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Wh… where am I?” Chris mummers, blinking in the bright light shining down on him. Sitting upright, he finds himself completely naked in a pristine white room with windows on each side. He begins to walk around looking for an exit or clothes to wear but doesn’t manage to find anything. Suddenly, an incomprehensible string of sound echoes around his room causing Chris to freeze in alarm. After a few seconds of silence, the intercom buzzes alive again but with a voice like Siri.

Human. This is the only translator we can find on your planet.” The voice begins in a complete monotone.

Who are you? Where am I?” Chris shouts, hammering on the windows to escape.

We are researchers from a planet millions of light years away. We would like to obtain further information on you ‘humans’”, the voice replies.

Aliens? Please don’t kill me” Chris screams as he begins to panic.

Yes, you can say that; but don’t worry, we don’t intend to kill you” the voice says.

What do you want then?” Chris whimpers.

Our kind has stopped reproducing, and we need to research for alternative ways. Watching you humans multiply uncontrollably on this planet has given us hope” the voice replies. “We need your assistance in our research and integration of our species” the voice continues.

My help? How do you expect me to—” Chris asks confused.

The fertility rate of your females is high. With our technology, you should be able to successfully spread our eggs throughout your planet.” The voice cuts in.

Females? I’m clearly a male” Chris shouts.

We will make that adjustment with our nanobots” the voice quickly replies.

What? No… let me out!” Chris screams but is cut short as the room quickly fills with a pink gas-like substance. Trying to hold his breath, Chris’ eyes begin to water from the gas as it slowly widens and his irises turn olive green. He looks down to see his skin darken into a tan and become smooth as his bodily hair drops onto the floor. Coughing in surprise, he takes a few breaths of the gas and immediately feels his body heating up. Grunting, he finds himself growing taller as his shoulders snap inwards into a smaller frame.

Loud popping sounds echo around the room as Chris watches his feet and hands shrink becoming feminine with growing nails. His thighs begin to widen and jiggle with every movement as the nanobots create additional fat under his skin. Moaning, Chris squeezes his growing thighs, feeling the fat spill past his small fingers. Not long after, Chris falls to the ground as his hips dislocate and crack outwards, stretching his sensitive skin. “Nugghh… no…” Chris moans, as his ass begins to balloon out with new fat, making the most out of his new wide hips. Standing up, he feels his entire lower body jiggle with every movement, shooting new sensations into his brain.

Tracing his round ass with his hands, Chris screams out in pain as his spine suddenly arches, pushing out his already big ass and causing his stomach to flatten. Looking at his own reflection from the window, he watches his waist suck inwards into an hour-glass figure. Chris begins to cough as the nanobots target his lungs and chest, causing him to breathe in more gas, speeding up the process.

Looking down in horror, he watches his nipples darken and double in size as they start to harden. His chest begins to pulsate as the nanobots work furiously to create new mammary glands and fat behind his nipples. Shuddering from the new sensations, he notices his nipples beginning to push outwards stretching out his skin slowly becoming a firm C-cup bouncing with every breath. “Fuck… these are heavy” Chris moans, cupping his soft breasts and feeling the weight.

Chris’ vision blacks out for a second as his hair cascades down to his lower back turning brown.  Parting his long hair from his eyes, he feels it bundling itself into a ponytail, leaving a fringe ticking his now thin eyebrows. His face scrunches up in pain as his cheekbones rise and chin softens, giving him a cute alluring look with his foxy eyes. His nose crunches inwards while his lips plump up becoming softer and kissable. Lastly, his neck slims down as the nanobots vaporize his Adam’s apple, causing his voice to rise into a sexy and seductive accent.

Oh…my god. I look like a middle eastern chick” Chris shrieks, covering his wet lips after hearing his new feminine voice.

Now for the reproductive system. We have slightly altered the human anatomy to cater for our eggs” the voice booms.

No… wait… You can’t jus---“Chris’ shouts are cut off as his body rocks with intense pleasure. “Hunnnghh… sttooooop…” he cries, trying to hold down erection, but to no avail as it begins to uncontrollably ejaculate all over the white floor. Orgasming like never before, he falls to the ground as his dick continues to pump out his seed, slowly turning transparent and less viscous. Moaning, he strokes his throbbing cock, feeling it invert into his crotch as his shaft forms the vaginal walls and the tip of his dick reshape into a swollen clitoris. Chris’ eyes roll back as his balls slurp through his new pink pussy lips slowly becoming ovaries filled with slightly larger and darker eggs. Panting, Chris explores his new pussy, plunging his small hand deep inside and feeling vaginal juice drip down his thick thighs.

Appearance complete. We selected this female near the equator of your planet. Other humans associate her with ‘Christine’. You shall too. We have also added the female’s skills into your brain” the voice says.

I’m not Christine… I’m… Chris---tine… Christine…” Christine mummers, eyes glazing as the nanobots insert her memories into her head. Blinking a few times, she looks around remembering how to braid her hair and the multiple ways to pleasure a man. “Wait… I’m still myself… but with her memories on top?” Christine stutters, feeling her head swirl.

Yes. You are still yourself. However, our programmed responses will kick in when mating is required. Additionally, the nanobots in your body will recognize a male’s preferred sexual partner and will alter your body to it” the voice continues.

What?! What do you mea---” Christine shouts.

Goodbye. Good luck” the voice cuts in as Christine becomes blinded by another bright light.

Opening her eyes, Christine looks around and realizes that she is in an apartment in Asia. She quickly jumps up feeling her breasts bounce and begins to look for an exit to avoid any males. To her horror, footsteps begin to emanate from the front door. “No…noo…” Christine cries, feeling her body tremble as the nanobots registers the man outside and begins to alter her body to his ideal girl.

Groaning, Christine’s eyes start to widen into an Asian complexion as her irises turn dark brown. Her hair quickly becomes jet black and silky as her lips become even fuller for sucking cocks. Her bones start to shift and snap inwards, dropping her height as her skin slowly turns creamy white with an oriental hue. Christine lurches forward as her breasts swells up into soft D-cups perking up in the cold air. Stumbling forward, she feels the nanobots in her ass pump more fat into her ass and thighs as it pushes out even more. Lastly, her vocal cords contract, raising her voice higher into an Asian accent.

Panting, Christine looks at her reflection seeing a petite Asian with massive tits and an alluring face looking back. “Nnoo… I look like a slut…” she whimpers, groping her breasts as her body starts to heat up.

As the door clicks open, Christine’s mind begins to fog, pushing her consciousness to the back. “Fuuck… the alien responses are…kicking in…need to fertilize the eggs…” she moans clutching her head as she loses control of her body. Juice starts to drip from her pussy and her nipples harden in anticipation as she watches a man walk in.

mhmmm sexy, I need to be filled right now” Christine coos biting her bottom lip as she sways her hips towards the man with a developing boner. 


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