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As my patrons may know, I tend to turn out a bunch of vignettes based on things that I find that inspire me. Here on Patreon I publish the stories that come from captioned images in blocks of 5 to keep them up to around 2,500 words per posting, but ones that I call "My Own Captions" being stories inspired by an image only, I post here if they are longer than 1,000 words - like this one. That does leave me with a bunch of shorter things that perhaps I should post at some stage? Who would like that?


Dawn Anderson

I read your posted story on fictionmania Informal Probation which had a poor image with caps. I found the picture but its the original sans the captions. I hope it helps it can be found here https://mercedes-benz.forumactif.com/t89858p725-jolies-filles-mercedes