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So my daughter got me sick again. Unfortunately having a toddler who's still learning to cover her mouth when she coughs/sneezes and is in daycare causes this.

I feel fine but my voice is super scuffed today. You can get an idea from the stream we just did just go to my twitch and check out the vod and here how I sound.

I just wanted to ask y'all if you think I should wait a few days for my voice to be fine to record the reactions or if y'all don't care. Just PLEASE vote and let me know your thoughts. I planned on recording level 3 vids today/the next few days leading up to xmas but wanted to run this by y'all

Here's the link to see what I'm talking about



The voice isn’t a problem but if you feel like you’d like a rest that’s fine too. It’s understandable


which ever YOU wanna do, we’ll go along


As long as you’re still able to have fun and not killing yourself doing OP reactions I don’t mind the sick voice


I don't mind the sick voice but if you're feeling down right awful then take it easy we can wait


I dont mind either but health goes first :)


If you feel sick just take a break for your health me personally I don’t mind sick voice


Im personally fine with A sick voice but if you aren't feeling like recording dont do it.


The voice isn't a problem at all but your health still comes first and we'd rather have you resting and taking a break when you need it. We'll be happy with whichever option you choose


well honestly any i picked i dont mind but its if your ok with it

Pakky P.

If you're up to it. Do it. My one rule for myself for this series is to only watch it when I'm in a good mood because it's one experience I don't want any bad memories of. So honestly, if you're up to it, so are we.


I think you should take it easy because you may feel fine but dont put a strain on your voice might make it worse and I like when you comment and would hate for it to get worse

Rowny Rena

I didn't mind your voice on the stream, didn't even notice tbh and I won't hide the fact that I'm beyond excited for new one piece reactions... But if you feel under the weather and tired, then go take rest Ruff. Your health is more important. 💮


You do you. As long as you aren’t forcing yourself to make videos for us then it’s cool

Josh Lomax

Your call man. Don't push yourself if you aren't feeling up for it.


I don’t mind sick voice but if you don’t want to it’s definitely not worth it

Loic Reviews

tbh I don't mind the voice but if you're actually feeling sick or tired just take some rest man.

Holvin Franco

I don’t mind your sick voice as long as you’re OK I’m good


I agree with others. I don't mind the sick of voice, but if you don't feel up to it, just wait and come back. Only do it if you want to keep to a schedule or something


Fine with the voice but if you feel too sick don't do it


Just recover, no need to stress it

John Cabral

If YOU don't feel up for it man don't push yourself. It's truly your call


i dont mid the sick voice if it wont be detrimental to your health, kids truly be disease couriers, my younger sister does the same to me


You may continue recording.


I didn't think your voice was bad. But I agree with John that you shouldn't force if you don't feel up to it


I vote to take it easy for your on good but honestly i don't mind the sik voice only if you feel good to do that


I dont mind the voice :) as long as you dont get more sick or something from talking.


As everyone is commenting, we don't mind your sick voice. But do mind about your health. Get better first, then you can come back to work. Your health is more important Ruff.


u sound fine but if your sick you should rest for a bit


I don’t mind but it’s really up to you if you feel like you can but I don’t mind the voice

Diana mccall

Only if you’re really feeling well i don’t mind your sick voice!


well i dont mind sick voice BUT as not healthy person myself, get better your family and you are most important we can wait ... lot of us watching/reading One Piece week by week for years now so we have some patience ...


I say take a break & get better first or else I'll sick Doctorine on you to make sure you stay focused on your health. I once has to preform in a choir consert after having the flu & it did more harm than good at the time.


Don't care either way, take care of yourself if needed.


The voice don’t bother me however I care about you and your health so which ever is fine with me


Ime good with either, If you want to watch it then watch it, if not it's all good :)

Steven Clarke

Don’t mind the sick voice, but if you’re not feeling well don’t feel the need to do a vid until you’re better bro! Thank you so much for the content!


I don't mind at all, but if it hurts to talk or you aren't feeling up to it, get well first. Either way I'm happy. You just take care of you and get well.


I say it depends on how you feel. If you feel fine and able to do it then I don't mind if you sound a bit more gruff than usual. If your throat starts to bother you, your voice starts going out or you just don't feel up to recording then go ahead and take a break until you do. We care more about how you feel than what you sound like, and I get the feeling that this is one arc that you will be yelling a lot in. So if you don't feel like you can bring 100% of your energy and enthusiasm then by all means let yourself get back to where you can.


I don't mind the voice but if you're sick don't push yourself


I mean, I don't mind sick voice, if you want to record and are just worried about that. But if you feel like you *have* to even when sick, don't; we want you to rest and get better!

Melker Linderoth

I wouldn't mind sick voice, but you shouldn't feel pressured to put out content if you don't feel good.


I agree, I think a lot of us don’t mind sick Ruff if you’re up to do some reactions, but if you feel like shit , take it easy. Feel better bro!


Ruff Senpai deserves a break this week! He works so hard reacting to videos with us! I get he’s sick but kids are hard to take care of when ur not feeling well! He definitely should take a break from streaming this whole week & get some well deserved rest! That’s my opinion usually it’s better to rest while being sick, then to keep doing stuff when ur sick cuz it will get worse! So my opinion is he needs rest! He super amazing and we all love his reactions but since it’s almost Christmas he deserves a break!!! Your Amazing RuffSenpai I’ll wait for your reactions when your all better!


I voted that I'm fine with it, but if you don't feel well I would not care or be upset if you didn't do reactions feeling like shit.

Vincent S Deluca

I have to choose one or the other but I vote you do what you want, If you want to watch some One Piece go for it bruthaa I dont mind if you sound awful or if you barely speak at all lol, but if you feel like you need a couple days then def take the time ya need


you should rest. No one should work when they are feeling sick. Just rest. Your health is more important


I would rather videos be delayed a bit, then to have you force them to get done causing you to get worse right before Christmas


Reiterating what basically everyone else has said; If you're feeling pretty good overall and it's going to bring you some joy while you're under the weather I don't mind a rough voice! If it's hurting your throat or voice or even if you're just not feeling up to it, please let yourself rest! Think of how mad you'd make Chopper pushing yourself when you're sick


I don't mind a sick voice, but if you're not up for it, then don't push yourself too hard. Else Chopper would be upset with you.


Agreeing with a lot of the people here. I dont mind sick voice but choose what to do on what u feel is best if YOU want to power thru and watch/record some OP do it we'll still enjoy the vids even with sick voice, but if you'd rather wait and feel better first than I'm okay waiting for the vids

Bryce Bland

I dont mind the sick voice but if you not feeling up to it I dont mind the wait. Don't feel like you gotta force yourself <3


I don't mind but do what feels better for you


As long as making videos won't make your voice worse I'm fine with the sick voice


if you can record fine and it doesnt pose a problem, i dont mind a quieter reaction, i just need my one piece dose.

Peacefinder Simply

if its just a sore throat go ahead and record, but if its anything at all more then that then take some time to rest.


Well you should probably rest, but I wouldnt mind a video with sick voice.


I wouldnt mind the voice, but i also think you should rest if you think that'll be best for your health!! Your health is priority and content second ruff!


I feel like all the people who voted for I don't mind sick voice have never ACTUALLY recorded a video with a sore throat! How can you vote for something you have NEVER tried! ..... Okay I'm just kidding. Please don't take me seriously, it was just a bad joke. Maybe it's too soon to make fun of all the arguing from One Pace. And I'm not even taking shots at either side, just the whole situation. I don't want to start another dumb turf war lol Honestly, I want you to do whatever you want to do Ruff. If you're feeling up to recording and want to watch some One Piece I'm totally okay with sick voice. Just don't push yourself if you aren't feeling good. I worked (from home) this week despite having a cold because I felt up to it.

Liu Antonio

Rest up all you need bro. We are in a stressful time this close to Christmas.

Eric Keatts

I dont 'mind sick voice, but still take it easy, no need to push it too hard


I can't decide what to vote because you should just do what you feel like. I don't mind sick voice but if you feel you need to rest then rest. Just do whatever you feel like and don't worry about us we will understand. As for those who complain just ignore them.


If you feel up to it I don’t care about the sick voice but if you’re not feeling well rest we can wait 😁

Michael Royal

your voice doesnt sound bad at all do the epps


Don't push it too hard Ruff. Your healthy is number 1


I dont mind the voice, but really its near christmas, you should just take it easy, nobody wants you sick for the holidays.


I really don’t care about your voice being rough, but if you don’t feel well you should maybe take a rest. I voted for “resting and cone back swinging” but it has nothing to do with minding how your voice sounds! You can decide what ist best for yourself.


Take your time and rest. I've been sick too, so I know how it feels. Take it easy.


Both - don't mind sick voice, but take care of yourself and take it easy, don't push yourself when you're sick cause it may get worse.


I dont mind a sick voice but if you feel like u dont want to its fine.


I don’t mind a sick voice but only if you feel like recording

The truck

I don't mind a sick voice, but you should take it easy!!! No recording unless you feel like you can.


if you're good, i don't mind sick voice.. sick voice sounds like a rockers, it's lit

Ben Asay

I don't mind sick voice but if you feel like you need to take some time I honestly would back you up cuz we're all human we need to get better when we're sick hope you feel better bro


I personally don't mind the voice, but if you feel tired take it easy.


Get better soon dude. Your voice might get worse if you overdo. Health before everything else.


i dont mind the sick voice personally but if you feel tired resting is the best thing to do


i dont mind the sick voice but if you dont feel up to it take a break

Bill Dieterich

Either way is fine, just don't push yourself. Hope you feel better soon. ^^


i mean i dont mind the sick voice but i think you should recover first! So it doesnt get worse uk.

Hamza Jirrari

I don't mind sick voice but your health is first , take your time to recover man we'll be waiting you


I don’t mind the sick voice. I want you to do what it seems most the others want to not strain yourself. So do it if you feel you can and stop at the moment you start feeling bad or strained. That is my suggestion. But I wouldn’t mind waiting either.


You should rest mate 😁


I dont mind sick voice buy you need to rest up so it dosnt get worse man.


i dont mind your voice being a bit rusty but if you feel like shit and feel u need to recover please do so! no need to hurry. :D


Do it if you're up for it, but definitely don't push yourself man. You take care of you.


I don't mind sick voice, but if it will interfere with your enjoyment of the show, then take a break and come back stronger. Your health is more important.

Adam Carlson

As long as you're feeling up to your usual exuberant reactions, go for it... that can be rough with a fucked up throat though. Just do whatever you're comfortable with, bro, we'll still be here.


I don’t mind sick voice, but bro if you need time to take off to feel better you gotta do what’s best for you. We’ll be here waiting.


is there a way to vote for both?