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As Patrons may know, I am putting together some books to be published on Amazon, and one in the series themed broadly on the arts, called for a story about Hollywood.  Erin threw out an idea and this story worked its way out.  Tell me what you think.  Patrons will get to read all my stories in these books but this is where feedback is demanded!



I wanted to write a story for my "Objects of Art" book - a collection of stories around the arts and adornment, and a Hollywood based tale seemed to be needed. But a single story did not seem enough and so three intertwining stories seemed to be a good idea - one accidental, one voluntary and one forced by circumstance.


It is a common complaint that I avoid longer forms. It is not deliberate. The stories come out and end where they end. Stories like this one take a little longer. I am not sure that I have a completed story much over 10,000 words. It might be my limited attetion span!