jake look sexier? The scruffy hair and buff arms… no. Patrick shake the thought away as precum begins to drip out of his throbbing dick onto the floor. “I’m… not… into… you” Patrick moans as his cock finally gives in and blows his load, in contrary to his words. Panting, Patrick continues to rub his dick in absolute bliss as his balls deflate and push into his body, forming ovaries. Looking down, he watches his cock shrink and invert into his crotch, forming a dripping wet pink slit as new thoughts flood his head. The urge to be filled overtakes Patrick as he inserts his fingers deep into his twitching pussy, moaning and panting as his muscles squeeze his fingers. “Oh god… n-yess…” Patrick squeals with ecstasy, as he explores his new organ while Jake watches on with glee.

“So… Jess. Ready for tonight?” Jake asks with a smile. Hearing the name, Patrick’s mind clouds over as more memories invades his brain. Being raised in Japan by her parents and meeting her boyfriend Jake on a trip to America blankets the rest of Patrick’s memories. Looking up at Jake, she gives him a smile as he pulls her from the ground still dripping in her fluids. Her body stays hot as her skin starts to tingle while bodily hair vaporises, leaving creamy sensitive oriental skin in its place. Panting, she shivers from the cold air brushing against her smooth skin as make-up covers her face, giving her a blush.

“Sorry honey, I got carried away. Looks like there’s still time before your company event” Jess coos, showing him her pussy while giving him a wink.


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