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Next year I hope to publish on Amazon another anthology tentatively entitled "Romance in Times Past" and this story is about one of those special eras that have always attracted me.  I am not happy with the title and there could be more content, but the problem with writing about the fifties is that it really must be visual - don't you think?


Sammy C

My best friend in college was from D.C., the eldest son of one of the leading real estate magnates in Washington. His mother was a beautiful Southern belle bohemian painter who was keyed into the most "extreme" elements of the aesthetic culture there. In the late 50s and early 60s she hob-nobbed with beat poets, folksingers, abstract painters and "alternative" intellectuals. She glommed onto me well before her son did (I was in real denial) and regaled me with stories about outre personalities, taboo establishments, and "aberrant" lifestyles. I've always wanted to write about what she told me. Your story brought so much of that front of mind again. Maryanne, as you know, so much was going on in the past we've barely scratched the surface. Another good story. And deserves a deeper dive.