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I just got done banning 5 people who were subbed here for a year+

This is the only warning I’m giving anyone. I will not tolerate spoilers of any kind. I’m not going to stop reading the comments here. I avoid them on YouTube sometimes but I will not ignore comments here because some people can’t keep their mouths shut.

It’s not hard to just shut up and not spoil something. There was countless people who gave me helpful info around Yamato without blatantly spoiling something.

The community has started to really become toxic lately since I’ve hit Wano and I’m just going to start being more strict here. I refuse to allow a bunch of manga elitists who can’t keep their mouths shut ruin my experience with this series.

Be better.



the community as a whole became a lot worse since the anime/manga entered wano. its kinda funny that the same happened to your community when you entered wano. But I think it's less about the arc and more about the toxicity surrounding the anime community on social media these days. From constant anime bashing just because people have different favourite animes and now the one piece community have their own personal conflicts about who everyone's favourite character should be. During this time, people focus more on the negative aspects of an arc than the positives (because it gets social media traction) and constantly bash their favourite anime whenever they can. That's why Wano seems hated when actually the majority of the community would argue its the best one piece arc. If wano was released 10 years ago, you wouldn't be seeing anywhere near as much hate and a lot more love for this arc.

Morgan Hellström

I love how people talk about One Piece being toxic lately. Heres a newsflash. They always been toxic. Atleast a small amount of them. Mostly the loudest ones. They are mostly passionate. But if you feel like you ned to spoil something. Just dont- You arent important because you are further into the story then the rest. You just have way too much time on your hand


Actually Marineford was bashed too when it was weekly and after an year they began saying its the best arc same with Dressrosa, WCI every arc tbh


I had made a comment regarding Yamato but I wasn't entirely sure if it was spoiling anything so I just deleted it. Since I had to ask myself that, it was probably going to be a spoiler.


Dunno why people feel the need to spoil stuff when someone proposes a question. They will got to that part eventually and then you can make your comment.


Oh fuck I was hoping so bad that you won’t get spoiled 😥


The fact someone(s) went out of their way to post spoilers, just to ruin not only your experience, but who knows how many countless people could have read the spoilers! I'm glad you got rid of those toxic people and the rest of us can continue to enjoy your reactions and videos!


Idk why people think it’s okay to do


Seriously, it's like some people just don't know how to have proper, fruitful communication these days. I think one of the main reasons the fandom became so toxic recently is that OP very loosely touched certain topics that are an absolutely messed up dumpsterfire of toxicity in RL right now. That there was some division about the quality of a select few specific events in the actual story also played a part, but I think the former point is the main reason. Like, you have an opinion about something? That's great! You want to have candid, respectful discussions about that something? Count me right in! But don't just forcefully insert topics/themes/events/debates when there are none wanted or when doing so would be detrimental for other people - For Ruff because he can't fully enjoy the glorious ride that is One Piece if he knows things that are going to happen before the fact, and for all of us watching his because we can't fully enjoy his direct, unfiltered and raw reactions to things (which is one of the main reasons I'm here) if he had advance "warning". So please, for EVERYONES sake: Do. Not. Spoil. I'm really sorry you had to go through that - the vexation of getting spoiled and the fact that you had to ban paying (I assume) subscribers because of it. You seriously deserve better. Many thanks for doing what you must to nib this kind of behaviour in the bud though. I'm really, really looking forward to your unspoiled rections to everything Wano and beyond has to offer!


wtf is the point of paying for someones genuine reaction if your going to ruin said reaction

James Merlaut

I couldn't see this post until payday (which is today) so the past few days I've been thinking over and over what did the aholes spoil.


OH NO!! 😭 Someone spoiled?! Come on!! Spoilers on patreon literally wasted their money doing that. Make it make sense! As a manga reader, I respect anime onlys because I remember being spoiled about Ace at Marineford. I'd hate to make anyone feel like that!