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I am putting together my 7th anthology collection for Amazon, which is themed "Objects of Art" and I thought it needed something with a little length to open it.  Drag is an art form - right?



Beautiful story. I expected the main character to be the one to transition, it would have fit in the story so it's a cool to be surprised there. One aspect I didn't understand on the first reading is the name of the transitioning character; she changed name in the middle of the story. She's named Nat/Natalie for a bit. I haven't bought your Amazon book, I'm sure it's fixed in it. Just wanted to point it out for those like me, going through your back catalogue of wonderful stories.

Sammy C

Excellent story, Maryanne. Among your best. Interesting that you made a secondary character the transitioning figure instead of the protagonist. The Dubbinville/Lawrence City dichotomy makes for a nice allegory about gender fluidity and real world prejudices. Enjoyed this.