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Two Years on Patreon

On 30 April 2019 I opened my Patreon page with eight of my stories. Since then I have used this subsite to post almost every week, at least three new stories each time. I am not sure of the total number and Patreon does not tell me how to find out! But I am guessing that it is hundreds as there are more stories here than anywhere else.

This is my raw output. Some of it needs buffing, and probably all of it needs proofing, but for me this site is about creating my art. Because it is raw, patrons might consider that they play a role in my creative process. But to better do that means commenting, and I am woefully short of feedback.

If you have any useful input, please comment on what you see.

Ultimately, I look to publish my work as books. I have a few novellas on Amazon but now with the help of Doppler Press I have also published the first of a series of collections of my stories. The link is: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B093B7Y6BK

I am looking to publish one of these novel length anthologies every month for the next year at least, and I have been having fun writing stories to a theme for forthcoming books. For instance, patrons may have noticed a likely collection of stories from the Old West in tales like “Smiths”, “Calico”, “The Fifth Bride”, “Wendigo" and “Looking for Trouble”.  I am also trying for a collection of my historical pieces with stories like last week's “The Tutor” and a sporting theme like today’s “Skater Girl”.  Perhaps I should consider some other themes?

My stories will be available as printed books or on kindle, or to read online. If you feeling like curling up with a Maryanne Peters book, then now you can!

I have said it before, but when I started I thought there were only a few stories in me given that I write transgender fiction and avoid magic or fantasy, but I have not stopped since. I just keeps on coming.

So come along for the ride and stay on my page, and encourage others to hop on too.

Thanks to you all!



Emory Ahlberg

I love your tales, Maryanne. I especially love your historical fiction. I must say, I’m usually more on the lookout for your stories of an unwilling transformation. I feel like you used to do more of these. If these are no longer of interest to you (or less so) that’s, of course, okay! I just miss them. 🙂


Hi Emory. Yes I remember you like forced feminization and I recently posted "Solicitation" and "Life is Like a Wheel" but prefer force of circumstance to physical violence. I am sure there will be something for you soon! Maryanne