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Guilty… by execution” the judge promptly states, slamming the mallet onto the desk as Hank’s heart drops. Looking around, he sees the defending family weep happily while his lawyer shakes his head in defeat. Hank trembles in fear as the guards approach him with handcuffs to take him back into jail to be executed the week after.

It was an accident! I swear!” Hank screams at the family, but they only stare back with contempt. There’s no way he can go back to jail; he made too many enemies especially after taunting them the day before his second trial. They’ll surely kill him before the week is over. With his hands shackled, Hank desperately tries to escape but is promptly knocked unconscious by the guards.

After a few hours, Hank groggily wakes up finding himself chained to a chair in a plain white interrogation room. Licking his cracked lips, he tries to slip his hands past the bindings as the door opens and a man in a suit walks in. “Where am I? Who the fuck are you?” Hank shouts.

You don’t need to worry about that. I’m approaching you on behalf of the government” the man says in a monotone, crossing his arms before sitting on a creaky stool. “I’m here to give you an offer. We leave you in jail to be executed next week, or you can participate in a ‘cultural exchange’” he says, leaning forwards.

Cultural exchange?” Hank asks. Anything is better than going back to certain death with the inmates.

It’s just a deal we have with Japan” the man replies. “Sign this form if you choose to participate” he says, handing Hank a small stack of paper. Giddy with relief, Hank snatches the paper out of the man’s hands and immediately signs the last sheet, happy to avoid death. “Thank you for your cooperation…” the man smiles as he unlocks Hank’s cuffs and leaves the room, locking the door behind him.

Confused, Hank stands up and begins to walk to the door just as hissing sounds emanates from the air vents above. Looking up, he sees a light pink vapor wafting down and starting to fill the room, causing him to panic. “HEY! I’M STILL HERE” Hank screams, banging on the door but no one answers. A strong fruity aroma fills Hank’s nostrils causing him to stagger across the room as his stomach begins to grumble. “What the fuck is this?” Hank coughs, feeling his knees growing weak as he starts to heat up. Sweating and feeling itchy, Hank rubs his skin only to see his hair pluck off leaving a creamier and smoother patch of skin in its place. Blinking his eyes in disbelief, he watches the patch start to spread all over his body eventually leaving a pile of bodily hair under his white sensitive skin.

Fuck! Is this shit radioactive?!” Hank shouts, sprinting to the door only to fall over as his hips painfully crack outwards to child-bearing proportions. Screaming in surprise, he carefully feels his wide hips only to feel a strange sensation building in his thighs. “Shiiiiitttt---nnngghhh” he groans, clutching his thighs feeling the muscle and fat bubble around and slowly push his hands outwards as they expand. Jiggling with fat, Hank feels his smooth thighs rub against each other as a thigh gap appears causing him to blush in surprise. His feet soon start to shift and shrink as they become smaller and pedicured nails slowly extend outwards. Hank’s heart rate begins to beat faster as his ass begins to pulsate and shift. Moaning, he gropes his ass cheeks feeling the fat swell and push outwards past his fingers slowly becoming a prominent bubble butt jiggling with every movement.

Wait… are you changing me into--- arrrghhhh” Hank screams, as his crotch flushes with heat causing his dick to shoot upwards dribbling out pre-cum onto the white floor. Desperate to relieve the growing pressure, Hank frantically rubs his shaft only to see his cock uncontrollably unload round after round of cum, emptying all his male essence onto the floor. A numb sensation radiates from his crotch as Hank watches his cock slowly deflate and invert while his balls shift upwards towards his developing wet slit. Panting, he paws his now flat crotch feeling two swollen moist pussy lips rub against his hand as his organs start to gurgle and rearrange creating an aching vagina with a sensitive clitoris. Slowly inserting his finger inside his warm pussy, he feels around only to moan out in ecstasy as he plays with his clitoris. “Nurghh… wh-why are you changing me into a chick?” Hank whimpers, unable to stop himself from inserting the other fingers into his tight pussy.

Due to Japan’s declining birth-rate, we have offered to provide ‘suitable partners’ for their community. Our Japanese clients are willing to pay extra to have their partners made specifically to their tastes” a voice booms over the intercom.

What sick fucks would--- urghhhh” Hank groans, clutching his stomach as it flattens leaving a thin layer of fat while his waist sucks inwards making his shirt loose. Looking at his hands still wet from his pussy juice, he notices them beginning to crunch inwards becoming feminine and dainty as nails grow longer. “No… please…” he groans feeling his shoulders pop inwards into a smaller frame, making his collarbone more noticeable.

Spurred on by this, Hank’s nipples suddenly hardens and doubles in size followed by his areolae, pushing and rubbing against his rough shirt. His chest begins to pulsate as fat slowly build up and swell behind his nipples, pushing them outwards visible through his thin shirt. Groaning, Hank cups his breasts as they expand to C-cups painfully stretching his shirt, and after a few pops of buttons flying off, he feels them expanding to firm and heavy D-cups. Breathing deeply, Hank looks down to see his tits bouncing with each breath as his tie slips into his sweaty cleavage, tickling his under-boob. “These are too big…not big enough” Hank moans, lifting his breasts and squirming from the new sensations.

It is all according to the client’s specifications” the voice states.

Fuck the client… mhhmmm… let him fuck me so hard” Hank splutters as his scalp begins to itch as his hair starts to cascade down to his bubble butt and turn platinum blonde. Hank feels his face shift as his jaw softens and nose crunch inwards looking cute and petite. His lips start to plump up and redden covered in lip gloss. Looking at himself from the one-way window, he sees a sexy European girl looking back causing him to squeal in surprise. Coughing, Hank clutches his throat as it becomes smooth, shifting his voice into a seductive feminine voice oozing with sex.

Hank starts to clutch his head as the pre-programed memories and personality start to seep into his brain. Memories of participating in gang fights are replaced with dropping out of Japanese college and working at a convenience store picked on by her foreign appearance. Her? Hank shakes his silky hair as the memories continue to flow in. Memories of meeting Akihiro and introducing herself as Hannah and realizing that he had a fetish for foreign Japanese speaking girls solidifies in Hank’s brain. Hank’s eyes start to roll back and widen into a constant alluring foxy appearance as the last few memories of Hank fades away. His irises slowly turn emerald, signaling the completion of the transformation.

Blinking her eyes, Hannah looks around dazed seeing the cum stained floor and feeling her sweaty shirt over her breasts. “Wh-- ここはどこ [Where am I?]” she mummers, speaking fluent Japanese.

The door swings open a man in a suit walks in, “Hannah, you are now a Japanese citizen. Don’t try to return since you will be deported back as you no longer understand English” he says.

Unable to understand a word the man said, Hannah tilts her head in confusion, “あきひろはどこ? [Where’s Akihiro?]” Hannah asks, feeling her nipples perk up in the cold room. Just as she mentioned his name, a familiar face appears through the door and Hannah squeals with delight as more memories flood into her head. With a coy smile, she feels her pussy moisten in anticipation “私にあなたの子供をください [Give me your children]” Hannah coos stretching out her pussy desperate for his seed to grow their family and make her country prosper.


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