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One Piece 1012-1014 Patreon

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I might be wrong and please dont attack me in the comments, but I believe that Oda tried to explain that Yamato identifying as Oden is a Oden thing not a gender thing. As such they have no issue with being called a daughter.


There is a japanese legend where a koi fish climbs a water fall and becomes dragon at the top. So people theorize that the fish fruit awakened into the dragon. Nothing is confirmed about it though.


Yamato literally explained how kaido lifted the island in the end of 1011... breh

luis delgado

you are completely correct he already clarify SHE is a girl, she just really admire oden it has nothing to do with gender


i know ruff isnt readin comments right now but kaidos devil fruit is based of a japanese legend of a koi fish I think that swims up a waterfall and turns into an azure dragon. thats why kaido has the fish-fish fruit model: azure dragon so yea big mom gave kaido his devil fruit and this isnt a spoiler or anything just a fun fact


Finally, Koido revealed


Nah, dragons in Japanese mythology are a form of fish. Kaido didn't swim up a waterfall to get his dragon form. I liked that theory too when this chapter came out, but he's just a straight dragon all the way.


oh I know he is a straight dragon I'm just sayin oda made his devil fruit relate to that old folk tale or whatever its called not that kaido is actually a fish or anything


Kaido is a fucking Gyrados Ruff 😅


Not true, every character calls yamato Kaido’s son and yamato also uses the men’s baths, not really into the debate but it’s hillarious how people will just deny the source material.

Master Oogway

sanji has the best observation haki out of the monster trio, his range etc.

Master Oogway

it more being raised has son and becoming a boy instead of a girl which yamato himself wants to be too. the oden bit is more of being wanting to be free


people forget that the only people ace ever lost to are end game villains (akainu, Blackbeard etc) he was always really strong


The wait between episode 1013 to episode 1014 was horrible. Toei got hacked and the show was on hiatus for 6 weeks!


and i quote, directly from yamato, "oden was a man, so i became a man too." what the hell else do you want? yamato is a man.


Hey hope you have an amazing day. And I quote from Oda’s canon vivre card entry of Yamato, that Yamato is listed as female with she/her pronouns! Sorry if I offended you was trying to be respectful but you need to learn how to communicate respectfully on the internet! https://www.opfanpage.com/2021/09/06/yamatos-gender-is-confirmed-in-the-new-vivre-card/


Thanks for your comment @Gladiuswingzero! I was confused too and thought the same as you but according to the vivre card Yamato is referred to as female! Here is a link for canon source material for you! It is posted on a fan page but it is the official vivre card entry which Oda releases as canon for One Piece! https://www.opfanpage.com/2021/09/06/yamatos-gender-is-confirmed-in-the-new-vivre-card/


Hey man I appreciate how you worded that. That’s an understandable point to make. However, I would say that my point of official vivre card canon would weigh much higher than an argument of gender stereotypes even in the form of one of Oda’s gags. That argument loses even more credibility when taking into account some spoiler characters in the future.

Marcel Badberg

without making a big deal out of it now, but i think if yamato was a real person, yamato would be happy with both he and she as pronouns. since oden's death she wants to be LIKE oden, she doesn't want to be oden directly, and because oden was a man she is now one too, but knows and accepts that she was born a woman. if oden were a woman, nothing would change for yamato in terms of gender. kaido only calls her a son because yamato just wants to be oden and kaido thinks "if you want to be oden then you'll kindly be beaten like him" and because of that kaido has a warrior's mind I also think that kaido is so tuned that he is from the beginning actually wanted to have a son and not a daughter and now "plays along" so to speak. if you want to look at the whole thing from an official point of view, oda called yamato a woman. yamato describes himself as a man in most cases, but also as a woman. So i think both would bei correct. so i think that if yamato, for whatever reason, discards the name oden and accepts itself completely as yamato and hands over the protection of wano to other hands (red scabbards, citizen of wanos), she will call herself a woman from then on. like she said a few episodes ago she's doing all this to protect wano. however, if wano were to be free at some point, this reason would no longer apply. but whether she will continue to call herself oden and therefore man only the future will tell


Yea 2022 sucked, the hack and the one month break for the manga too. It was so painful! 😭


I’m getting motion sickness from Ruff’s bobbing head 😂

The Otter Man

@Nick Santos, the vivre cards are NOT written by Oda and have had a lot of incorrect information before, including one that said Luffy ate his devil fruit when he was 15, one that said Yasuie never ate a smile fruit, and more. Never has there been any indication that vivre cards are written by Oda, and we actually know that to not be the case. Stop spreading false information to further your agenda.


The fish fish fruit stuff was really straight forward if you’re a Japanese mythology nerd but also if you’re a Pokémon nerd too


lmao man, here look at this post, https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/comments/or2kcv/the_vivre_cards_are_100_canon/


You should read your last sentence aimed at yourself honestly.


In Japanese mythology when fishes jump across the holy gates and swim agagainst the waterfall, they become a dragon