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Tom Selmer

Sometimes I wonder if you are watching at all. When they turn in to toys, the memory of them disappears. They say it multiple times.


I've watched OP like 4-5 times already, first time watching it "with" a reactor.. The more I watch it the more I hate the character Usopp. 1000+ episodes and he only had like 2-3 brief moments where he actually did something that was helpful. Even Nami steps up whenever she needs to and sticks to her principals.. I also usually dont mind different opinions whatsoever, but I also dislike the ppl that like Usopp and call him (SPOILER ALERT) "God Usopp" and mean it.. Especially because I used to watch this week after week when the episodes originally came out only to realize that no matter how many years pass by Usopp will be as useless as ever whereas the rest of the crew step up their game to actually help Luffy. Him being afraid all the time, even in serious situations, is not funny at all. Oda is a true genius but the fact that he doesnt work on Usopp's character might be his only flaw in my eyes. I am genuinely curious if he will ever find a way to make me like Usopp in the future at least.


Yeah, because before Robin got turned into a toy she was his only reason to take a part in this fight. Luffy and the rest who wanted to fight even more eagerly don't mean anything to Usopp for sure. *sarcasm off* Usopp also never seriously lied that he is brave but it is his dream to become brave. He also knows his limits as he knows he is not as strong as Luffy etc, but Nami isnt as well, yet she stands her own when she needs to and has principals that she would die for! Usopp is an amazing sniper, but his cowardness is so overwhelming that his character could not develop for 1000+ episodes. There is literally no justification of defending that bitch.


I literally just watched 600+ episodes just laying back and enjoying the reactions without making any comments at all until my hate for Usopp got triggered again xD Damn I hate him so much.


My favorite thing as a young boy was to see how much the girls "grew" during summer break, lol


Zoro cannot lose while in that handsome dress. muri! muri! muri!


If this were Oda he would have an intention or foreshadowing giving Robin Blonde hair as a Toy


The weakness against Usopp is beeing a weak little girl XD Oh god this episode. Usopp is my fav chcracter....like oh god he is the human Anchor in this show. He's real


when the whole truth of the show is yelled out by leo Ruff getting all mad and me just yelling at my monitor for him to hold up cause The Hero is ON HIS WAY


Reminder: When Sugar turns people into toys, they become forgotten by others. So Usopp forgot everything about Robin, everything about Sogeking, any growth he had made to that point was erased. This Usopp even refers to himself as Captain Usopp which is not a post timeskip thing for him to do.


But if that was the case, rebecca would have forgotten about her entire past. She just doesnt remember her father, not everything else


The thing to remember is that Usopp only ran once he forgot Robin existed. At that point his only reason for fighting, as far as he was aware, was that there were some little people that he told a lie to about being a hero. He didn't see them as crew. Think on it - without memory of Robin existing, he was captured by a group of little people, managed to lie his way out of being captured and was roped into a plot to go against a Warlord. I don't think he'd have ran if he remembered Robin being there - because she's crew and he waged war on the world government for her. But he doesn't remember that. She doesn't exist to him. The memories of waging that war are gone. As far as he knows, he didn't have that turning point, because he made that choice FOR HER, his crewmate. Without her existence, he has no reason to have changed, he has no reason to be anything than the coward he was before - the lies he has told himself about being brave have no proof of being a reality. But he still came back. And that is ALL that matters.


i cat see the video i dont not why


he is still a coward he was listening to them dying and still tried to run. I he is in my top 5 most hated characters


One piece is the worst anime with character development. Luffy turned into an even more cocky idiot after two years. Sanji became a simp king and little character who were mainly responsible for support. Usopp is more cowardly than ever. Let me tell you a fact, Sanji and Usopp haven't even had a successful one-on-one defeat since the time skip.


Usopp really upset me during these episodes. Mostly because he hyped up the little people. I was expecting him to be hesitant and afraid and then eventually overcome it. But he let their praise go to his head and constantly told them he had their back and they could rely on him. While planning not not honour that. At least be honest, I mean they were going to do SOP either way. There was no need to put on a show of being a hero.


You know, I agree with that 100%, except Usopp does step up. I only wish he had more confidence and less cowardice after the skip. I


No one said you had to watch it. Have you even seen the new Arcs?


Yeah, I'm a manga reader. If the facts I say make you unhappy, you can choose not to read my comments. It is generally accepted that Usopp is a character who has failed to shape. In this episode, Usopp even disgusts Ruff (you know how much he likes Usopp). Why don't you argue with Ruff? You should be mature and realistic, is it so hard to admit the truth? I feel sorry for you.


usopp and sanji are pure trash, one is a coward , the other a creepy pervert, don't know how people accept this perv.


where's the vid? i can't watch it!