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One Piece 816-818 reaction

Watch "One Piece 816-818 reaction" on Streamable.



one of my favourite eps


If Luffy is not a rubberman, he was determined to rip his arms off.. Great writing from Oda.


Tamago means egg in japanese lol...


Also ruff, youre already done with the arc at this point pretty much but if you go back to fish man isle arc on the ep where big mom and luffy fought on the phone, you can see pudding there with her 3rd eye showing


It is possible ruff😂

Jimmy H Lam

Oda also designed the Pudding reveal to be a reversal of when Sanji left Baratie. He over heard his fellow cooks tell the truth about a hurtful lie they all told him out of love. Specifically how bad his food was, and Zeff even punched him to make him leave. And he overheard all the truth behind the door sitting down looking up with his back to the door. In this case with pudding, the truth was used to hurt him and the lie made him feel good.


Ohhhh that was epic. Yeah Brook is such a low key badass. He is perfectly fine just sitting in the back, hanging out, helping out where he can, not drawing attention to himself... but when it's time to go, he will give you one epic freaking show!

Ben Asay

I know this is random but has Ruff already seen Blue Exorcist? I'm loving it I'm hearing Zoro voice actor and Law's voice actor in it too.


Sanji's tears hit so hard here because we're so used to characters ugly crying and belting out and we almost never see characters painfully holding back their tears.


Brook 🐐🐐🐐 Jimbei 🫡🫡🫡


Brook saying that Sanji is a kind man is so simple, yet so good