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Here's how my patreon works explained into a simple video. I also snow you how to use the new website which should make watching my reactions 1000000x easier than Patreon's current UI.

You will have access to everything you do on here, all you gotta do is login to your patreon account so it can validate your subbed and boom! Everything is available and easy to navigate/watch

If you have any questions just let me know in this comment section and I'll do my best to answer as quickly as I'm able. Thanks for the support and I hope y'all enjoy the website!

Website 👉 https://naninoanime.com/
Group YT Channel 👉 https://www.youtube.com/naninoanime
Group Minecraft YT Channel 👉 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUHKAd_IP5GrZnZclJ3N04g



Patreon Website Announcement

Watch "Patreon Website Announcement " on Streamable.



oh i love iet!!!


A ruff website. Sweet. Now i can binge more easily


The Website is sick, actually very easy to follow and watch HOWEVER, i miss some kind of "like" feature or anything so i can mark what i have already seen and what i havent Would be amazing if something like that may be implemented in near future, either way amazing achievement, gj :)


This is good to know, I’ll run it by dittman and see if that’s possible to implement


This is cool. Great way for us who want to binge reactions but I think I’ll stay over here for now lol. I do have a question though regarding OP and Nani No Anime. (I asked this a few times so sorry if I’m being repetitive 😓.) I know you reacted to 3D2Y on a stream but I was only able to catch half of it when it was live. Do you know if or when it’ll be uploaded to Patreon/ your brand new website? And with Nani No Anime, what happened to Saturday morning cartoons? I was enjoying you guys watching Yugioh.


maybe cuz i have trouble with change and just cuz i see soo much on screen at once at least for me i think il stay on patreon for now and maybe slowley make my way to the site


very cool


I think the website is awesome so far, but one thing that'll probably keep me sticking to patreon more is that I use the heart button to tell if I've watched something already by clicking it, especially with long running series like One Piece. I also kind of wish there was an option for a list format. The visuals with the screen shots and all are nice if I am browsing to see what else has been reacted to, but if I'm just looking to read the title or what anime it is, my eyes have to search for it past the thumbnail. Compared to youtube, where you are almost always taking the time to look at new things and take in the title and thumbnail to determine interest in watching the video, if I know that I'm always looking for One Piece per say, thumbnails don't need to be there to capture my attention when I already know I want to watch it and it's easier to find when in a list format. Completely minor issues of course. I just work in corporate and notice small stuff like that. On positives, it's great not to have to scroll and load pages forever to find the beginning of a reaction when it's in a nice page format where I can jump to the beginning. Really appreciate the efforts put into making the experience better! I see the care you have for us viewers and it means a lot.


Great reaction as qlways! :D Zoro using the 1080 pound cannon to cut Pika is 10 times stronger than the 108pound cannon he could use b4 the time skip, and he isnt even breathing heavy!?. such a jump in power!


the best part of your site is with one piece i don't have to type anything except the episode number cuz nothing else has you reacting to things like ep. 400. a weird way it's streamlined.


Your website looks INCREDIBLE! I love how easy it makes everything. Great job!!!


can someone let me know why i cant watch god oh highschool

Jonathan V

It is showing up as a threat on my end.