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We’re running on a tight schedule! Be safe out there! Did you remember to bring the reality changing orbs in case you get spotted?” Mrs. Claus asks, patting Rudolf on the nose. In the dim light, she watches her husband carefully climb into his sleigh with a mountain of presents piled behind.

Yes dear, hopefully I won’t need to use them this year” Santa smiles, patting his pocket and hearing the faint jingle of the ceramic balls filled with magic. With a quick tug of the reigns, Santa gives his wife a grin before shooting up into the cold darkness towards bright cities and lonely towns.

Thousands of miles away, Liam sits silently in his living room after quietly sneaking downstairs when his parents fell asleep. The constant patter of rain outside does not faze him from his desire to catch Santa dropping off presents under the Christmas tree. Yawning, Liam pinches himself to stay awake as he hides behind the couch well past his bedtime. Suddenly, a faint shuffling sound echoes from the rooftop as a small mist appears next to the Christmas tree. Unable to believe his eyes, Liam watches the mist dissipate to reveal Santa holding a present, completely oblivious to Liam.

Santa? Is that really you? Why don’t you go down the chimney?” Liam whispers, causing Santa to jump up in alarm and drop the present onto the floor.

Oh shiiii—sugar… ah yes, I’m Santa… it’s the twenty-first century, there are less chimneys around” Santa splutters, looking around to ensure that there are no further witnesses. Catching his breath, he sees the boy look up to him with eyes of admiration before reaching for his phone. “No no… you can’t…” Santa hisses, pulling out an orb in his coat before throwing it onto the ground below the child.

Wha… mughhh…” Liam coughs, breathing in the powder dispersed throughout the room, as his nose fills with cinnamon and chocolate while glitter shimmers in the air. Confused, he sees Santa looking back at him with pity as his body starts to grow hot like a fever.

I… I’m sorry kid… I used the wrong orb…” Santa whispers, carefully backing away as Liam falls to the ground convulsing. “It’ll be over soon… I promise” he says, while Liam starts to groan in pain as his bones start to reshape under his skin. Sounds of bones snapping and reforming fills the room as Liam’s spine grows longer while his legs and arms follow suit, making him the same height as a twenty-five year old. Squealing in surprise, he moves his legs, noticing the new slender length similar to his mother’s.

What’s happenin---nughhhh” Liam moans as he starts to sweat profusely while his skin starts to become smooth and darken into a warm chocolate tone. “M-my skin… it’s darke---ooohh” Liam shivers as his hands brushes across his new sensitive unblemished skin. Looking down at his rather larger feet, he watches his toenails grow longer while his veins subside under his dark skin. Spurred on by this, Liam gives a sharp gasp as his calves push out while his thighs start to pulsate rhythmically. To his horror, he feels his thighs expand with fat and flesh, jiggling with every movement until they start to squeeze his balls in between.

I don’t wanna be older…” Liam cries but is cut off as his hips quickly dislocates and loudly cracks outwards, giving his thighs more space to grow. “Am I becoming a girl… arghh” he pants, as the excess fat from his thighs starts to flood his ass cheeks, causing them to push outwards. Unable to hold in a moan, Liam squeezes his ballooning ass, feeling the softness of all the fat stored up in his lower body that would make his mum jealous.

Liam’s dick suddenly springs up with pre-cum dripping down the side as he starts to become extremely aroused. “I… I can’t control myself” he stutters, as small spurts of cum dribbles out onto his thick chocolate thighs while his balls quickly deflate, empty of his male essence. With labored breaths, he watches his cock push into a widening pink slit moist with anticipation as his balls slurp past his sensitive folds causing him to shiver. Curious and disgusted, Liam slowly inserts his fingers past his pussy lips into his newly developed vagina, feeling the wetness and warmth of his new twitching organ. Liam’s eyes roll back with ecstasy as he accidently strokes against his clitoris causing juices to squirt from his tight vagina all over his hand.

I… can’t be a girl” Liam moans, pulling his fingers out of his pussy as his vaginal muscles instinctively squeezes them in an attempt to keep them inside. “Change me back ple---kyaaa” Liam cries, as his tail bone pushes outwards from his already round ass to form a thick nub covered with white fur. Horrified, he reaches down to his new bunny tail to feel it quiver from his touch as his stomach flattens, leaving a thin layer of womanly fat. “Is that… a tail?” he shrieks, as his waist sucks in, leaving him an hour-glass figure.

Liam’s attention moves to his hands as they start to crack and contort, becoming slender with long nails. Noticing his rather long arms, he feels the muscles reconfigure into a leaner appearance suitable for his body’s new future activities. With faint pops, Liam’s shoulders push inwards making them more pronounced as his chest starts to heat up.

No… stop…” Liam squeals, knowing what’s to come as his nipples harden and areolae darken. Beginning to hyperventilate, he watches his nipples start to perk up and push outwards as fat begins to accumulate behind them. With each breath, his breasts fills up with soft flesh, starting at small A-cups to large D-cups swaying and jiggling from the weight. “They’re bigger than my mothe---ahnnn” Liam moans, as his womanly fingers pinches his nipples and gropes the heavy orbs on his chest. Squeezing his tits together, he feels a bead of sweat roll down his deep cleavage to his stomach, causing him to shiver in anticipation.

Um… before the changes end, I promise you we’ll take care of you, Holly” Santa whispers to Liam’s heaving body.

H-Holly? I’m…“, Liam pauses, unable to recall his name as his mind begins to fog. “A-anyway, why do I look like a… slut” he gasps, covering his mouth as he shouts out a word he never used. Panicking, Liam’s mind continues to fill with new vocabulary, memories and experiences as his previous life slowly fades away. “I can’t get Holly outta my head… but I need you in me… master” Liam moans clutching his head as his lips plump up with lipstick and gloss, becoming wider and kissable. Memories of sucking Santa’s cock back at the north pole fills his mind, abolishing the last remaining existence of Liam. “Master… since we’re alone…” Holly coos, hearing her voice deepen into a more alluring and mature feminine voice as her neck slims down. Swaying her wide hips as she moves towards Santa, her nose shrinks and becomes raised while her cheekbones pushes upwards, making her face more seductive. Her vision blurs a little as her eyes widen and eye lashes grow longer while her irises turn crimson with lust. Licking her lips and tasting her sweet saliva with a hint of cinnamon, her hair starts to cascade down to her shoulders, turning platinum blonde and silky, much to her satisfaction. “Mhmm… let us fuck like rabbits tonight…” Holly moans, stroking her ears as they grow longer with white fur.

Pushing Santa to the ground, Holly gives a mischievous grin as she strips him until his dick flops out in front of her. “My mistress can wait… we have Christmas magic to make” Holly coos in Santa’s ear as she straddles him and impales herself onto his rock-hard cock. Panting and moaning, Holly bounces on his dick as her pussy desperately squeezes his cock for his seed. Finally, Santa gives off a grunt as hot cum floods Holly’s pussy, causing her to scream in ecstasy. “Mmm fuck me harder” she screams, sweaty and extremely horny from being filled. Before Santa can respond, two adults rush downstairs only to see a busty dark-skinned girl with bunny ears riding Santa’s cock.

Oops… looks like we have witnesses…” Holly giggles, grabbing Santa’s coat on the floor before pulling out a shimmering orb.


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