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Hope to see more early sets soon

Ahan Shankwalkar

No early in a while? No rush cuz obv u had a kid, but any idea when we might get em

Loic Reviews

I mean he also dropped like 9 episodes in 2 days for the end of the year I'm ok to wait a bit.


honestly with all the recent spoilers, i would think he would make sure he watches far ahead enough to allow himself to read comments and stuff. He probably regrets releasing the batch of 9 early episodes now after he got spoiled almost instantly afterwards


yeah the 9 early episodes were basically his backlog + his first session after the birth of baby maeve. now he seems to be focussing on keijo to finish that current arc as he said and then by mid january (could be this week or next) to return to one piece full time binging and catching up asap.


"no rush" but you kids still spam every single post he makes begging him for more. smh

monkey d dragon

Early OP would be nice. Didn't you said about to go crazy end of the year?


did he get spoiled on what i think he got spoiled on?

Ahan Shankwalkar

I haven’t asked a single time prior to this… Nor did I beg, I simply asked if he had an approximate timeline out of curiosity. You kids” lmao what who are you💀💀

Trevor Barnes

I think he said that it would probably take him a few weeks to get settled and start focusing on OP. He also wanted to finish the fairy tail arc he was on


imagine making a tier for early, warning everyone that the upload schedule is irregular, and still getting 90% of the comments in other tiers to be "y no early ruff"

Kay M

yeah and dont forget he just had a baby so he's definitely gonna be busy for a few weeks. He will get to it when he has time. He made a video explaining everything for the future


hes going back to scheduled uploads because of the amount of people annoying him about early one piece. So next early will be Wensday just so yall know.


he didnt get spoiled majorly i believe, just on the gender arguments surrounding Yamato.& the beginning of ep 1000


What a brilliant point. as long as you're just curious, it cant possibly be annoying regardless of how many times he's already asked you all to grow up.


He literally said it would take up to early to mid January to start seeing changes to one piece early because ruff is finishing other series and then going to blow through one piece

Ahan Shankwalkar

Wdym you all bruh. I asked a question quite nicely lmao. I’ve literally never asked about uploads EVER. And I’ve never seen him say anything about growing up. Even if he had I haven’t seen it and I’ve never asked before. Idk why u came at me so aggressively lmao💀


I’ll unsubscribe until the early come back I guess


Bro? What is your problem? Its because of people like you that he's prolonging because yall only know how to bitch.


Keep crying, I’ll be back when he comeback with the early reactions


You literally asked about uploads 9 hours ago. lmao 💀 and so did 10 other kids too, just like every other post.

Ahan Shankwalkar

Yes that’s what I meant. This was the only time I’ve EVER asked, so I don’t get why u came at me lmao. U said kids like me spam every post and I replied by saying that was the only time I asked… and u also said to stop begging when I didn’t beg, simply asked for an update. U basically attacked me for no reason and were incorrect about my actions. So if ur gonna call anyone stupid it’s clearly u, trying to start things for no reason. Next time read, and think before u type.


Sounds like he needed Ultra Instinct to beat this banhammer

Gavin Barham

if people would just watch the video he put out a couple weeks ago he basically sums up that theres gunna b a lot of fairy tale and other content for a bit until the arc is finished then going hard on early one piece when time permits some people just dont have patience built into them.


Anyone who starts arguing with other community members will be blocked. This is not the place for arguments. It's not hard to just not leave a toxic response. Y'all can take it to dm's or duke it out in YT comments. But I'm not tolerating it here.

Jose Perez

you know what they say about legends and smiles...