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I got caught up in this after viewing the site https://virtuousmodestlady.tumblr.com, and writing my first three stories based on her images.  In fact I have written eight, so after another two I will be able to publish Christian Feminization 2!

There has been some interesting responses on FM and also on BCTS.  Some Christians are offended, some no so much, and plenty are railing against religion.  I have to say I wrote them as light-hearted but for many there are deep conflicts at play here.



Emory Ahlberg

These are great and I heartily enjoyed them!


Why don't you write something in this universe and post t on Fictionmania? I am trying to get something going over there!


I had some shit from religious types on these, but also some who are genuinely wrestling with their faith and their dysphoria. But there are more tales like this in me! Maryanne