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One Piece 1017-1020 Patreon

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Oh yea it’s 1018 with the really bad CGI Kaido and the 2 hours of punching 😂


the math on the kibi dangos is pretty great right. 1 dango removes 1 enemy and adds 1 ally thats already a 2 gain in difference. then these are gifters so the yare a tad stronger than regular men so youd think each would be able to take out at least 1 or more enemies themselves. so for each little cheek ball your getting a lot of return


I actually really like that Sanji did call out for help to Robin. While his chivalry to never hit a woman seriously hurts him in these situations as Nami points out again, he's not too prideful to ask Robin for help. In my opinion, he's certain that Robin can defeat Black Maria.


Sanji asking for help is just so good You don’t understand how good this is 😭😭😭😭 character development 😭😭😭😭


while I do like the animation in episode 1017, I think it is kind of directionless and wasted. So much extra effort into Law's hand wave when they did their room and weird jiggling animation when kaido was laughing calling them monsters and the camera angle cutting and coming back like 5 times in that scene. They bragged about how much resources they put into the episode and how many frames it had, but to me this is an example of how resources without direction pales in comparison to something like episode 1015, which according to toei used less resources than 1017, where the quality of direction made such excellent use of resources. In 1017 its like they spend all the resources where there was the least impact. Edit: that said the kong gatling was cool as shit


Maybe it didn't hit for you, but I absolutely loved the way they handled 1017. That Kaido animation is one of the most stand out things in the arc for me so far.


I agree it was good and better than normal, but for how they hyped it up and talked about spending twice as many frames and such roughly twice as much resources in terms of man-hours and production cost, I hold it then to a higher standard. With how good 1015 was it just doesn’t meet for me. The quality and value for what they said they put into it disappoints me


The fighting between Robin-chan and Black Maria is one of my absolute favorites next to when Ultimate had Nami-San in her hand trying to get her to recant Luffy’s statement about being the next king of the pirates. That moment, these moments, make me fall in love with one piece all over again. And that moment during 1015 when Luffy walked right passed Kaido (and his reaction was hilarious) and to Kin-Chan……those are some of my absolute favorites


the Sanji of Enies Lobby couldn't ask for help when he was losing to Kalifa. This is character development.


Noooo! When did Pink Haired He-man-looking Samurai guy get hit? Buddy better make it through! >:O


Bro was anybody else losing there shit when he was theorizing stuff about big mom, luffy, and kaido at 29:02. Now here me out Ruff, but maybe, the reason why big mom can control lightning and kaido can control wind is because of their devil fruits. I do t mean to be rude but you literally see an obviously explanation for those. First off big mom has Zeus, and second off kaido used his dragon form to move in spirals to create the tornados. And for luffy’s thing with fire. That was just plot armor/animation. There have been times when fire has worked on luffy and when it hasn’t it kinda just depends on the animation and the time of use. Hopefully this clears up things for future you!


I don't get why people can't understand why Sanji call for Robin's help.

David Utley

Brother it's a sound theory though. Literally uses fire in his attacks and has moments like these and the whole Hyogoro thing. It is hard to believe because like how but also it weird. And you saying Kaido can control wind is false he uses clouds which are apart of his devil fruit and Big Mom controls lightning when she can only tell a cloud who is made with her soul to use lightning also makes sense those aren't just things that happen so disproving the fire shit with them also doesn't make sense.

David Utley

except here me out a lot of resources still went to the fighting parts. Like Laws attacks are hand movements so makes sense they are animated more and the cut back 5 times was in a recap so chill also the direction was they just gonna fight and those two things might be small in comparison to others but they also still put a ton of resources into all the other aspects of the episode not just those 2 scenes so saying the resource allocation was bad is purely wrong when this has been the most fight filled episode of one piece and it has the most animation. Also the brag about putting in more animation effort and stuff wasn't to say 1017 was going to be great but that they are able to do that with other episodes as well

David Utley

Also 1015 was 80 percent talking and walking and 20 percent 1 punch which also why it was better. Think, they put most of the resources into the one punch and had to put a lot of resources into 1017s whole episode and I understand the feeling of liking 1015 better because it is my all time fav episode of anime so far but also doesn't mean you have to retract from a great episode good animation should be welcomed at any time not hated on because you liked a different scene better. And 1017 has better rating in most places

David Utley

funny thing is he is a filler character that isnt even in the manga. Still has had more screen time than Shanks


He is keeping true to his convictions that he can't hit a woman because it would disrespect his master.

Luke Sharp

The fact you had some kind of spoiler either revealing the name sun god or actual g5 transformation and you were trying to theorise around that became pretty clear in the last 5 eps or so. You even said "sun god" in your excitement after old man hyo said luffy looked like the god of fire