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Seeing a relatively quiet fitness store across the hallway, Kaylie walks over to it with her box of artifacts. The store only has a rather buff customer, a manager checking the till, and a quiet employee restocking the shelves. Walking past the customer, Kaylie gives him a quick wink, catching his attention as she reaches in her box to take out a dull looking stone.

What’s an Asian chick doing in a store like this?” the man scoffs, noticing her thin arms and soft breasts.

Me? I’m just here to offer you an opportunity of a lifetime. This rock will grant you whatever you imagine.” Kaylie smiles, handing the stone to the rather confused man. “Hold onto it and think of something” she repeats, prompting the man.

Uh… okay… I wish for bigger mus---” the man says.

Submissive Asian chick” Kaylie interrupts.

Huh? Oh no…” the man stutters, realising that he’s starting to picture what Kaylie shouted.

This can’t be real…” he groans as he falls to the ground convulsing. The two staff members jump up to the commotion but find themselves frozen in place as Kaylie clicks her fingers. “Gahh… fuccckk it hurts…” he screams, clutching his waist as his abs flatten into a thin layer of womanly fat and his hips loudly crack outwards into child-bearing proportions. His thighs start to pulsate as fat begins to flow in and push them out until they start to rub against each other. Feeling a building pressure in his ass, he gropes it as it starts to swell out until stretch his pants to its limits. “No… nooo” he moans, as his dick starts to invert into his body, causing cum to spurt out of his shrinking shaft. Panting, he strokes his wet pussy lips as his balls slide into his body and a twitching clitoris pops up.

I… I’m a chick?” he screams as his hands starts to shrink and arms deflate until it looks like Kaylie’s. “All my gym sessions…” he cries, feeling his muscles evaporate as his voice shifts upwards sounding feminine with an Asian accent. “My voice… Change me back!” he shrieks, as his lips widens and becomes fuller while his jaw softens.

Hmm… I don’t think you should be here… maybe a beauty store suits you better” Kaylie giggles, watching make-up start to appear on the man’s face as his eyebrows start to thicken. He starts to panic as his eyes widen in an oriental foxy appearance and his hair flows down to his shoulders turning jet black. “Oh… sorry, I don’t think I ever got your name” Kaylie says to a sweaty Asian chick’s face.

It… it’s like… Jake… I mean… Julia… why do I talk like this…” Jake stammers, hearing an unfamiliar Asian female voice escape his lips as his consciousness starts to fade. “I… can’t control myse--- Mhmm I feel so hot, like, right now…” Jake moans as he loses control of his body and finds himself silently screaming in the backseat of his body as Julia takes over. Julia starts to stroke her body as her skin begins to smoothen and tan, looking more oriental.

Your pecs… might be bigger than before” Kaylie smirks, as Julia gasps and gropes her chest. Squirming from ecstasy, she feels her nipples puff up and harden as they start to push against her feminine hands. She gives a squeal of delight as the fat in her swelling breasts starts to slip past her fingers as they become soft D-cups. After playing with her body for a few minutes, she looks up at Kaylie with lust in her eyes.

“M-mistress… what can I, like, do for you…” Julia pants, rubbing her leaking crotch.

Wait here… I have to work on these two now” Kaylie replies, walking to the two frozen employees mumbling in fear after witnessing Jake’s transformation. “You there. Tell me the truth. Do you enjoy working under your manager?” Kaylie asks, pointing at the employee frozen while restocking the shelves.

Unable to keep his mouth shut, Max the employee blurts out in a monotone, “No. I hate him. He always acts like he knows everything and bosses me around”. Nick, the manager can only stare at Max with anger as Kaylie comes up with an idea.

Julia, get the lipstick from my box and put it onto the two of them” Kaylie orders, watching Julia carefully apply the bright pink lipstick onto the two staff members. “Let’s give these two a little change in perspectives…” Kaylie laughs as Max’s face starts to shift.

N-nooo pleaseee… I… I don’t wanna be like a bossy gurl” Max stutters as his lips swell out and his neck slims down. His eyes quickly widen and gain a seductive appeal as his hair starts to flow down to his lower back, turning light brown. “Holy fuckk—ackkkkk” Max screams, hearing a feminine Chinese accent voice as his waist pulls in tightly.

Simultaneously, Nick starts to hyperventilate as his nipples start to double in size and harden as they rub against his shirt. “Please… I worked hard to be a manag—nurghhh” Nick moans, eyes rolling back as fat starts to build up behind his nipples and push them outwards, stretching out his clothes. Panting, he starts to grope his developing breasts, feeling the weight and softness in his hands as they balloon out into F-cups, causing him to lurch forward. Nauseous from all the stimulation, Nick’s dick immediately stand upright and uncontrollably blows a load onto the floor, looking at Max in both embarrassment and lust. “Fuckkkk not my cock… Yuki… no like this…” Nick cries, grabbing his deflating dick with his shrinking hands as manicured nails start to appear. Biting his bottom lip, he feels his cock push into body forming a loose vagina from multiple past experiences as his pussy lips starts to drip in anticipation. Pushing his small hands into his aching vagina, he screams in ecstasy as he brushes against his clitoris, feeling his pussy coat his hands in juice.

Nick? Oh shit… I… I have a girlfriend…” Max shouts, as his feet and hands start to crack and shrink, becoming feminine with matching white glossy nails. His thighs start to pulsate as fat begins to flow in, causing them to widen and stretch his pants just as his hips painfully pops outwards giving him a perfect hour-glass figure. Seeing Nick finger himself, Max’s erection starts to build, but just as he is about to cum his balls suddenly pulls into his body causing him to moan. Feeling for his balls, he feels pussy juice drip from his widening slit onto his soft hand as his dick inverts into his body forming a functional vagina. “I… like… can’t stop myselfffff” Max moans, exploring his new hole as his ass pushes outwards and jiggles with every step. “A-as the manager… I gotta be, like, formal…” Max blurts out uncontrollably as his clothes change into a crimson red women business suit. Panting for breath, he feels his chest as his nipples darken and puff up filling up his empty bra. A name tag appears on his right breast with ‘Mei’ as his breasts swell out into firm C-cups, pushing Max’s memories out as Mei takes over. “Hmm… where’s my staff?” Mei giggles as her skin becomes creamy white and smooth much to Nick’s horror.

You… can’t… make Yuki… do this” Nick moans seeing Mei looking at him with glee as his skin starts to turn into an oriental hue and become silky smooth without blemishes. Squealing in fear, his thighs start to widen with fat and jiggle with every movement, squeezing his wet pussy into a juicy thigh gap. A loud pop fills the room as his hips expand to child-bearing proportions, prompting his ass to explode out with fat, causing his underwear to dig deep into his pussy and crack. Shivering from ecstasy, he tries to pull his underwear out to no avail as his hair starts to turn bright red and flow down to his lower back. “My… 頭が痛い {my head hurts}” he cries, as his voice rises into an alluring Japanese accent and his lips widen from the lipstick. Blinking a few times, his vision blurs as his irises turn dark brown and his eyes widen into an almond complexion Japanese girls love. Feeling his shifting face, his nose shrinks and cheekbones rise as his memories start to change. “Yuki… know not English… Yuki… 新入社員 {new employee}” Nick gasps in a girly Japanese accent as life slowly disappears. Looking up at Mei, Yuki smiles while trying to cover her massive breasts with her shirt, waiting for Mei’s new instructions as her manager.

Here… try selling these lipsticks instead. I’m sure they’ll be popular…” Kaylie laughs, handing the two girls a small box of spare lipstick. Smiling with gratitude while cleaning themselves from their recent orgasms, the Asian girls start to rearrange their store as Kaylie walks out to look for more unsuspecting people.


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