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Fairy Tail 34-35 patreon

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I think the thing with Fairy Tail and the second half is that the Anime went through several studio changes and delays as the Manga was wrapping up and as such there are 2 pretty long (by Fairy Tail standards not One Piece standards so like 30 episodes each) pretty iffy Filler arcs, and then two arcs where all the color looks washed out because of the new studio before you get to the final arcs before 100 years quest where things get really good again. So there is just a bit of a lull in the middle, but not one I minded as much when I could binge it, I only caught the last 2 Arcs as they were coming out.


Yay more fairy tail! Yes the arcs do get longer and the plot slowly develops a little with each arc. You’ll know and understand the main goal very well by the end of the arc that starts around episode 100 . Much epicness to come in the meantime though👏🏼

striker 15

It didn't get bad,it's just that halfway through they changed studios which in turn changed some things about the show,like it's alot more darker visually and it's when the studios changed that we got 2 pretty long filler arcs which are pretty meh so it just hurt the enjoyment of the series for some people,but I personally don't mind since arguably the best arc is In the latter half.


I loved all of fairy tail so I don’t understand the hate either


I do think fairy tail is much better than it’s given credit for, but the final arc left a bit of a bad taste in peoples mouths which I think has made it leave a bit of an iffy long lasting impression

Morgan Hellström

I like fairy tail in the beginning. But later parts i dont like it. And its very wrong to just call people that dont like something a hater. It is okey to like and dislike things. If you like the show all the through then thats good for you. But dont just assume people are hater cause they dont like something. And yes, ofcourse there are haters cause they want to hate. Like with everything. But its just the loud bunch. People that dont like the show just dont watch it. And im happy you like it. Enjoy the adventure.

Kay M

i mean I can understand that but also the last arc's ending was just meant to lead into 100 Year Quest since the story wasnt finished at the end so I'm assuming thats the reason why but I could be wrong

Tyler Green

It felt like the author rushed the series to an end just to start it back up again. I have to say this is the first time I am getting back into fairy tail after the ending of the original fairy tail.

Tyler Green

I mean that’s fair when talking about individuals. When talking about the loud masses of the internet which is the case in this scenario it is almost always a Hater.

Paul Cranie

Agreed. It's a fantastic show overall but final series had too many let downs.


I kind of agree, once you realize something I wont spoil, I dropped the series. I did watch like 250 episodes or something, but it fell off for me.

Death Knight

yeah... ive said it for a bit as well early fairy tail up till i wanna say like around episode 150 is when it starts to take a bit of a hit

Death Knight

cause early is fantastic and i love it but the writing and just.. other things get worse


I like to hear more detailed explanation from people that why in you opinion it went bad cuz for me i don't see issues but im pretty much seen lot of anime but im not that critical of series that i watch


So im know kinda casual but not at the same time for the number of anime that i have seen


I wouldn’t necessarily say Lucy is the main character. She definitely is, but she kind of shares being the protagonist with Natsu. You can definitely tell which episodes hold more focus on which of those two specifically. It becomes much more apparent in the later half that Natsu is just as much if not more of the main protagonist.


Mashima has named his main characters after the seasons. In Rave, the main character is named Haru, which is Japanese for spring. In Fairy Tail, the main character is Natsu, which is the Japanese word for summer.


It wasn't bad per say, I just felt like I saw all the show could offer. I got bored of it I guess. I just stopped watching 1 day, it was about 250 episodes deep.