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This one is longer than my usual fare, and I have a credited partner in its writing, so there is a story behind it.  People may know that I am publishing themed anthologies of my stories on Amazon (links below) and Erin suggested a science fiction book.  I had only 3 stories in that genre - about 8,000 words.  So, like my "Old West" book she threw me some suggestions, including one that led to this novelette which will kick off the book - when I have finished the last two stories.

The links to stories already on Amazon:

Book 1: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B093B7Y6BK

Book 2: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B096PZPVZG

Book 3: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B097S4TB9Y


John Chu

Channeling Philip K. Dick and Norman Spinrad. You span genres so effortlessly. You must read widely. There are successful authors who not only write but read their specific genre exclusively. They are practised in the cliches of that genre. A little cross-pollination is good for the writer’s soul.