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One Piece 681-683 Patreon

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Pandaman at the end of an alleyway at 55:02


I like that Oda made his own version of “Where’s Waldo?” And just like with the real Waldo, I suck at finding him unless he’s right in front of my nose lmao


I am so glad Pica is not real. He would kill me for laughing at his voice lol. The intro to his high pitched voice and Luffy laughing at him gets me every time. And somehow they managed to get his voice even more squeaky and pitchy in the dub 😂


I think my favorite one is in Alabasta. it says Pandaman on the poneglyph in japanese. Pandaman from the void century confirmed? lol


Well… he is EVERYWHERE lol. One moment he’s a bystander, the next he’s fighting alongside a pirate crew, the next he’s worshiping the way too lucky Buggy. (Those are the only ones I was really able to spot 🤷‍♀️) I would not be surprised if the guy time traveled from the Void Era!


Don’t forget the last time we saw Sanji and Nami and chopper and Brooke they were be chased by the Big mom Pirates. And sanji got luffy permission to fight then 🔥

Dragon Prince

Ad now you know why Jami lves Doffy


I believe the stars are based off of how much they made Doffy mad, and not skill.

Nathan Dickson

Can't blame Barto for wanting to be robins slave


Exactly. I don't believe that he thinks that Usopp is that much more of a threat than Luffy or Sabo, and I don't know if he thinks Usopp actually knocked out Sugar on purpose or not (if the sticky-sticky guy reported what happened accurately then likely not), but because of Usopp's interference the plan Doffy's been working on since just prior to showing up in Dressrosa 10 years ago is now effectively in the bin and that's enough to earn the lion's share of his wrath.


The look that Robin gave sabo and koala when luffy asked who is there with her was kinda giving heartache vibe.


one thing about doffy that i like is even though he is a douchebag and a bona fide villain, he actually look out for his crewmates/family

Colonel Violet



somebody ban this fool

Marcel Badberg

yep luffy bounty is 400 million so it would be smarter for the citizens to drop luffy on fujitora instead of doflamingo 😂


SPOILER ALERT⚠️ Chapter 1044 all of you skypiea haters now see that skypiea was one of the most important arcs ever. Oda foreshadowing is insane.

Katagiri Yuichi

What’s your problem?? Why are you spoiling the manga? Why are you even on his patreon if you want to spoil him? that’s a huge manga spoiler and he’s not even in Wano. What’s the point of losing your money just to ruin someone’s day? Not everyone are manga reader and even if you put a spoiler alert WHY WOULD YOU PUT A HUGE SPOILER OF WANO WHEN YOU KNOW HE IS ONLY IN DRESSROSA??? Especially when you know that he reads his comments Wtf?


But...... Did they really spoil anything though? Skypiea is really impotant for dressrosa too.....

Katagiri Yuichi

They changed the comment bc they put a huge manga spoiler before but still there’s no reason to say it why talking about the manga and Wano when Ruff is not a manga reader


I'm sure they wouldn't actually care who was collecting as long as your bounty was low enough and theirs was high enough. I.E. if you somehow captured Luffy at 400 Milly and you were like 50K or something, they'd be like "fuck it, here you go. Also you're now worth 50 Milly. Get out of there."