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One Piece Episode 690-692 Patreon

Watch "One Piece Episode 690-692 Patreon" on Streamable.


Evan Dempsey

Wow, one of the comments he made is spot on, but he won’t know for a loooooong time, I won’t elaborate just in case he reads these


Guys please don’t say anything that may spoil something, PLEASE!


Great episode, I'm hyped for the rest of dressrosa. Such a great arc


Kinemon: Your food never agrees with my stomach. Me: Well…yeah! It’s ink! I can never stop thinking Kanjuro’s food must just taste like ink. I can’t get that out of my head no matter how much I try lol Also those giant nutcrackers/tin soldiers are by far the CREEPIEST thing in the series so far for me! They always make me so unsettled lmao


I feel like Pica in Elden Ring


Ruff casually foreshadowing one of the biggest reveals in wano

Colonel Violet

"Why not make like an elevator?" GENIUS!

Kay M

yeah i think thats spoiler. At least maybe change it to just "Ruff casually foreshadowing" and thats it since thats not specific


Love that one gangster civilian that took a shot and subdued a guy to protect that woman. THAT guy should go be a pirate. He's tougher than like 90% of the no-name pirates we see. Someone get him a devil fruit.

Jimmy H Lam

I think one truly scary thing that people forget about the giant tin soldiers reveal, it implies someone else is now awake and back to being themselves.


Those toy soldiers give me AOT vibes


This comment spoiled the fuck out of me tbh