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To my dear patrons,

My work takes me to the developing world from time to time and I have to travel Africa this week, and I am unsure about web connectivity while I am on the move. Posting on Sundays cannot be guaranteed for a few weeks. Still, I have air travel and some down time, so I expect to keep up with my writing.  I will be back in October.

Apologies to everyone for posting a portion of “Flicka” on Fictionmania before putting it here first, which is my promise to you. My error - now corrected. I hope there is no objection to little bit of incest in that story.

Otherwise some good variety over the past five weeks, I think. Dives into history for “Frontier Bride” and “Passing for White”, a take on a classic for “The Poet”, some whimsy with “Tit Man” and even some BDSM in “Dom”. 

Thanks to those who threw up some clay for me to take my fingers to, such as “Matching Maids”, “You Wear It” and today’s “The Right Guy”. Also, I have stories inspired by caps, and thank you to John for allowing me to post some more of what I wrote for him. I post these as collections of five, so for “Inspired by TGforcedfemcaps” I needed to write an extra three!

Plus, there is a further extensions on earlier cap inspired shorts, in the story “Forensic Accountant”, “A Wife for Geoff” and “Marrying the Cop”. I am seeing some other opportunities for that in those very short tales. I figure that there are now 40 of these vignettes posted for you to read (8 collections of 5), so which should I expand as I did for those stories?

Drawing your attention to just three other stories: I refer to “Jonni”  which is a completed and consolidated story from something posted on FM; “Searching” which is something that has sat moribund in my hard drive for some time before completion; and then there is “Cruelty”, which was sort of a single-sitting, stream of consciousness thing that I hope worked.

Feedback people, please, please.

One patron quit my page saying that they were disappointed with the level of engagement. What should I do to please you all? I don’t want anybody else to leave me.




My suggestion on engagement would be have a monthly string on here of a post with comments, allow us Patreons to help with the creative process. for example! Give us age of subject and type of transformation and let us bounce off ideas then you compile it all. It would be fun and exciting.