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One Piece Chapter 1058-1060 Patreon

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it was never mentioned that sabo died. If you go back to the episode 957, it was mentioned that someone died and tried to imply that it was sabo. The big giveaway though was that people in Alabasta were crying even though they had no connection to sabo.


Usopp seeing his bounty: "STOP THE COUNT!" lmao

Morgan Hellström

Well Buggy is Odas favorite character afterall

Nicholas Vancil

"At the end of my dream" I think King of the Pirates is Part one of his plan.


is it just me or IMU does look like a mini version of Mount Fuji...which is where Pluton is resting.... and now somehow, Imu can use a weapon of mass destruction... makes me woder if it is Pluton from the past 800 years ago...


Hey Ruff. Tip for figuring out spread panels. There is usually a white column either on the right or left side of every page of the manga, this signifies where the binding of the book is and if that white column is not present that means that there is a spread panel on those pages.

Johnny P

Hey Ruff, the Amazon wishlist link says it's expired. Can you post a new one, please?


I have interpreted it as Luffys dream was never to be the pirate king, that is just his statement. He knows that he is gonna become the king of pirates.


I think its more implied because of the rebellion they destroyed the island since they said Sabo was unlucky before they even heard him start to talk about it.


I really think Buggy is like Mr. Satan (Hercule) in DBZ, he will get all the glory in the end


Brook imo, got robbed the hardest with his bounty. Where is the respect for him ='(


It was planned all along buggy will be the pirate king reason why he got sick when they are about to go to raftel.. gol d rogers crew are laughing because in the near future buggy is announced as the new pirate king.


So bit of fun trivia, Zoro and Sanji's bounties, 1.111 and 1.032 billion? The extra bits above 1 billion are their birthdays. Zoro, January 11th, Sanji March 2nd


One piece chapter 1075 is out! Can't wait to see your reaction and finally be with all of us


Haki is part of swordsplay. Mihawk beats Shanks, especially after Shanks lost his arm. Shanks is considered Mihawk's rival, has a named sword called Gryphon, and in all instances where he fights someone strong, he ALWAYS takes his sword out. Shanks is a swordsman. I don't believe in this "haki man" nonsense. Note that I'm saying this as someone who has NOT watched film red, so I didn't spoil anything from there.


I don't recall if we have it confirmed just how reliably Mihawk could beat Shanks in a duel, just that prior to Shanks losing his arm the two of them would often spar with each other, but after, Mihawk refused to fight Shanks since he was no longer at his peak and so Mihawk didn't feel it would be a good fight. If we are talking just a straight up sword duel, yeah Mihawk likely wins that, but a no holds barred, anything goes battle would be harder to determine.


Strongest swordsman means he beats anyone else who is also a swordsman. It doesn't mean he can do the most graceful riposte. Mihawk uses haki, he spent Zoro's entire timeskip period teaching that to him, it was literally Zoro's main focus during the timeskip. We don't know how black blades are made, but Mihawk is the only person alongside the god of the sword Ryouma to have made one. Roger didn't, and Shanks certainly didn't. Haki is part of swordsplay, it's that simple. If Shanks beats Mihawk, then Zoro's final opponent will have to be Shanks. We know Zoro's final opponent will be Mihawk, so it stands to reason that Mihawk is far stronger than we gave him credit for in Marineford. Yes, Jozu deflected his long range slash. Yes, Vista kept him busy. I don't believe for a second that this was Mihawk going all out however. Plus those two characters are insanely strong too.

Joey 104

mannnn i love this shit


You are off on this one. After all the ridiculous haki feats Shanks displays, as well as Kaido mentioning that haki is the key to becoming one of the very strongest, it is obvious that Shanks is a step above specifically because of his haki. Oda is practically spelling it out for us at this point.

Jordan Rudnick

We absolutely knew that she was the former empress. Her leaving over being in love with Rayleigh came up during the first amazon Lilly arc