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One Piece 760-762 Patreon

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Yes! More OP reactions. I thought you were going to loose your mind there at the end. LOL

antonio villalobos

Forgot to mention last video when u said if any members been with you since episode 1 well I'm enjoying ur content from the beginning still today enjoying watching reruns of one piece can't wait till ur caught up

Michał Zienkiewicz

yes! more from the addicted Ruff senpai lmao :) Thanks !

iron pirate76

cat vipers coat looks like the smile devil fruits seen at dressrosa


It’s notable that Ceasar’s bounty is 500 million; the same as Luffy and Law post-Dressrosa.


Of course chopper has grown , from a 15 year old kid to a 17 year kid


I love that they live in giant pineapples and idk if Sanji has always had that lighter but you can buy it. Give it a goog


Well the straw hats have attacked innocent animals, especially Luffy. He probably kills as many animals as like a thousand people. But yeah, other than that, they're very different from other pirates. That is, if you're willing to give animals any worth whatsoever. A lot of people in real life just don't and treat them like objects here for us to exploit and torture to death. Luffy probably killed so many animals just like Laboon. But as often happens in this modern society, that is glossed over because people falsely believe we have to eat animals to be healthy, so it's easy to look at Luffy and say he never does anything wrong. I still love the story, I just think that's pretty messed up to forget the victims that the straw hats are responsible for. Sanji's dream is literally to find a sea where he can torture all kinds of fish to death, probably with a fishing rod (which is a torture device if I ever saw one). It's scary when people see nothing wrong with torturing others to death as long as it benefits them even slightly. Like hello, we should 100% justify any kind of violence, not default to violence like savages.


in the begining when you said the patern on his jacket looked like a devil fruits its the patern of the the devil fruits that were being made at dressrosa


Buddy it’s a TV show. It isn’t that deep….


When we are talking morality it is. But I knew there was going to be a few of you whose cognitive dissonance activated the moment I mentioned animal rights. Nothing new. You all fawn over Laboon but refuse to give a cow the light of day. Disappointing. I get it though, Luffy is a likeable guy. His happy-go-lucky attitude and his willingness to stand up for his friends. That's qualities I like in a person. What I don't like is his hypocrisy. How dare anyone hurt Moochy? Ends every arc gobbling up like fifty Moochys.


I love animals. Love them more than most people I come across. But again it’s just a show. Luffy sadly isn’t real. Should there be a disclaimer for all one piece episodes? *no animals were harmed in the making of this show


I know, I like the show itself, I also love Luffy as a character. But he is a product of his time for sure. The juxtaposition between the love for animals in the series like Chopper (who Luffy wanted to eat at first), Laboon, Chouchou, the animals on the island with Gaimon, and seeing Luffy so happily munch on the corpses of other animals like it's nothing is truly staggering to someone like me that cares truly and deeply for all animals. And seeing people in reality claiming that Luffy's behaviour is entirely unproblematic is also something I am very unsatisfied with. All animals have a life of their own, and can feel pain, joy, fear, sadness, love, expectation for the future and so on. They deserve to be respected, and I think that One Piece is a show mostly about overcoming your differences and get rid of the superiority complex we have to others. But it seems that superiority complex doesn't matter when it comes to, hm, animals with fur? Or any faceless animal we don't get to see Luffy kill because that would lessen him as a character slightly? Have you ever thought about what it would be like to get a hook through your lip and get dragged from the bottom of the ocean to an environment with much less air pressure rapidly? Diver's sickness is not unique to humans. It's horrifying. I see people saying they love fish, but fish aren't even afforded the most basic of welfare we afford to other animals we exploit, and that's saying a lot given that these others animals are grossly mistreated as well, in every legal way possible, even so far as to say a practice that the government of New Zealand has deemed unethical (farrowing crates for pigs), is supposed to be phased out, but farmers are claiming it will make them lose to foreign competition, so somehow, someway, this highly immoral practice is still legal today. Because of course the livelihood of farmers is more important than not abusing animals. I'm sorry friend, I get a bit wound up when it comes to talking about ethics, especially surrounding animals who cannot speak for themselves. Also I saw you mention that no animals were harmed in the making of this show. I'm also not sure that's true, strictly speaking. For instance, One Piece is a huge brand in Japan and for instance has its own restaurant. That serves corpses of animals and of course every little squeeze of milk and egg we can extract from these poor tortured souls before they too get turned into mincemeat.


Is it? Isn't being mean to animals making you a worse person like, the coldest take ever? Ask anyone if being mean to animals is a morally neutral thing to do and most people will say "no, it makes you horrible and I want to kick your teeth in." But hey, not everyone follows that logic all the way to its logical conclusion. Which is understandable given how society forces you to watch commercial after commercial on "yummy *insert word that means corpse without making you feel like it means corpse here* on the grill this summer? It's called cognitive dissonance and I've been suffering from it for most of my life, just like most of society. In some ways I'm probably still suffering from it. Didn't realize I was gonna get that much response on my initial comment and I realize I've been rambling on about this for ages. I hope I'm not making you feel like I'm calling you a bad person. I'm of the opinion that most of society has the capability to love and care for animals, but because society is set up the way it is, it's just hard to follow through on that. I get it. Even more reason to appreciate those who break free from the doctrines of society and take the necessary steps to avoid harming them unnecessarily.


I believe Luffy suffers from zero cognitive dissonance. Even as a child he literally captures, kills and cooks his own food. He knows exactly what he's putting in his mouth. But you make him sound depraved because of this? Even on his little training island during timeskip he references the big animals and said he chose not to eat them and befriend them.


You misunderstand me, people suffer from cognitive dissonance, but it's worse if you know what you are doing. That's my problem with Oda's characterization of Luffy. He's portrayed as this saviour whose one flaw is that he wants to eat all the meat instead of sharing it. Which is laughed off as a joke. In reality Luffy is just as violent as freaking Blackbeard or Kidd or your average Celestial Dragon. It's just that this violence is done to the most innocent creatures on earth that we "superior" humans decided we liked to kill and feast on their corpses. This kind of limits my sympathy with Luffy whenever he screams a villain's name in anger. It makes him sound like a massive hypocrite. But yeah, this topic only comes up whenever someone claims Luffy is like the best person ever and doesn't do anything wrong or cruel. Rest of the time I usually manage to turn my brain off and enjoy the story for what it is.


So you're saying he should only have eaten the animals that have tried attacking him? The "not-innocent" ones? I call it a hot take because your gripe with the show is that an Omnivore is eating food.


You can't expect everybody to have the same ideals as yourself. You are welcome to your own opinions but it is immature to criticize humans for eating food that we have evolved eating. A good majority of hunters are very respectful to both nature and animals. It may not appear this way to you, but it is possible to honor and appreciate the life you take. Our ancestor's used every piece of slain animals, from nose to tail, to not let the life taken go to waste. Today hunting seasons are set to preserve the population of certain species because, if left unchecked, they could overeat their food source and starve the whole population. The food chain is the circle of life and is not a product of human greed and violence. I think Luffy represents this well. Luffy does not take pleasure in killing animals, but he does eat every piece with not even the bones going to waste.

Laura D (edited)

Comment edits

2023-02-18 17:38:23 O1e Miss THANK YOU! Humans are omnivores. From the way our intestines work to the way our bodies absorbs nutrients (you can be healthy & vegan but it takes specific nutritional knowledge to do so healthily) and down to the structure of our teeth, we are designed to eat both meats and plants. Unless they're also going to be as mad at other fish, sharks, cats, dogs, wolves, whales, gorillas, birds, and SO MANY MORE, then it's hypocritical to judge people for eating meat. There is an argument to be made that we eat too much meat as a society. There is a legit argument that the mass production of meat is bad for our bodies, our environment and is immoral, that's certainly true. But Sanji wanting to go fishing is natural. Hunting is natural.
2022-06-06 20:42:41 O1e Miss THANK YOU! Humans are omnivores. From the way our intestines work to the way our bodies absorbs nutrients (you can be healthy & vegan but it takes specific nutritional knowledge to do so healthily) and down to the structure of our teeth, we are designed to eat both meats and plants. Unless they're also going to be as mad at other fish, sharks, cats, dogs, wolves, whales, gorillas, birds, and SO MANY MORE, then it's hypocritical to judge people for eating meat. There is an argument to be made that we eat too much meat as a society. There is a legit argument that the mass production of meat is bad for our bodies, our environment and is immoral, that's certainly true. But Sanji wanting to go fishing is natural. Hunting is natural.

O1e Miss THANK YOU! Humans are omnivores. From the way our intestines work to the way our bodies absorbs nutrients (you can be healthy & vegan but it takes specific nutritional knowledge to do so healthily) and down to the structure of our teeth, we are designed to eat both meats and plants. Unless they're also going to be as mad at other fish, sharks, cats, dogs, wolves, whales, gorillas, birds, and SO MANY MORE, then it's hypocritical to judge people for eating meat. There is an argument to be made that we eat too much meat as a society. There is a legit argument that the mass production of meat is bad for our bodies, our environment and is immoral, that's certainly true. But Sanji wanting to go fishing is natural. Hunting is natural.

Josh Lomax

Bro. Firstly, you're wrong. There are many health pitfalls to being vegan. There are about a hundred books and papers written on the subject. While there are 0 papers written by credible sources that claim vegans is healthy. Humans are omnivores. That's a fact. Not to mention most vegans eat animal products without knowing, such as mayo (eggs), jello, marshmallows and a ton if other candy and peanuts products (varioua pig and cow products), most bread products (L-cystein found in human hair and poultry feathers), Caesar Dressings (anchovy paste), Tropicana Orange Juice and other Omega-3 products (fatty acids from fish), refined sugar (bone char), Refried Beans (lard), Vanilla-flavored anything (Beaver secretions, you don't wanna know), Worcestershire Sauce (anchovies), he'll even Non-Dairy Creamer has a protein extracted from milk. Also, you need to rewatch if you think Luffy has been seen killing tons of animals. Other than Sea Kings, which are fictional characters btw, Luffy's only ever been shown successfully taking down a single bird right after Chopper joined. Other than that, Sanji or whoever was hosting them for banquets killed the animals in question. Hell Luffy even befriended the wild animals on the island Rayleigh trained him on and didn't eat them as a result. Not to mention Ucy and several other animals he's seen using Conquerers Haki on to scare them away so he doesn't have to fight them. I know Vegans love being pretentious and forcing their ideals on others, but you can't just make stuff up in your arguments. Also, Luffy is never once described as a "savior", he's said it himself many times. He doesn't want to be a hero, he just wants to eat meat and he a Pirate. He only ever saves because the villain hurts someone that he loves or has strong feelings for. They literally said that they would have fought the Black Cat Pirates if Usopp didn't choose to fight himself. They only did it to protect Usopp, who they cared for. They also only saved the children at Punk Hazard because Nami and Chopper wanted to. In your desire to force your perspective on everybody else, it seems you missed a lot of the show. Maybe you should rewatch with a fresh perspective