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Walking through a dimly lit alleyway to reach the main street, J and his friend gleefully chat among themselves about an upcoming movie. A hooded man carefully tails behind, fiddling with a device in his hands without the two noticing. Smiling to himself, the man snaps a picture of J then proceeds to input data into the screen before pressing ‘COMPLETE’. Satisfied, the man disappears into the shadows as his eighth trial run begins.

Hearing a noise behind him, J looks behind to see no one but a stray cat in the distance. “Feels like someone’s watc--- nuuurhhh” J groans, doubling over from the pain in his stomach. Dry heaving, he looks up at his friend growing taller as J’s spine and legs crack smaller dropping his height. With his hands on his knees, he feels them beginning to shift as his thighs expands and his sneakers extending upwards becoming laced black boots.

What the fuckkk” J moans, feeling his hips beginning to widen outwards, stretching his pants to its limits. A cold breeze tickles his balls as his pants begin to roll upwards, slowly turning into a red plaid skirt. Gasping, he looks down to see a tattoo slowly etch itself into his smooth and creamy thigh. J’s body begin to tingle as the changes ripple outwards; looking at his hands, he watches his nails turn glossy black and extend whilst his hands shrink and becomes feminine.

Oh goddd… no…” J whimpers as pressure begins to build on his chest and ass. Simultaneously, fat begins to flow into both ends, pushing out his skirt and stretching his t-shirt. As his nipples widen and brush against his shirt, J shudders with pleasure, feeling his curves and squeezing his C cup breasts. His clothing does little justice as it shifts into a black woolen jumper tickling his soft sensitive skin and chafe his already puffy nipples.

Desperately looking around for help, J’s face starts to shift and crack. His hair quickly becomes jet black and flows down to a cute bob cut while his eyes widen gaining an oriental appearance as eyeliner highlights the edges. “What do I look likeeeee” J squeals, hearing his voice jump an octave as his neck thins and a black choker wraps around. Dark lipstick accents his plumping lips as his nose shrinks.

You… look like an Asian goth chick…” his friend stammers, clearly aroused from J’s changes.

Before J can react, his crotch begins to burn as his dick inverts, causing J to scream out in ecstasy. Stumbling out of the alleyway, J leans against a street pole and paws at his disappearing dick. “Noooo…~” he cries in a girly voice, feeling his wet pussy beginning to soak his panties.

Um… are you alright?” his friend asks, concerned.

Gasping for breath, J looks up at his friend as his heart begins to flutter uncontrollably. Something about his friend just feels different, but he can’t put his finger on it.


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