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One Piece 917-918 patreon

Watch "One Piece 917-918 patreon" on Streamable.



Bounty isn't everything but you can kinda see why Blackbeard even said it was too soon for Luffy to be called an Emperor.

Nicholas Vancil

Shiki the golden lion was the first and only other person in history to break out of impel down


There is actually one person who did it before Shiki. Little to no one in the One Piece world knows about it. In a Q+A in the manga, Oda stated that Morely was the one who created level 5.5 of Impel Down, and used their devil fruit powers to escape the prison without anyone noticing.


Imagine being the guy to tell Ashura Doji that a giant talking dog with one leg wants to have a word with him.....And Ashura is like" oh yeah, I know the guy."


Bro I respect Oda so much for Raizo. He is the ultimate tribute to Naruto. Fucking amazing