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October Update

Hello Patrons. I was away overseas for close to a month, and I found that I had almost no time to write. I have tried to keep pace by filing the stories “Butch” and “Obsession” before I left; the expansions of shorts: “The Forensic Accountant”, “House Spouse” and “A Special Kind of Revenge” part way through; and “Summer Intern” and “Compelled”, when I got back. 

Since then I have been at work writing the other nine stories posted over recent weeks, and more stuff to make up my numbers and feed my hungry patrons.

Some detailed thoughts on all of these stories will be the subject of another essay “My Stories: Part 5” which I will file shortly.

I am also looking to post some more collections of extended stories from captioned images.  If any of you know of a good cap you think might spark something, please send me a link.

Thanks to those who have sent me suggestions for stories. The most recent of those resulted in “Bond Girl”, “A Sicario Returns” and today's “Clothes”.  More suggestions please.

Also, I am a slut for praise, and even a sucker for criticism, so I remain irritated that I am not getting the levels of feedback that I would like. The exceptions are a treasured few who send me regular messages, which I love and appreciate.

Britt suggested “a monthly string on here of a post with comments, allow us Patreons to help with the creative process. for example! Give us age of subject and type of transformation and let us bounce off ideas then you compile it all. It would be fun and exciting”. This is just what I want. How do I get that started?

How do I grow my patrons? When it comes to this stuff, I am really am clueless, just like the girl in the movie.

Finally, Annabelle Raven is one of my “Admirers” (Tier 2) and also the genius behind Annabelle’s Family Traditions (https://ft-tg.blogspot.com or https://www.deviantart.com/annabelleravenft).  Annie and I have kicked around a few ideas together in her theme of inter-generational MTF gender change. She has some links to my stories in this vein on her blog site: The stories published here as “Weddings”, “Farmers’ Wives”, “Running”, one of my “Beautiline” stories and one called “Working with Woody”.  But I find that I have only posted “Woody” on Fictionmania, and none here.  So, I plan to put that right when we do our next joint release mid this week.  Plus I want to publish the complete “Beautiline” this year.




Aww shucks, genius? Lol. Can’t wait to see what you develop with my germ of ideas. ❤️


I forgot "Dad Wants to Party" - another we worked on together.