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Dude, I swear you won’t regret it” Sol snickers as he sits back on his friend’s couch, eyes glued to football match on the TV screen. Spending the afternoon with his best friend at his apartment during a storm was an amazing idea. The conversations first started with the usual sports and movies, but as the sun slowly set, the two single boys started to talk about their ideal partners.

A MILF? Really? Of all the hot single girls in college, you prefer a MILF?” Samson laughs, looking at Sol as he starts to redden with embarrassment. The sky flashes white as lightning lights up the sky with a rolling thunder following in its wake, breaking the awkward silence.

Yeah… girls our age are so immature and arrogant… but being married to a sexy MILF with a motherly, mature and seductive personality would be fantastic” Sol tries to explain while Samson continues to laugh. As the clock ticks to seven in the evening, a white shimmer appears over the two boys without them noticing. A ghostly apparition of a woman slowly forms as she drifts down to eavesdrop on the conversation. “In a few years, I’ll find one and prove it to you” Sol continues, grinning ear to ear at his plan.

Hmm reminds me of my past husband… perfect!” the ghost mutters to herself as she dives towards Samson, feeling his warm skin along her misty apparition. As she enters his body, Samson bolts upright and shivers, looking around for the source of his discomfort.

What the… that felt weird…” Samson gasps, feeling his body tingling with cold spots as he starts to experience nausea. “Hey… um… I might lie down for a bit. Can you get takeaway from downstairs?” he mutters, walking towards his bedroom.

Y-yeah, sure. Won’t take long” Sol replies, turning off the TV and grabbing his jacket to head down. Just before he leaves, he sees Samson swaying into the room, slamming the door shut behind him.

Nurghh… did I eat something bad?” Samson groans to himself as he lies down on the bed, watching the ceiling spin. Closing his eyes to relieve the pain, Samson doesn’t notice his spine popping and stretching while his legs extend longer as he grows a few inches taller. Feeling strange, pushes himself upright with his hands, as cracking sounds fills the room.

What the fuck?” Samson gasps, looking at his hands as they shift and contort in front of him, becoming smaller and dainty as glossy nails push painfully push outwards. The changes continue to move along his arm, squeezing his biceps and shoulders inwards, leaving feminine arms resembling his mother’s.

Jesus Christ… am I high?” Samson shouts, as his voice shifts higher, sounding feminine but alluring and mature. Licking his lips, he feels them plump up and become fuller as memories of kissing boys slowly etch into his brain. His nose then shrinks down in a button nose, powdered with makeup, as his cheekbones rise. Scratching his head, he feels his hair thicken as they start to cascade down to his lower back, turning black and wavy. “H-holy fuckkk… I look like a MILF” Samson whimpers, seeing a sexy Asian woman’s face looking back in the mirror as his vision blurs. Blinking a few times, he watches his eyes widen, looking sensual with faint wrinkles on the corners as his irises turn brown in color. Samson squeals with a feminine voice as earrings pierce his earlobes and start bobbing with every movement while memories of getting it pierced in high school enters his mind.

I look like a fucking freak!” Samson cries, seeing a girl’s head on his body. This is short-lived as the changes move past his thinning neck towards his chest. “Ooohh shiiiiiittt” he moans, feeling his nipples harden and perk up as they start to chafe against his shirt. With deep breaths, he rips his shirt off, to see budding breasts along with widening areolae on top as they start to pulsate with his heartbeat. Panting, he tries to push his growing A-cups back in, but it only makes him moan louder as foreign sensations explode in his head. Cupping his breasts with his feminine hands, he feels them pushing against his hands, as they swell out, becoming heavy C-cups. To his horror, fat continues to flow under his nipples, making his soft milky flesh spill past his fingers as they grow into E-cups, jiggling with every movement.

Oh god… they’re so big and heavy… bigger than my mum’s…” Samson moans, lifting one of his breasts in his hand and feeling a droplet of sweat trickle down his deep cleavage. As the bead of sweat continues to roll down his body, his stomach suddenly flattens, leaving a thin layer of womanly fat from age as his waist sucks inwards. Memories of spending time at the gym to stay fit after work despite his age and getting ogled by men starts to flood his brain.

Nnoo… these aren’t my memories…” Samson wails, clutching his head as his waist painfully snap outwards, widening to child-bearing proportions. “I don’t want to be… the perfect wife for my husband” he screams, covering his mouth as different words leaves his cute lips.

Samson’s heart begins to race as his mouth starts to move on its own, “Ahh… finally back in the flesh… who are you? What have you don---… hush young man, I’m merely using your mortal body to have a relationship I never had…” Simon’s lips open and closes. “But… I think I’ll take over from here; pleasure to have met you, I’m Samantha by the way” she giggles, as Simon’s consciousness starts to fade away, becoming a passenger in his own changing body.

Now… where were we?” Samantha smiles, showing her perfect white teeth. Biting her bottom lip, she starts to massage her thighs, feeling them bubble up in response as fat immediately start to build up. Moaning, she continues to squeeze them, feeling them expand in her hands until a juicy thigh gap forms and her thighs rub against each other. Giggling to herself, she reaches down to her feet and starts to squeeze them, feeling them pop and shrink as pedicured toes wiggle around. With a sigh of satisfaction, she moves to her ass and starts to squeeze them, feeling them plump up and push out against her hands. After a minute of careful pinching and molding, she gives her bubble butt a quick slap, feeling it jiggle in response.

Finally… the best part!” She pants, as she starts to stroke her developing boner, feeling pre-cum seep out as her soft feminine hands continue to grasp her dick. “Nughhh… kyaaa… oh god yesss...” she screams, as her cock blows a load all over her hands and blanket; wiping her hands on the bed, she gets to work, squeezing and pushing her throbbing dick into her crotch. Body trembling from the building pleasure shooting into her head, she manages to push her fingers through her widening pink slit and deep into her developing vagina, feeling her moist vaginal muscles squeeze her fingers. Eyes rolling back and drooling, she digs her fingers further in feeling juices squirt out, as her balls slide into her body becoming ovaries, making her a fertile sex goddess.

Samson, I’m back. I got you lasag--- what the fuck?” Sol stutters as a sweaty MILF with juices running down her thighs walks out of Samson’s room. “Um… who are you?” Sol asks, as his eyes lowers to her enormous breasts.

Well, I’m Samantha… formally Samson. But we have better things to worry about” Samantha coos as she walks towards Sol with swaying hips and jiggling tits. “We have a baby to make… since we’re married anyway…” Samantha giggles, pressing her breasts onto Sol as she pushes him onto the ground.

What? Samson? I’m not mar---mumghh” Sol cuts off as Samantha kisses him, playfully biting his bottom lip and touching tongues. Sol’s mind begins to cloud as she continues to kiss him and reaches for his growing dick. “I…I’m not… your husb-… oh… honey… you’re so eager tonight” Sol groans as his tone changes, sounding more excited.

Mhmm… you know I’ve wanted a child ever since we met babe” Samantha giggles, stretching out her pussy lips with her fingers as she guides Sol’s throbbing dick towards her quivering pussy.


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