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Dude… are you sure about this?” Jack whispers, hearing his voice echo in the girls’ locker room.

His friend and co-conspirator does not verbally reply, instead ruffling through his pockets and pulling out two pink pills, handing one out to Jack. Looking around to make sure they are alone after skipping class per their plan the night before, Jack makes sure to lock the door before beginning the next phase.

Yeah… absolutely… Don’t you want to see Hannah close up?” Brendan replies, looking at the pill in his hand, his other arm outstretched towards Jack with another one. “Just swallow the pill and wait for the change” he says, giving Jack a reassuring look.

Hannah, captain and star of the girls’ volleyball team, and the target of many an admirer, including Jack and Brendan. The notion had come so suddenly from Brendan that Jack didn’t really had had the time to process it. It was only yesterday at school that Brendan had told him that he had an apparent fool-proof plan to get into the girls’ locker room and get closer to Hannah, and Jack, not thinking straight, mindlessly agreed. It was only last night that Brendan revealed these pills to him that could supposedly change his gender. Jack had figured that he had just been had, but Brendan was uncharacteristically incessant on it, dismissing any accusations of pulling a prank and standing by them.

And now here they are, two boys in the girls’ locker room, with a pill that would supposedly turn them into girls. It is stupid, ridiculous, and… glowing?

Jack looks down at the pill in Brendan’s outstretched hand, briefly turning to look at Brendan’s “own” pill before coming back. The pills are glimmering slightly, its surfaces sparkling with a slightly golden glow. They…don’t look particularly digestible.

…I… I think mine’s glowing brighter than yours?” Jack murmurs out loud somewhat mindlessly, peering at the pill in his hand and having second thoughts.

Don’t be a pussy……oh fine, we’ll swap.” Brendan hisses back, briefly bringing his arms back to himself, switching the pills around, and swallowing his own and pushing his outstretched hand towards Jack’s mouth and making him swallow his pill in one go.

Feeling the pill slide down his throat, Brendan gives a sigh of satisfaction, keen to see Chloe, his crush up close later. After waiting a few minutes for the changes to kick in, his legs start to turn numb and weak, causing him to quickly sit on the bench. “Oh fuck… that was fast…” he mumbles, as he starts to take his clothes off to see his changes better. Looking down at his feet, he notices his toes starting to spasm as his feet crunches in, becoming more petite as pedicured nails start to push out. Loud bone crunching sounds echo around the room as his legs become shorter, dropping his height by two inches. Wincing from the sudden changes, Brendan sees his calves shifting and shrinking, becoming more feminine as the hair on his legs fall to the ground while his skin becomes fairer and smoother.

Wiggling his dainty toes and stroking his hairless legs, Brendan gives a short gasp as his thighs start to pulsate and grow wider. “Nghhh… this… feels amazing” he whispers to himself, while squeezing his thighs feeling fat and muscle build up behind his sensitive skin as his inner thighs start to rub against each other. “Fuck… my balls…” Brendan gasps, as his thick thighs start to squeeze his swollen balls, but this is short lived, as his hips loudly crack outwards into child-bearing proportions, giving his privates some breathing room. Realizing that his height is increasing while sitting down, Brendan looks down to see his ass expanding, pushing him up. Feeling his skin stretch as fat swell in his cheeks, he gives his jiggling bubble butt a quick pinch, shivering from the added mass.

Looking over at Jack, he sees a girl with white hair and violet eyes look back in fear. “You look so cute…” Brendan laughs, ignoring the bizarre combination of a chick’s head on Jack’s body.

H-huh? What a---ack” Jack tries to respond, only for the first words to come out of his mouth haggard and fuzzy. He clears his throat of the current blockage, his Adam's Apple receding from view as each cough rises his voice to a low, but very much feminine alto tone. "Ugh..." Jack gives out a groan after his throat finally stops adjusting, before his eyes widens in shock at the new velvet tone of his voice, his hands shooting up to feel his jaw and neck "... holy shit! I-I....I sound like a..."

Like a sexy chick” Brendan interjects, groping his new ass while laughing at Jack panicking from his new voice.

Feeling his body heat up and feeling extremely horny, Brendan’s dick stands up stiffly as pre-cum starts to flow down. “Oooh fuuuuck… I… I’m gonna cum” Brendan groans as he grabs his throbbing cock just as his dick unloads round after round onto the floor much to Jack’s disgust. Rubbing his shaft as his remaining male essence coats his hands, he notices that the fluid is becoming more transparent and less viscous like pussy juice he saw on porn sites. Eyes rolling back, he starts to lose his grip on his dick as it starts to slurp into a widening wet pink slit at the base of his cock. Gasping for air, he fills his balls follow suit and side past his tight pussy lips, becoming functioning ovaries, pumping estrogen throughout his body. Moaning, he slips a wet finger into his twitching pussy; then two, then three before starting to explore his new hole. Brendan shivers with ecstasy as his vaginal muscles squeeze and coat his fingers with juices as he finds his clitoris and rubs it, causing him to squirt.

Holy… fuck… pussies feel… so goooood… You’ll know what I mean soon” Brendan giggles, looking at Jack and his shifting body.

Oo-ohhhh goooOOOD! … F-fuuuuck! They’re ffffucking huuuuuge” Jack cries out, groping his expanding breasts in front of Brendan as his transformation continues.

Brendan’s stomach starts to rumble as the skin tone changes move upwards, causing him to look down in surprise. He starts to uncontrollably burp as his stomach compresses and flattens, leaving a toned abdomen. Shrieking in surprise, his lower spine curves more, pushing out his ass as his waist sucks in, giving him an hour-glass figure.

My lower body looks so hot…” Brendan laughs to himself as his nipples suddenly hardens and perk up in the cold changeroom. “My turn now… these better be big” he mummers, as his areole doubles in size and becomes pinker while they puff up with fat. Hyperventilating, Brendan feels fat flow through his body and accumulate behind his nipples, slowly pushing them outwards, starting at budding A-cups. Giving his breasts a playful pinch, Brendan whimpers in surprise from the new sensations as his crotch starts to leak juices down his thighs. Cupping his breasts, he feels the flesh push against his fingers as they swell out into soft D-cups, slick with sweat and firm in anticipation with a slight jiggle.

Hearing Jack’s feminine voice whimper in the change room, Brendan turns to see him touching his twitching pussy. “Girl orgasms are so much better than guys…” Brendan chuckles.

"I..." Jack tries to respond to Brendan, "I....think I'm about to....t-t-tototo fiiiiinnnnd oouuuuuttt-hnnnnnnnnngggg!" Jack moans, feeling his slit stretch wider.

Groping his breasts and feeling their weight in his hands, Brendan’s hands start to tingle as they shrink becoming feminine and dainty with manicured nails. The changes flow up his arms, squeezing his biceps in until it is soft and womanly, erasing the months of gym sessions. Brendan coughs a few times as his shoulders loudly snap inwards giving him a smaller frame while the rest of his body’s skin tone changes.

I better look as cute as you” Brendan giggles, hearing his voice rise becoming girly and sexy as his neck slims down and his Adam’s apple vaporize. Covering his mouth in surprise with his small hands, he feels his lips plump out becoming kissable as his face shrinks and jaw softens. Looking at a mirror in the changing room, he watches his nose shrink into a cute button nose as his hair starts to flow down to his round ass and turn black into a ponytail with a bangs. “I… look so hot!” Brendan laughs in a feminine voice, as his eyes widen with long lashes and his irises turn amber.

Brendan shudders as new memories flow into his head, pushing out his past into oblivion. Memories of kissing her boyfriend floods her mind. Her? Boyfriend? Being call Serena by her parents and friends explode in her brain, quickly replacing memories of Brendan for good. Clutching her head, she groans as the last remaining evidence of Brendan disappears when she sees a bag with her name lying nearby.

Across the room, Jack doesn’t get up from the ground immediately, wanting at least an hour to recompose herself from her recent orgasm, but of course she doesn’t have that time. She gingerly gets up from the ground, trying to steady herself and not slip on her own juices, looking over to see a girl whose face she did not recognize at all clutch at her head. Shit, was something wrong?

"Brendan?" she asks, trying to brute force through the awkwardness of her new voice and only having her old shirt on, "...are you okay?

B-Brendan? Who……I’m…Serena, dummy!” Serena giggles, reaching for her bag of spare clothes as the handle to the locked locker room suddenly jiggles, the clear sound of someone trying to get in.

Serena and Jackie… you better have your uniforms on when I come in…” a female voice speaks loudly from the other side before murmuring, “I’m getting the keys...

Jack's eyes shrink into pinpricks again, though this time there is no pleasure to be felt at all. Several gargantuan problems just got dumped into her lap at once. Did Brendan forget himself?! Did the other girls hear them moaning?! How are they going to explain who they were? Wha--

Hurry up Jackie! Why are you acting so weird?” Serena suddenly whispers to Jack, handing her a spare set of uniforms. Slipping on a fresh pair of panties over her soaking wet pussy, Serena pulls a pair of sport shorts with a number ‘17’ around her wide hips. Grabbing her sports bra, she quickly slips it over her breasts, squirming as her sensitive nipples rub against the material while she pulls her red uniform over. Quickly putting on some sport bandages, an elbow sleeve, and indoor shoes, she gives a sigh of satisfaction seeing Jack struggle with her clothes.

Where did Brendan even get these? How much did he plan for thi--wait that’s not important right now! "I--" Jackie tries to interject, but notices the more urgent situation regarding the other girl, so she shuts up and tries to put on clothing she hadn't even seen before. The panties are obvious enough, Jack biting her lip to stop herself from moaning as she feels the fabric rest against her still wet pussy.

The sports bra is another matter entirely. It is elastic and so she does not have to worry about metal clasps a normal bra would, she still takes a bit too much time on actually putting it on, especially in trying to nest her breasts in the cups to make them feel as comfortable as possible. Her nipples are still perked up, and she is hesitant to touch them in any way, which in turn might just makes things worse.

"I'm not Jack..." Jack tries to explain herself as she fiddles with her bra, before giving up and moving over to the uniform, which proved to be far more easy to deal with. "I-I mean--" she suddenly catches her slip up, "J-Jackie. I'm not Jackie!"

Her protests seems to have went unanswered, so Jack is content to shut up for now and finish putting on the uniform before going back to that, adorning a black jersey with red lines and a "5" blazoned on the front. The track shorts are far too tight for her liking but she doesn’t really have the time to complain.

And just as she put on an elbow sleeve the door clicked open. Hannah, the girl the two ex-boys were prying for, comes in with a stern frown on her face and her hands on her hips, looking at Serena and Jack, seemingly not noticing anything particularly wrong with them asides from tardiness. If she does see the absolutely stained floor she does not say anything about it.

"Hurry up! Practice has already started!” Hannah shouts, throwing a volleyball at Serena. Not satisfied with that, she reaches out and grabs the two by the collars, causing Jack to give out a small nervous whimper.

The two girls are pulled out of the room and into a grueling half hour of volleyball practice, from spikes to serves and everything in between. From time to time, Serena would pull up her black-on-red ‘17’ uniform to wipe some sweat off of her forehead, showing her sports bra to the horny boys watching them practice.

Jack, meanwhile, has been far more wary and conscious of the eyes that were coming down on her current form. She can’t even be too mad at them; with a bust like hers she probably would have done the same, albeit involuntarily. Probably.

Still, that left her with a Brendan that does not remember she was Brendan. She’ll have to talk to her about that later, once practice was over. She’ll have to find out everything she could about where she got those pills, and how to change back… talking about all this to someone that didn’t seem to remember at all…

Do I have something on my face?” Serena suddenly speaks up, tilting her head to the side towards Jack after noticing her glancing at her ever so often with a weird expression. “Or… are my panties showing?” she giggles, giving the boys on the stand a sultry wink and Jack a slight groan.

Don’t you know what you’re doing…” Jack mutters to herself, feeling a bead of sweat roll into her own cleavage as she eyes Brendan lifting her shirt again.

…how do I get out of this mess...


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