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I have written a series of stories based on real historical characters such as "Sporus", "La Chevaliere" and "The Governor" so I figured there were enough for an anthology on Amazon.  But these stories are mainly short so I had to sit down and write some more to fill that collection for next year.  This is the last one, unless anybody out there can send me another idea (? ... Please).  This explores the relationship between J. Edgar Hoover (the title character) and his close friend and associate Clyde Tolson and depends in part on there being truth to the rumors about cross-dressing. 


Sammy C

There's no link to the story. Are you aware of the recollection that Tim Gunn, fashion executive and TV presenter, has shared about J. Edgar? Gunn's father was a speechwriter for Hoover and worked in the FBI offices in D.C. In the late 50s or early 60s, Gunn and his sister were primary school age and visited their Dad at FBI HQ. George Gunn told his kids that Vivian Vance (Lucille Ball's BFF on "I Love Lucy") was in Hoover's office and would be delighted to meet young fans like them. Dad told them J. Edgar wasn't there at the moment. Busy with crime-busting? They were enthusiastically received by "Vivian" and got autographs. Years later, after their Dad had passed, they discussed this odd event with their mother. Curious, they inquired into the visitors' logs at the FBI building and it seems Ms. Vance was never there. Gunn says his Dad must have "arranged" the weird meeting since Hoover apparently enjoyed fooling people with his cross-dressing verisimilitude. No one officially corroborates Gunn's story. Of course.